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  1. TONYistheTONY

    Non-Pokébank OU Please rate this M-Scizor non pokebank rain team

    Hey guys, so I've been trying quite a few things out on pokemon showdown attempting to make a rain team with the limited resources we have in SuMo. Overall I'm not upset with what we have but I feel that im nowhere close to optimized in my attempt. So, as always, id love some good review ^.^...
  2. TONYistheTONY

    SM OU Attempt at M-Swampert Rain Team for SuMo

    Alright, so I've never been good at making teams but ever since mega swampert was announced (mudkip and his evolution line is by far my favorite of all the pokemon) I've tried to make a rain team work around him. Obviously, its not possible to make this team currently without pokebank and...