Search results for query: *

  1. Hey could you be my tutor? I really want to learn RU. I was skipped last round, but I was...

    Hey could you be my tutor? I really want to learn RU. I was skipped last round, but I was wondering if you could be my second tutee.
  2. Ask a Simple Question Get a Simple Answer - RU Edition

    How can you figure out a pokemon's role? I am new to Smogon and I am gonna play UU and RU. But I need someone to help me learn how to build teams.
  3. Ask a Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer - UU Edition

    How do I figure out which pokemon is good for a certain role? (I'm sorry I am quite new.)
  4. That looks cool. I need to learn how to build a team and stuff though

    That looks cool. I need to learn how to build a team and stuff though
  5. What is that?

    What is that?
  6. Can't I just use Pokemon Online because I don't have a DS.

    Can't I just use Pokemon Online because I don't have a DS.
  7. Wait how do I do that. Can I just use Pokemon Online?

    Wait how do I do that. Can I just use Pokemon Online?
  8. No xD

    No xD
  9. I haven't been able to battle yet, but I would definitely appreciate the help.

    I haven't been able to battle yet, but I would definitely appreciate the help.
  10. I have no idea I just started I actually was trying to get a tutor, but I feel like I got...

    I have no idea I just started I actually was trying to get a tutor, but I feel like I got skipped this round because I didn't have enough forum posts.
  11. Apprentice Program: Round Seventy Three

    I need a tutor! Username: iBeN4te Age:15 Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Pokemon Online: iBeN4te Your timezone and usual hours of availability: Central Standard Time, Usually after around 4:00 What tier do you want to learn?: Any Tell us a little about yourself: I want to...