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  1. Ms. Sysbit

    no RIP...

    no RIP...
  2. Ms. Sysbit

    Resource RU Viability Ranking: ORAS Edition

    My point was you can't set up as easily as you claim. But if every wall pretty much not being set up fodder, a variety of options against even a set up Durant, and showing it is prohibitively difficult to set up with(and useless until then) are all irrelevant points than I give up. You clearly...
  3. Ms. Sysbit

    Kinda frustrating to say things and then told they are wrong/ignored then have them praised when...

    Kinda frustrating to say things and then told they are wrong/ignored then have them praised when someone rewords them(without crediting you)
  4. Ms. Sysbit

    Resource RU Viability Ranking: ORAS Edition

    A one trick pony dependent on set up before being good is kinda not S rank imo. I support A/A+ but S is too good for it. I didn't exactly pick obscure mons or sets(mixed Houndoom is very good and while admittedly adamant nature was a mistake it is the same as if I had put lonely which is in fact...
  5. Ms. Sysbit

    Resource RU Viability Ranking: ORAS Edition

    Interesting. I never thought of using it that way as every time I have seen it used(in lower tiers) it was a suicide lead. My only reservation now is aren't spikes MUCH more useful if up early? plus it cant stop a spin(barring rocky helpmet ko-ing the spinner) nor a defog. And its stats just...
  6. Ms. Sysbit

    Resource RU Viability Ranking: ORAS Edition

    I wouldn't exactly say nothing to hurt it. 252 SpA Jolteon Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Durant: 234-276 (91 - 107.3%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO That'seven Substitute-Pass without leftovers set. Life Orb variants OHKO 100% of the time Scarfed Emboar can handle it. As can Scarf Delphox. And Scarfed...
  7. Ms. Sysbit

    Resource RU Viability Ranking: ORAS Edition

    Omastar also has t-spikes for a suicide hazard lead. And outside of aftermath doesn't seem like garbodor has really anything going for it over say omastar, accelgor, crustle, etc. I would say unranked is a pretty fair fit for it.
  8. Ms. Sysbit

    Metagame NP: RU Stage 6: Heavy Metal and Reflective (ALL 3 SUSPECTS BANNED, DISCUSSING POST BANS META NOW)

    That's Typhlosion's main issue. The other thing is with lack of offensive checks(mega-Bird last meta) that outspeed Moltres it has shed its scarf in many cases for a Life Orb which means A Moltres isn't locked and B it can 252 SpA Life Orb Moltres Hurricane vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Typhlosion: 261-308...
  9. Ms. Sysbit

    Metagame NP: RU Stage 6: Heavy Metal and Reflective (ALL 3 SUSPECTS BANNED, DISCUSSING POST BANS META NOW)

    252+ SpA Moltres Hurricane vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Typhlosion: 220-259 (74 - 87.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Odd definition of a check. 252 SpA Typhlosion Eruption (150 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Moltres: 123-146 (38.3 - 45.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO Even odder still as you don't kill it back.
  10. Ms. Sysbit

    Actually I didn't(duly noted). Also those posts weren't exactly related but will keep that in mind.

    Actually I didn't(duly noted). Also those posts weren't exactly related but will keep that in mind.
  11. Ms. Sysbit

    Metagame NP: RU Stage 6: Heavy Metal and Reflective (ALL 3 SUSPECTS BANNED, DISCUSSING POST BANS META NOW)

    Jolly isn't needed as much in some cases. Both Jolly and Adamant are viable. Adamant was needed more when Gligar(Ohko after rocks if Banded Iron Fist Ice Punch) was a thing but still is used more than Jolly.
  12. Ms. Sysbit

    Metagame NP: RU Stage 6: Heavy Metal and Reflective (ALL 3 SUSPECTS BANNED, DISCUSSING POST BANS META NOW)

    I agree Gligar was an amazing hazard setter/remover but Golbat IS good(handles 2/3 suspects and a plethora move in the tier). Skuntank is also in the tier and a great utility mon that also handles Cresselia making it good in this meta. So its not like shiftry is the only defogger or we need to...
  13. Ms. Sysbit

    Metagame NP: RU Stage 6: Heavy Metal and Reflective (ALL 3 SUSPECTS BANNED, DISCUSSING POST BANS META NOW)

    +2 252+ Atk Pangoro Poison Jab vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Aromatisse: 328-386 (80.7 - 95%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery SD sets can run Poison Jab pretty reliably tbh. And between being a monster wall breaker if Banded or a stall breaker if SD Lum(some now say Roseli Berry?) it...
  14. Ms. Sysbit

    Resource RU Viability Ranking: ORAS Edition

    I agree with Eel(could even support A rank for it) and Emboar at A+ seems fair what with the variety of sets it can pull off(however choice scarf/band reckless seem to be a bit better than old ones they certainly were good and have surprise factor). However I don't think Virizion is all that...
  15. Ms. Sysbit

    Resource RU Viability Ranking: ORAS Edition

    That's what we are trying to tell you. Its the exception. That's its 1760 usage, notice it tapers off heavily? And if its so good please show me a match(preferably matches) where it did ANYTHING to a player in top 100 or so in RU or is well known to be...
  16. Ms. Sysbit

    Resource RU Viability Ranking: ORAS Edition

    Cincino has uses. Ambipom is only used by scrubs who think "free damage" but that really means "free switch to resist/immunity" which gives free turns for rocks/set up. its awful. Cincino isnt amazing but it has speed, coverage, and some powerful attacks. Ambi literally sucks at everything it...
  17. Ms. Sysbit

    We went from RU being special spam that was repulsive to (expected) fighting spam. Worse: we...

    We went from RU being special spam that was repulsive to (expected) fighting spam. Worse: we lost Gligar in our hour of need.
  18. Ms. Sysbit

    Resource RU Viability Ranking: ORAS Edition

    Shouldn't Golbat be A- or A rank? It can handle Pangoro among other threats like Hitmonlee. Infiltrator means you cant just pop a sub on it and be safe from status. With Gligar gone it just became the tiers only reliable wall defogger. It typing is phenomenal. I mean it doesn't really give many...
  19. Ms. Sysbit

    Official RU Stage 6 Suspect Voting

    Pidgeotite: BAN Dragalge: BAN Serperior: BAN
  20. Ms. Sysbit

    Metagame RU Stage 6: Alt Identification Thread

    Username: Ms. Sysbit That's everything, right?