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  1. adamantazu

    Memes You Made

  2. adamantazu

    Pokemon Showdown Quote Database

    Turn 12 The opposing Rayquaza used Extreme Speed! Arceus is protected by the Psychic Terrain! Arceus used Extreme Speed! (Psychic Terrain doesn't affect Pokémon immune to Ground.) (The opposing Rayquaza lost 47% of its health!)
  3. adamantazu


  4. adamantazu

    We Need to Talk About the Last Great War

    im quite saddened posting has been likened to such devious acts,,, you should know the wise xz (of the u s and a) once said
  5. adamantazu

    Shower Thoughts Thread

    brings new meaning to "anal fissure"
  6. adamantazu

    it's heatstroke season [read post #13 for Round 2]

    sorry to necropost but its back to 91
  7. adamantazu

    Memes You Found Mk. 2

  8. adamantazu

    Help me slack off

  9. adamantazu

    [PUBLIC SERVICE] Thread Idea Generator

    so post-post-posting is leaving greener pastures and returning to smogon dot com
  10. adamantazu

    [PUBLIC SERVICE] Thread Idea Generator

    If PostPostPosting is posting about PostPosting, shouldn't it be called PostPostingPosting instead
  11. adamantazu


  12. adamantazu

    Happy America Day 2047!

    submitting my post in the cold takes thread as my contribution
  13. adamantazu

    Least favourite letter of the alphabet

    oph course
  14. adamantazu

    Bars Open (BP's Advice Thread)

    BP, tell me a synonym for open that starts with P so that I can make a (funny!!) reply to your post consisting of: Bar's [whatever word you give me], making a pog pun of your username thanks
  15. adamantazu

    it's heatstroke season [read post #13 for Round 2]

    the northeast part of the US is supposed to be cool and breezy but it's 91° F where I'm at :(
  16. adamantazu

    fun gible tokens

    I actually got a bunch of similar-looking tokens from a game at a mosquito-infested arcade (back when I visited Japan a couple of years ago) (hand reveal pog)
  17. adamantazu

    Pokemon Showdown Quote Database

    Turn 1 Dragapult used Draco Meteor! (The opposing Toxapex lost 77% of its health!) Dragapult's Sp. Atk fell harshly! The opposing Toxapex used Haze! All stat changes were eliminated! The opposing Toxapex restored a little HP using its Black Sludge!
  18. adamantazu

    Misconceptions You Once Had
