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  1. Whimsicott

    My guess is that it's going to be 1 priority higher than the move itself usually is. So 0 priority becomes +1 and +1 becomes +2 etc. Thus why for instance Trick room will still basically not go before anything. Going by this logic, I move on to your other point. Yes, I believe Weavile would go...
  2. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    I'm not hoping the fire starter evolves into Fire/Ground, mainly because it would just make it worse against the other two. Grass would hit it neutral, and water would hit it x4. That seems totally unfair to me. If anything, I'd like it to be Fire/Dark. At least that doesn't make it suck against...
  3. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    Well yeah you're kind of right that it's rather good in game. But I really hate two-turn attacking-moves in general and I want them all abolished, or blasted to oblivion perhaps. Fly being a two turn move, with such a horrible type just makes me want to facepalm and I frequently ask myself what...
  4. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    That would be kind of...unconvenient. It sounds fun, but if they were to do that they'd need to incorporate something to do while flying, and not just get from point A to B. That would just make it tedious in the long run. If they keep the flying mechanic they have now, at least add the sprite...
  5. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    Yeah most likely a coincidence, but I'd like a Swalot evo:D I just like the guy, even if he sucks:P But you know, even if its HP stays the same and only the other stats increase, Swalot would probably be more usable as a defensive pokemon. Granted it would have a weakness to Ground and Psychic...
  6. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    Did you read what I wrote about Grass being SE against Water? It's the exact same thing as Poision being SE against Water would be: Makes sense, but isn't foolproof. If you can give me a good explanation of why Grass is SE against Water that makes sense using your logic, I'll accept your views...
  7. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    Agree that Poison needs a boost. Make it super effective against water-types. The reason being it pollutes water, thus harming water types that live there. If anyone wants to say anything against that, I'll just in advance tell you that there is no logic as to why Grass is SE against water other...
  8. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    Expanding on Castform... Perhaps he could evolve at a certain level depending on which form he's in when he levels up. Then he would permanently become the type he currently is, of course making him look cooler than just the transformation, and changing his ability to auto-weather that...
  9. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    Well, a wet person (Pokemon in this case;D) would naturally conduct electricity more efficiently, thus the increased damage. What would be nice is if we got non-legendaries with Drizzle/Drought, seeing as those two weathers are the only ones lacking auto-inducers outside Ubers. We already have...
  10. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    Well, I've always believed pouring rain should increase the damage of electric attacks (Omg Lanturn would be so OP with rain support lol). Think about increasing electric moves in rain by 1.5 like water moves. Or remove the water bonus alltogether, and only give elec 1.5 boost. From a logical...
  11. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    ^Sorry but that is 535 BST you have there. Funny thing is, remove the 5s on those defences, and we not only get 525 BST but also an exact copy of Lucarios numbers, just bumped around in other stats.
  12. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    Given that they are being so secretive about it's ability, I HIGHLY doubt it's an old one. It's most likely going to be a unique new ability. There are really two choices here. Either Zoroark has an ability to that shapeshifts, or it knows transform. Now which of those are most likely? Transform...
  13. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    Physical/Special split, that's all I'm saying. On another note, starters don't need to change. They are starters, they don't have to be changed, since they are supposed to be the basic pokemon you start off with.
  14. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    To me, Dunsparce has always looked like a NFE pokemon. It just looks... like it had at least one more evolution:P It also has so much potential for an evo. It's dex entry states it can fly a little though, so if it gets one you can bet on that it will be Normal/Flying. Which immediately makes it...
  15. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    Let's not forget Absol for that list. We need more OU viable pure Darks (Zoroark might be a good first one). Absol is just so darn cool it needs to get the Scizor treatment. For Absol evo I'd say less Sp atk, more Speed.
  16. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    And only three immunities mind you. I think that the resistances it loses makes up for the weaknesses it doesn't have. It would balance out, though no resists/weaknesses would be good for people that can't predict well, since they will never get hit SE or NVE. So in essence, all they would need...
  17. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    About an ability akin to illusions... perhaps it's ability is something that grants it the immunities to Fighting and Normal that Ghost has? If so, it wouldn't get destroyed by Lukario, and the concept of "Illusions" makes sense with that I think. Yeah, an offensive Dark/Ghost would be very...
  18. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    Well if they want to do something new, and put more focus on double battles, that seems like something that can do both things at once. I mean, if they (as many seem to believe) will focus more on doubles, this idea is the most new thing they can do. About the new things they might do in this...
  19. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    Well, ignoring the fact that Fire/Ice would probably be the worst typing ever, I guess anything could be possible:P But I agree that nothing should be Normal/Ghost. To me, Normal signifies something with physical form that don't fit into any other type, which means a Normal/Ghost would be no...
  20. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    I would like to add Sableye/Mawile to that list. A physically bulky and quite physical offensive Ghost/Dark would be interesting (Think bulky Dark/Ghost with Recover and not a sucky attack, yum yum;)). And I also want a Mawile evo for the coolness of a pure Steel possibly OU:P