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  1. Ken Kirihara

    sure that works

    sure that works
  2. Ken Kirihara

    alright well message me when u get a chance to play then

    alright well message me when u get a chance to play then
  3. Ken Kirihara

    yo we play for ost, tell me when u wanna get it over with in free every day, im in est time...

    yo we play for ost, tell me when u wanna get it over with in free every day, im in est time zone, 2:00pm -10:00 pm est is something I can work with
  4. Ken Kirihara

    Official Smogon Tournament XVI - Round 1-A

    **Activity win request** Contacted him over 2 weeks ago he hasnt been active at all, his last post on his wall was on jan 12
  5. Ken Kirihara

    We play for ost, gimmie a time frame, keep in mind im est.

    We play for ost, gimmie a time frame, keep in mind im est.
  6. Ken Kirihara

    alright thanks for taking it into consideration smart move

    alright thanks for taking it into consideration smart move
  7. Ken Kirihara

    will ladder be reset if max is banned btw? its extremly influencial in rankings imo

    will ladder be reset if max is banned btw? its extremly influencial in rankings imo
  8. Ken Kirihara

    Announcement SS OU Suspect Process, Round 1 - Voter Identification Thread

    Yes I am back im too clean , also it looks fishy to have 84 gxe with 34-6 but thats cus i lost like 0 games in low ladder, GG's, also am i supposed to put my name in type bar? TPP edit: confirmed
  9. Ken Kirihara

    Announcement np: SS OU Suspect Process, Round 1 - Boom Boom Pow

    #1. region mechanics can be banned as a whole if they are toxic and broken enough to warrant so (as of right now). If you favor a regional mechanic because its new and cus game frak said so over balance for a competitive format website then thats your problem not ours #2.Choosing when to...
  10. Ken Kirihara

    Announcement np: SS OU Suspect Process, Round 1 - Boom Boom Pow

    For the millionth time, a mechanic that ruins the competitive integrity of the game because of its lack of balance has no place to even be attempted to be preserved. There also wont be Dynamax ou meta as said before. It is also not counter intuitive to recorrect a metas balance issues by...
  11. Ken Kirihara

    Announcement np: SS OU Suspect Process, Round 1 - Boom Boom Pow

    I just wanted to say this, A comp pokemon game normally has a abundance of roles ever since gen 6 but recently more than half the dex has been cut obviously. Add a mechanic that is a combination of mega+ z moves that increases your bulk immensly in a already role compressed meta game theres 0...
  12. Ken Kirihara

    Smogon's Official Ladder Tournament V - Cycle 1 Signups

    Forum name: ken kirihara Cycle 1 Alt: LT51NP ken kirihara Does my alt for Cycle 1 contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules?: yes
  13. Ken Kirihara

    Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread (read the op before posting a thread)

    the only type that works both ways is normal and ghost
  14. Ken Kirihara

    Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread (read the op before posting a thread)

    spike is also useful on greninja as its one if the few Pokemon capable of getting hazards vs stall
  15. Ken Kirihara

    Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread (read the op before posting a thread)

    hm forcibly tied games by staff lose and gain points,auto tie by 1000 is no lose or gain my apologies got mixed up
  16. Ken Kirihara

    Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread (read the op before posting a thread)

    Other than kyurem-black formation kyurem-white formation got fixed as well since the tail animation now works functionally