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  1. CommanderZorvox

    CAP 20 CAP 20 - Part 9 - Art Poll 2

    CommanderZorvox Golurkyourself paintseagull
  2. CommanderZorvox

    CAP 20 CAP 20 - Art Submissions

    Final Submission Thank you everyone that gave me feedback on my first submission! While I agreed with the criticism on the design; I'm gonna say 'que sera, sera' and stick with my initial concept since I'm still mostly happy with it (plus it took forever and I'm too lazy to change it :D)...
  3. CommanderZorvox

    CAP 20 CAP 20 - Art Submissions

    This design was inspired by snapping turtles (specifically the alligator snapping turtle). Possible pokédex entry idea: These Pokémon can live up to 500 years and have special jets in the sides of their shells that propel them at incredible speeds; giving them a formidable combination of...
  4. CommanderZorvox

    CAP 16 CAP 5 - Art Submissions

    Ok…so I re-design him with your tips in mind. Old version: I tried to make him look more badger-like and gave him more of a dark-type vibe. Not sure if I like him this stubby. But I do agree that he looked too canine-like. I actually...
  5. CommanderZorvox

    CAP 16 CAP 5 - Art Submissions

    Hm…I can only agree with the dark type comment to an extent. While his appearance may not be immediately devilish, I think he could still fit in with the dark-type gang. Badgers are notorious for being very aggressive animals, and in...
  6. CommanderZorvox

    CAP 16 CAP 5 - Art Submissions

    I love that cloak/hood design! I just had a surge of ideas that might be cool; maybe try to make the body abit more cute, simple and feminine…like roserade or Kirlia. Maybe less spikes. The cloak and hood could be the same color, and might be a little less “venusaur-ish” (maybe a color that...
  7. CommanderZorvox

    CAP 16 CAP 5 - Art Submissions

    Final Submission This design was based on badgers (more specifically, the American badger). I tried to keep it close to the official Pokémon artstyle. If I recall correctly, there was talk that this CAP might need to be abit bulky, so I made it look like it could tank some hits.
  8. CommanderZorvox

    CAP 16 CAP 5 - Part 2 - Typing Poll 1

    Electric/Dark Grass/Dark Grass/Fighting Grass/Dragon