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  1. RainListener

    Tournament $1450 Random Battles Ladder Tournament - Cycle 1 Signups

    Forum name: RainListener Cycle 1 Alt: RBLT gdwRain Does my alt for this Cycle contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules?: yes
  2. RainListener

    Tournament World Cup of Randbats 2024 - Regular Season (TB@POST #570)

    won vs yonmd, ggs && sry for hax and mu
  3. RainListener

    I'm meeting a flight delay so can we play 30min later, which means 9:30 your time today?

    I'm meeting a flight delay so can we play 30min later, which means 9:30 your time today?
  4. RainListener

    Tournament World Cup of Randbats 2024 - Regular Season (TB@POST #570)

    Won against Hacker, ggs && sorry for hjk miss.
  5. RainListener

    Would 3pm +2 on 24th be fine for you?

    Would 3pm +2 on 24th be fine for you?
  6. RainListener


  7. RainListener

    I'm extremly busy this weekend so can't play. The weekend after 22nd would be fine.

    I'm extremly busy this weekend so can't play. The weekend after 22nd would be fine.
  8. RainListener

    I mean 17th. 10th would be totally unavaliable for me.

    I mean 17th. 10th would be totally unavaliable for me.
  9. RainListener

    1h later is fine

    1h later is fine
  10. RainListener

    I'm quite busy this week, would 8:00 am your time on next Saturday work?

    I'm quite busy this week, would 8:00 am your time on next Saturday work?
  11. RainListener

    made a mistake, 6pm of +2

    made a mistake, 6pm of +2
  12. RainListener

    Hi, just to confirm our battle on this Wednesday, 6pm of -2.

    Hi, just to confirm our battle on this Wednesday, 6pm of -2.
  13. RainListener

    SV OU Call me "Ash Ketchum": A Pikachu Balanced Offense Team(1706 elo)

    With will-o-wisp on Weezing, you should change Primarina to Surf, otherwise Sparking Aria can heal burned mons of opp. Cool team tho, good work!
  14. RainListener

    Tournament World Cup of Randbats 2024 - Player Signups

    PS name: driftChamber Country/Region: China Other Eligibility: null Foreseen inactivity: null Formats played: challenge cup 1v1
  15. RainListener

    I'm in travel, cant play until evening. 10am your time today is alright.

    I'm in travel, cant play until evening. 10am your time today is alright.
  16. RainListener

    I meant your Tuesday 19:00

    I meant your Tuesday 19:00
  17. RainListener

    That would be deepnight for me. Is 19:00 today fine for you?

    That would be deepnight for me. Is 19:00 today fine for you?
  18. RainListener

    Would tomorrow 8 am your time work?

    Would tomorrow 8 am your time work?
  19. RainListener

    Hi, multy hackmons open round4. I'm +8, what time is fine for you?

    Hi, multy hackmons open round4. I'm +8, what time is fine for you?
  20. RainListener

    I'm on main as driftChamber.

    I'm on main as driftChamber.