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  1. Bazza17

    Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    Hi folks. I've sort of lost count of my eggs hatched / shinies rate, so I'll leave my figures as they are as to not disrupt the results we've collected so far. Also, quick question - how are people getting the regular and shiny sprites for their sigs? Cheers!
  2. Bazza17

    Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    quick update: total hatched: 1475 total shines: 2
  3. Bazza17

    Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    check midnyte's signature :) look back a few posts to find it. Also, I know its only a small amount, but I was hatching Larvita's for a 5IV competitive 'mon, but used a MM method because the male father was foreign and English female. so total so far is: total hatched: 1380 total shines: 2
  4. Bazza17

    Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    I hatched a further 125 eggs. I got my shiny pawniard at last... but it's missing IV was attack >.>, so both my shinies so far have been of no use :( Total Hatched : 1355 Total Shinies : 2
  5. Bazza17

    Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    Yeah, that is quite a substantial difference! I'm going to take out my pawniard female and 6IV chimchar and replace them and then hatch some eggs and see how i get on. I'm still not whole-heartedly convinced, but it isn't as if I am losing out if I do this!
  6. Bazza17

    Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    It could just be complete luck, however. I can't argue against the numbers, as you've received a lot of shinies fast, but it seems quite a peculiar mechanic, that is my only worry. Keep at it, I guess and see if the trend continues.
  7. Bazza17

    Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    How much evidence do we have to support this? And by this do you mean if you reset the game, the MM disappears, so every time you turn it on you need to take out and then put them back in daycare?
  8. Bazza17

    Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    I managed to get hold of 6IV male pokés from all egg groups by trading with somebody on Serebii. They did the same as me, but he had a Japanese game, so we just did a straight-up trade between all egg groups
  9. Bazza17

    Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    Update on my egg count: Total hatched: 1230 shinies: 1
  10. Bazza17

    Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    as much as it does suck that at 2k plus eggs, the fact that people (even though it's other people!) get shinies at a much faster rate brings the overall ratio down. The stats so far indicate an increase in chance with shiny charm and MM, even if we haven't 100% pin-pointed it - so at least we're...
  11. Bazza17

    Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    It might be worth mooching around on serebii's forums in the trade center - i struck up a trading deal with a taiwanese guy for a 6IV pokemon from all the different egg groups, so he has all of them in english and i have them in japanese, so although its a much longer process to acquire, i feel...
  12. Bazza17

    Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    man, you're not having much luck at all! I've hatched some more eggs now! total hatched: 1105 total shinies : 1
  13. Bazza17

    Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    When the guy turns around to give you the egg, the data for the egg has been written, so it will always be the same. So, say you have saved with the guy turns around, take 5 eggs, hatch and don't get the results you want - you reset. The first egg you receive will always be the same, so to get...
  14. Bazza17

    Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    quick update: total eggs hatched: 980 total shinies: 1
  15. Bazza17

    Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    update: Total eggs hatched: 855 Total shinies: 1
  16. Bazza17

    Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    quick update from my egg hatching: Total eggs hatched: 730 Total shinies: 1
  17. Bazza17

    Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    update to post #1084 Hatched a total of 605 eggs, still @ 1 shiny
  18. Bazza17

    Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    Update from post #1084 Up to a total of 465 vulpix eggs now and I've hatched one shiny! (flash fire and male... so that's a bit disappointing! )
  19. Bazza17

    Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    update to post #1084 I have hatched 340 eggs, no shiny
  20. Bazza17

    Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    I would like to participate in this as well to help with the research! So far I'm in the process of hatching 150 Vulpix eggs. I am using the shiny charm with a male Japanese Wooper and female English Vulpix I shall update the post when I've hatched all the eggs and will post my results edit...