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  • Users: Bleck
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  1. Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 34 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE)

    I'm looking for: Scaterbug, Female, IceSnow Pattern IV: 31/x/31/31/31/31 Nature: Timid, Ability: Compound Eyes In return I offer: 6IV Deino, Female, LuxuryBall, Nature: Modest Ability: Hustle, EggMove: EarthPower, DarkPulse, DragonPulse; or: 6IV Gastly, Male, MoonBall, Nature: Timid, Ability...
  2. No problem :) I can breed you startes if you want :)

    No problem :) I can breed you startes if you want :)
  3. Any nickname?

    Any nickname?
  4. Okey. Added you. From today I'm able to go online almost any time :) Probalby 8-11pm CET(Sorry...

    Okey. Added you. From today I'm able to go online almost any time :) Probalby 8-11pm CET(Sorry for 20-22pm last time xD It don't make sense) And gift is not necessery. Happy to help, ale if You wan't to give me something - it's up to You ;)
  5. No problem :) Sorry for delay in answer-> Christmass :) Try to catch me around 20-22pm CET. That...

    No problem :) Sorry for delay in answer-> Christmass :) Try to catch me around 20-22pm CET. That is the only time I can be online.
  6. No problem. Catch me online :) ING: Bleck

    No problem. Catch me online :) ING: Bleck
  7. Nice Vulpi ^^

    Nice Vulpi ^^
  8. Nah. It random egg.

    Nah. It random egg.
  9. Nickname for poke?

    Nickname for poke?
  10. Okey. Be ready in 5 min. My FC 4656-6248-10534656-6248-1053. ING Bleck

    Okey. Be ready in 5 min. My FC 4656-6248-10534656-6248-1053. ING Bleck
  11. Yeah. No problem. Give me 3 things first:: FC, ING Nick, Time you are mostly online(with...

    Yeah. No problem. Give me 3 things first:: FC, ING Nick, Time you are mostly online(with TIMEZONE). Then we will figure out the best way to met online.
  12. Nope. That was not me... ;)

    Nope. That was not me... ;)
  13. Really? xDI don't remeber xD My SV: 2718

    Really? xDI don't remeber xD My SV: 2718
  14. Okey. Be ready in 5 min.

    Okey. Be ready in 5 min.
  15. It's Bergmite 5xIV low on speed with Strudy. :) Hope it will be useful.

    It's Bergmite 5xIV low on speed with Strudy. :) Hope it will be useful.
  16. It would be nice ;)

    It would be nice ;)
  17. Done. Ready to return.

    Done. Ready to return.
  18. Okey Ray Zafiro it is.

    Okey Ray Zafiro it is.
  19. It's blue/silver colors. Got one too :P And nickname... It's a T-Rex so xD Silverjaw maybe? xD

    It's blue/silver colors. Got one too :P And nickname... It's a T-Rex so xD Silverjaw maybe? xD
  20. And FC:4656-6248-1053

    And FC:4656-6248-1053