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  1. Wigglytuff

    Rest for the kill?! I lol'd.
  2. Excadrill

    Yea, hes definitely not the next Lucario. Luke has way better coverage than this thing.
  3. Prankster

    It's confirmed that it works with roar too? This is going to be an interesting metagame with abilities like this.
  4. Disable

    Disable actually useful this gen!?! I wonder if any of the shadow tag users have it...
  5. Red Card

    This item is going be hillarious on a stall team. I hope it does dissapear after the first hit...
  6. Ditto

    Wow, this would be such an awesome revenge killer. I've got to look into this a bit more though but so much you can do with this.
  7. Warstory:UU/BL Vs Weird OU: The movie

    great war story man
  8. GARCHOMP Tier Discussion Thread

    I dont mean everyone. I mean like 2 or 3 with an ice shard or ice beam thats all. I dont think anyone is that dumb to cover only one type though.
  9. GARCHOMP Tier Discussion Thread

    This is why you stack your teams with dragon counters
  10. The Longest Stall

    Milotic + Lapras. My Lapras won though but we were at it forever
  11. Some warstory vs. ghost17

    I liked Proygon-Z in the Warstory lol
  12. CAP 1 Smogon's First "Create a Pokemon": Poll 7, part 3

    Visheen better win. His poke is nice
  13. Stormfang's first Warstory (me vs KageryuEX)

    so much anger lol. I agree to neither of you guys playing that well too.
  14. The next batch of pokes we get...

    he should be a special wall. We already have enough psycical walls
  15. The next batch of pokes we get...

    Its only weakness will be fighting.
  16. The next batch of pokes we get...

    yea they need better bugs. That would be cool if Arbok got an evo. EDIT: But they may make the evo purple and kinda reminiscent of a snake
  17. The next batch of pokes we get...

    I heard that they already made the pokes. But you know, they have to make the game itself and the story and the sprites and everything else you have to do in a pokemon game.
  18. Shoddy Warstory #1 vs. Wej /\ New to Smogon, New to 4th Gen...

    I like ur war story and the way its like a story lol. I laughed whenever u talked about infernape calling him a hellish monkey XD
  19. Best Set made in 2007

  20. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 9

    no one answered my question yet