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  1. Eldritch Crab

    BH Balanced Hackmons

    Sounds like you ran into my electric mono lol. I do think Bolt Beak/Fishious Rend need a suspect at the very least. (I ran a similar electric mono last gen but with Plasma Fists rather than Bolt Beak, and it wasn't nearly this oppressive.) One thing I will note until that suspect day comes is...
  2. Eldritch Crab

    New New Name and Profile Change Requests [READ THE OP]

    Hi, I'd like to change my name to Eldritch Crab, please. I haven't used the name NegativeDiamond in ages. Started using variations of Crab/Crabbo in like 2015, just goes to show how ancient this account is lol. I'd appreciate it! oki--tdp
  3. Eldritch Crab

    Resource Other Metagames Index - Ask Questions Here!

    Question relating to a godawful battle I just had to go through: If a ghost-type uses Jaw Lock in the actual game, does it permanently lock the opponent (and only the opponent) in? Like, even after the ghost is KO'ed? The actual move description reads as: "This move prevents the user and the...
  4. Eldritch Crab

    3DS Friend List is full, please wait for me to make room.

    3DS Friend List is full, please wait for me to make room.