Search results

  1. Trev's ORAS hype giveaway! OVER. NO MORE. DON'T POST ANYMORE

    I would like an Altaria, please reply to me when you add me so I can add you! My friend code is 4484-8840-0813 and my IGN is Sarah I can't wait for ORAS because Pokemon Sapphire was my first pokemon game and I spent way too much time playing it when I was young. It brought me a lot closer to my...
  2. Halloween Spooktacular Shiny Ghoulveaway! (Over - Topic can be locked)

    I deposited a female level 14 fletchling for a trevenant! IGN Sarah! Thank you much! I've gotten sniped about twice, if someone snipes this, could I please message you for a friend code trade?
  3. Halloween Spooktacular Shiny Ghoulveaway! (Over - Topic can be locked)

    I deposited a level 10 female Plusle for a trevenant! IGN Sarah! Thank you much! Edit: sniped, deposited level 4 pidgey
  4. Smogon's Official Ladder Tournament - Cycle 2 Signups [READ RULE #3 CLOSELY]

    Forum name: tydude1000 Cycle 2 Alts: [LT2A] tydude1000 [LT2B] tydude1000 [LT2C] tydude1000 Do my alts for Cycle 2 contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules? Yes.