Search results for query: *

  1. iBlitzUK's 6th Gen Shiny Trading Thread!

    It's female sorry! Not really sorry!
  2. iBlitzUK's 6th Gen Shiny Trading Thread!

    Updated! And Looking for a Shiny/non-shiny Unnerve Aerodactyl with Tailwind/Wide Guard UT or EV'd (Obviously with the right nature and EV spread)

    Awesome I'm Interested in your - Timburr Hippopotas Yamask Whismur Murkrow Croagunk
  4. 5/6 IV's Shinies Thread (Looking for Shinies 5/6 IVs Water Type)

    Sounds good I'll get round to cloning them now. Edit: I've finished cloning them.
  5. 5/6 IV's Shinies Thread (Looking for Shinies 5/6 IVs Water Type)

    Interested in your Gallade and Shuckle CMT in my signature for what I have to trade.

    Interested in quite a few things on your list CMT in my signature if there is anything you like. (I can clone/don't mind cloning a copy of yours and giving it back)
  7. FT: Many Shinies (Kalos Born)

    Interested in quite a few things from your list. CMT in my signature hopefully you can find some things.
  8. iBlitzUK's 6th Gen Shiny Trading Thread!

    I may be getting the Esspurr from Jagged_Angel but I'm interested in the other two. I'm also interested in - dedene timid cheek pouch 31/0/31/31/31/31 covet, helping hand Kangaskhan lvl.57 jolly scrappy 31/31/31/x/31/31 Zorua timid illusion 31/x/31/31/31/31 sucker punch, counter, extrasensory...
  9. iBlitzUK's 6th Gen Shiny Trading Thread!

    Thank you too! Indeed I'll try my best to get back to you ASAP.
  10. iBlitzUK's 6th Gen Shiny Trading Thread!

    Yeh we can do the first trade now, I'll add your FC now.
  11. iBlitzUK's 6th Gen Shiny Trading Thread!

    That's fine! I have a spare Beldum ready but not a Growlithe I can't clone at the moment as I'm not at home and don't have my second 3DS so should be able to trade tomorrow or later in the week as I work from 3pm - 1am Tuesday - Friday (UK time).
  12. iBlitzUK's 6th Gen Shiny Trading Thread!

    Interested in Turtwig and Chikorita! jagged_angel I'm interested in your Esspurr!
  13. iBlitzUK's 6th Gen Shiny Trading Thread!

    Unfortunately I don't really need either of those legendaries, sorry!
  14. iBlitzUK's 6th Gen Shiny Trading Thread!

    List has been updated with some new things and OT/ID's have been added.
  15. Gamings' Lv 1 Competitive Shiny Trade Thread

    Are you ready to trade the Shellos for my Duskull?
  16. shiny shop

    I'm ready to trade when you are just drop me a PM.
  17. shiny shop

    That's all I really have at the moment would you trade the Darumaka for it?
  18. Goomeon's Shiny Store-ish Thing (Competitive Shinies)

    Interested in your Bold Togekiss. CMT in my signature for what I have to offer.
  19. Gamings' Lv 1 Competitive Shiny Trade Thread

    I'm ready to trade the Duskull for Shellos whenever your ready now just drop me a PM.
  20. ReadySetGoh's 300+ Shinies [Closed]

    Interested in your - | Croagunk | Male | Dry Skin | Jolly | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | Bullet Punch, Drain Punch, Fake Out, Quick Guard | Benny | 13023 | Premier Ball | Darumaka | Male | Hustle | Jolly | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | Hammer Arm | Klein | 34623 | Pokeball | | Dedenne | Male | Cheek Pouch | Timid |...