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  1. BOTW Enjoyer

    Pet Mod Shellder’s Gate - Defense Slate (Pokémon) Voting

    Mountain Anchor Bulwark Paladin (SV) Porcupine Thorny (SV)
  2. BOTW Enjoyer

    Pet Mod Shellder’s Gate - Defense Slate (Pokémon) Voting

    :ferrothorn: :garchomp: :zapdos: :bastiodon: :chesnaught: :aegislash:
  3. BOTW Enjoyer

    Post your searing hot takes

    1) potatoes 2) rice 3) corn 4) wheat >:)
  4. BOTW Enjoyer

    Think of a guy

    guy who knows no guys and is all alone drifting in a guyless void...
  5. BOTW Enjoyer

    Pet Mod Shellder’s Gate - Defense Slate (Pokémon) Voting

    Tactician: Quilfish Lokix Scizor (SV) Toxicroak Flamigo Bisharp (SV) Adept: Emboar Lycanroc Iron Valiant (SV) Morpeko Golurk Hawlucha Sharpshooter: Decidueye Mamoswine Glastrier (SV) Spidops Entei Dragapult (SV) Brawler: Braviary Okidogi Rhyperior
  6. BOTW Enjoyer


  7. BOTW Enjoyer

    Pet Mod Shellder’s Gate - Defense Slate (Pokémon) Voting

    time to hop on the sharpshooter train Justification: Lack of massive hard hitting moves is made up for by silly little boosting moves. Spin/Trailblaze + PPunch with Simple goes crazy, as does Dual Wingbeat Cross Cutter Tactician. [/SPOILER] Justification: Iron Valiant gets good Fairy STAB...
  8. BOTW Enjoyer

    What things would you change about yourself?

    i would make myself able to resist becoming a youtube sludge blob and actually do things i like
  9. BOTW Enjoyer

    Pet Mod Shellder’s Gate - Defense Slate (Pokémon) Voting

    Tactician (SV) Sharpshooter Adept Barbarian
  10. BOTW Enjoyer

    Pet Mod Shellder’s Gate - Defense Slate (Pokémon) Voting

    :Scizor: :Great-Tusk: :kleavor:
  11. BOTW Enjoyer

    probably cant play anymore, since its rhe last day you can take the win

    probably cant play anymore, since its rhe last day you can take the win
  12. BOTW Enjoyer

    you still doing things

    you still doing things
  13. BOTW Enjoyer

    i can do any time from around now to like 3/4 your time

    i can do any time from around now to like 3/4 your time
  14. BOTW Enjoyer

    probably not sorry

    probably not sorry
  15. BOTW Enjoyer

    any update on what time? I probably cant do the afternoon tomorrow, but i could also play rn

    any update on what time? I probably cant do the afternoon tomorrow, but i could also play rn
  16. BOTW Enjoyer

    Think of a guy

    3 guys in a trench coat
  17. BOTW Enjoyer

    or weekdays but that depends and itd have to be around 4-5

    or weekdays but that depends and itd have to be around 4-5
  18. BOTW Enjoyer

    this Sunday at any time from like 10am-7pm (im -8)

    this Sunday at any time from like 10am-7pm (im -8)
  19. BOTW Enjoyer

    Post your searing hot takes

    just post the game for like 15 bucks you make money and people dont have to deal with the terrible system that is mobile game ads and all the jank that comes with it