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  1. Paratrooper69

    Tournament ADV ZU Ladder Tournament - Cycle 1

    Forum Name: Paratrooper69 Cycle 1 Alt: advzu11e Para
  2. Paratrooper69

    what's your PS username, I can challenge if need be

    what's your PS username, I can challenge if need be
  3. Paratrooper69

    It's tier shifts with bans (so no shao, drago or rain)

    It's tier shifts with bans (so no shao, drago or rain)
  4. Paratrooper69

    I do not know, I was coming into this thinking we were using the dlc drops

    I do not know, I was coming into this thinking we were using the dlc drops
  5. Paratrooper69

    I can play at any point today, I’m gmt -5 (or EST if that makes sense) wlmk when you’re...

    I can play at any point today, I’m gmt -5 (or EST if that makes sense) wlmk when you’re available, my Showdown name is Paratrooper69, challenge me whenevs
  6. Paratrooper69

    Metagame NP: ZU Stage 1: Begin Again - Squawkabilly quickban #99

    Sup ZU At the time of writing this, I’ve had a decent amount of time playing in the tier, enough time anyhow to be in the top 100. As such, I wanted to dump my team, as well as some thoughts Hypno @ Blunder Policy Ability: Inner Focus Tera Type: Fairy EVs: 60 HP / 252 SpA / 196 Spe Modest...
  7. Paratrooper69

    Metagame SV NU Speculation

    I would like to make a case and point for a very particular Ice Type that I believe is currently being slept on. Let me introduce our good friend, Cryogonal. Now, why do I believe that Cryogonal is going to be a very particularly good Tera pokemon? Well, to simply put it, it's got a phenomenal...
  8. Paratrooper69

    Bug Reports v4 -- POST BUGS HERE game for reference, Fairy Espeon didn’t get the immunity on switch in against the Altaria, rendering it dead when it should not have been. Is this a bug, or an intentional feature that exists for Terrastalization BUG STATUS: NOT A BUG Play...
  9. Paratrooper69

    RU SS RU Cup - Signups

    sounds fun, im in
  10. Paratrooper69

    Tournament Smogon Draft Kick-off Tournament - Signups [Custom Avatar Prize] [$450 Prize Pool]

    Name Paratrooper69 Discord Tag me irl#6934 Time Zone GMT-05:00
  11. Paratrooper69

    Tournament World Cup of Other Metagames V - Player Signups

    Player Name: Paratrooper69 Metagames Played: Any Country / Region of Residence: US North East Other Eligibility: None (I’m super down to represent US North East NFE, its where I wear my golden crown)
  12. Paratrooper69

    Multi-gen NFEPL VI - Player Signups [Auction July 31st @ 4:45 PM GMT -4]

    Username: Paratrooper69 Tiers Played: BW, SS Activity Issues: None Timezone: EST
  13. Paratrooper69

    Metagame NP: ZU Stage 12 - Never Catch Me - Ninjask Remains Banned

    I believe that Ninjask is quite the tier shaking mon for ZU. A Protect + Speed Boost Ninjask is able to absolutely tear into the meta, shaking up what has always been a consensus of a good meta. Let me review my findings that I’ve noticed over the meta since it’s introduction. one of the big 3...
  14. Paratrooper69

    BW Cup VIII - Round 1

    My opponent hasn’t been back online since last Sunday, should I wait or call an act
  15. Paratrooper69

    Metagame NP: ZU Stage 11.2 - Pink Soldiers - Ninjask + Palosand @11

    Hello fellow ZU’ers. Within the past day, we’ve seen two new mons drop into the tier, Ninjask and Pallosand. While I am not a judge, jury, or executioner, I do believe I can put out a common consensus on the immediate uses of Ninjask. It seems overpowered comparative to the meta at hand. Two of...
  16. Paratrooper69

    BW Cup VIII - Round 1

    Message Sent on my opponents board Tuesday, just waiting on a response
  17. Paratrooper69

    Tournament ZUPL IV - Player Signups [Custom Avatar prize] [Auction July 10 @ 6 PM GMT+2]

    Username: Paratrooper69 Timezone: EST Tiers Played: SS NFE, SS ZU, SS XY, SS BW Significant Time Missed: Should be available through the tournament!