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  1. Joseph Gomes

    Metagame National Dex Metagame Discussion

    Yeah they are discussing Zama-C as a potential new unban above due to tera ban
  2. Joseph Gomes

    Metagame National Dex Metagame Discussion

    Zama-C is immune to toxic though?
  3. Joseph Gomes

    Metagame National Dex Metagame Discussion

    Darkrai is faster than Roaring Moon and has much better coverage. Roaring Moon defensive profile is atrocious and was far more reliant on tera to be good than Darkrai ever was. Roaring Moon likely won't even be that good. It has several crippling weaknesses that it can't fix.
  4. Joseph Gomes

    Metagame National Dex Metagame Discussion

    Imagine saying the tier has issues and is hyper offense focused, then asking to bring tera back which does nothing but benefit offense with unreal power creep (and said creep which doesn't last 1 turn like z-moves, doesn't restrict item slot or limited to select known mons like mega Evo). Tera...
  5. Joseph Gomes

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4

    TLDR - heavy duty boots is a far better item, and life orb is not good for longevity in a hazard heavy meta, if not using HDB
  6. Joseph Gomes

    Announcement SV National Dex Suspect 17 - Child of the Moon

    It's not unhealthy, it's not broken, and it's not even that good. It's being unbanned because it's not banworthy.
  7. Joseph Gomes

    np: SV OU Suspect Process, Round 16 - Zero To Hero

    Palafin is even slower than walking wake, and has worse coverage. Jet Punch is quite weak without multiple boosts. Palafin has more defensive checks than Wake does, and Wake can also pivot. Not saying wake is as broken, but the choice band calcs are very dumb if used as whole argument.
  8. Joseph Gomes

    np: SV OU Suspect Process, Round 16 - Zero To Hero

    By this logic Walking Wake should have been quickbanned when it was released.
  9. Joseph Gomes

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4

    Tera blast is a non-issue, Kyurem didn't get enough votes to be banned conclusively even with tera blast. And most mons have no use for tera blast, and TB as a whole isn't too much more uncompetitive than tera type change mechanic itself.
  10. Joseph Gomes

    Metagame National Dex Metagame Discussion

    Melmetal and Kingambit don't switch into Garganacl, and would hate trading blows due to Salt Cure chip into steel types (Garganacl is 1 point faster than Mel too)
  11. Joseph Gomes

    Resource SV Ubers Viability Rankings

    Nah, Dialga and Palkia are still ass. Zekrom, Kyurem-B and Kyurem-W etc are much better dragons.
  12. Joseph Gomes

    Metagame SV Ubers UU Metagame Discussion (Bundle and Treads Drop, Mewtwo and Deo-S Rise)

    I urge the community to keep an eye out for Arceus-Dragon. After 1 DD, mon's a menace. Well timed tera fire by Dragonceus incinerates virtually every check.
  13. Joseph Gomes

    Resource SV Ubers UU Viability Rankings (Post #168 for February Shifts)

    Arceus-Dragon is perfect example of something mid in regular Ubers being a massive pain in the ass to deal with in Ubers UU. STAB Dragon + Flare Blitz is unfair with that bulk and Speed, since it has recover on top. After a single DD, only unaware users can handle it. With Zacian on decline...
  14. Joseph Gomes

    Thanks mate, I appreciate it. Take care and have a good day :)

    Thanks mate, I appreciate it. Take care and have a good day :)
  15. Joseph Gomes

    Metagame SV Ubers UU Metagame Discussion (Bundle and Treads Drop, Mewtwo and Deo-S Rise)

    I think the issue is that some UU Ubers Mon, are still very much Ubers but just outclassed by another Uber, and isn't necessarily bad in itself. For example, if certain Uber didnt exist, that Mon might have been a top pick, but now could be strictly worse than the top Uber despite not being bad...
  16. Joseph Gomes

    Metagame SV Ubers UU Metagame Discussion (Bundle and Treads Drop, Mewtwo and Deo-S Rise)

    Lunala is better than Necrozma-DW though, and so might be Terapagos.
  17. Joseph Gomes

    Resource SV Ubers UU Viability Rankings (Post #168 for February Shifts)

    You're right. Reshiram sucks because other things are better. Lugia sucks because it's shit.
  18. Joseph Gomes

    Metagame np: SV Ubers Stage 2 - Power

    I swear a lot of people saying Miraidon is balanced because of its plethora 'checks' have very little knowledge on Ubers meta aside from the type chart. Miraidon is faster than every single on if its defensive checks (mostly ground and some fairies), and none of them are immune to U-turn. These...
  19. Joseph Gomes

    Metagame SV Ubers UU Metagame Discussion (Bundle and Treads Drop, Mewtwo and Deo-S Rise)

    Dondozo can also handle any version of Pao that's not banded. Magearna can probably eat hit from even Banded Pao
  20. Joseph Gomes

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4

    We could probably retest gambit once Bolt, Gouging fire and Roaring Moon is taken care of. Bolt is no.1 for me, Gouging and Moon could go either way I'm fine with both