Search results for query: *

  1. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Part 14b - Sprite Poll

    Voted for Headpunch. Love the pose and the coloring ^_^ great pictures overall.
  2. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Part 9 - Art Poll 3

    Doug gets my vote. Those extra sketches help alot towards the charm of the skelly :P
  3. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Part 9 - Art Poll 2

    Wyverii for me, I love the plush look of it while still having distinctive ghost and steel qualities. The pose, if kept for the sprite will be great for the ultimate scout.
  4. Tentative Stall Team

    Been testing this one out. Been working pretty well but could still use some work. Keep in mind I'm not the greatest of team makers. Hippowdon@Leftovers EVs:252/0/168/0/0/88 Nature: Impish Trait: Sand Stream - Earthquake - Roar - Stealth Rock - Slack Off Traditional fat Hippowdon tank...
  5. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Part 1 - Concept Poll 4

    Beej's Ultimate Scout. :D
  6. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Part 1 - Concept Poll 2

    Voted Ultimate Scout.
  7. CAP 6 CAP 6 - Part 12 - Art Poll 4

    aragornbird for me, more pokemon like and nice touch of humor :D
  8. Artpunch, Headpunch's Art

    O_O I see Legato's trademark spiky thingies! thats awesome. Love the tail too, great evo.
  9. The Art of Lorak's Oasis

    How about ... An angry Shroomish?
  10. CAP 5 CAP 5 - Part 15 (Sprite Poll 1)

    #1 Flygon493 #2 Atyroki
  11. The Art of Lorak's Oasis Just checking but did you ever refuse my request for a Shadow clawing Meowth? Havent seen the post if you have :(
  12. The Art of Lorak's Oasis

    Use Photobucket. Imageshack is all topsie-turvie these days. Lovely pachirisu :P cute pose.
  13.  What would [pokemon] look like if it were a different type?

    And to be honest if you want a particular artist to do it head for their thread and ask there no? so here is my request, Dark/Flying Psyduck. And that diglett is awesome.
  14.  What would [pokemon] look like if it were a different type?

    Well in some cases we cant do much else. Like the Psychic Electrode.... its electrode :S ok Zapdos could of been better but w/e there are a ton more to do. If you can think up something better redo it yourself in a more creative manner. :D
  15.  What would [pokemon] look like if it were a different type?

    That sir, would be my new avatar :D thankies. Dark/Flying Togekiss. Psychic Electrode: Requests to be done (easier to spot this way) - Fire/Psy Cacturne - Dark Zapdos - Fire Lugia - Psychic Ho-oh - Psychic Tyranitar - Electric/Grass hypno
  16.  What would [pokemon] look like if it were a different type?

    How about Water/Fighting Rapidash?
  17. CAP 5 CAP 5 - Part 3 (Secondary Typing Poll 1)

    1- No secondary typing 2- Ghost - Unusual typing mostly for intrest in seeing what it would look like and it would make a fun mold to break.
  18. Burning Lava Lamps, Dancing Monkeys and a Happy Pineaplle

    *Cough* It is called snow cloak *cough*