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  1. It will be kinda hard for me. Could you do at least 8PM?

    It will be kinda hard for me. Could you do at least 8PM?
  2. I can play tomorrow 7PM your time.

    I can play tomorrow 7PM your time.
  3. Crawdaunts Return

    I think this kingler is just jealous because it doesnt get DD...
  4. Hey, sorry man, i was offline this week, do we still have time? If we have, then contact again...

    Hey, sorry man, i was offline this week, do we still have time? If we have, then contact again please, i just cant on mons, weds and fridays. Fc: 4613-7236-6547
  5. My humble trade shop [GEN1-6 Starters] [Normal OU Pokemon]

    Sorry, but can you make the iron fist chimchar instead of the charmander? Not forgetting vull. Name: Azevedo Fc: 4613-7236-6547
  6. My humble trade shop [GEN1-6 Starters] [Normal OU Pokemon]

    Vullaby is my goal. Maybe char + vull?
  7. My humble trade shop [GEN1-6 Starters] [Normal OU Pokemon]

    Shellder and Vullaby for mewtwo? Maybe A jolly charmander too if you are far too kind?
  8. Season V Farm League - Sign-ups!

    Name: Azevedoxx Tier: XY OU