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  1. Announcement np: BDSP OU Suspect Process, Round 3 - Ghost Town

    I was playing devils advocate, I think the pro-ban side made some really strong arguments and I’m not mad at all.
  2. Announcement np: BDSP OU Suspect Process, Round 3 - Ghost Town

    I said that Weavile and Crawdaunt switch in on shadow ball, which they do. Your calcs even show Crawdaunt living a +2 shadow ball. How Gengar got to +2 is a mystery, but the calcs are cool I guess. Then you say priority doesn’t beat it but your own calcs show that it dies to Crawdaunt’s Aqua...
  3. Announcement np: BDSP OU Suspect Process, Round 3 - Ghost Town

    Im pretty sure shadow ball blissey still beats Gengar 1v1 even if it subs on the switch Also Scizor can swords dance on the switch and kill Tran with Brick Break.
  4. Announcement np: BDSP OU Suspect Process, Round 3 - Ghost Town

    A lot of monsters in the tier have set variety and the ability to pick and chose their checks. For example Latios can run earthquake to bop Heatran, Scarf to surprise weavile/Starmie/Alakazam or specs to bop Clefable. Scizor can run max speed brick break to take out Heatran. Breloom can run...
  5. Announcement np: BDSP OU Suspect Process, Round 3 - Ghost Town

    You do prepare for Gengar in the builder. For example, a combo of Heatran + Gengar on your team leaves your opponent in a conondrum; do they click focus blast to hit the Tran, and risk giving your Gengar a free kill? Or do they click shadow ball for the safer play and let your Tran come in and...
  6. Announcement np: BDSP OU Suspect Process, Round 3 - Ghost Town

    This is a fallacy I see a lot of people making in this thread; they are conceptualising a perfect Gengar with all held items at once, with all coverage moves at once and never misses a focus blast. Gengar cannot run life orb, specs, scarf, sash and black sludge all on one set, nor can it click...
  7. Announcement np: BDSP OU Suspect Process, Round 3 - Ghost Town

    Thanks, yeah it was a bad example but the point still stands, I edited my post to remove the false statement.
  8. Announcement np: BDSP OU Suspect Process, Round 3 - Ghost Town

    Hi guys, I’m new to the community and this is my first suspect test. All in all I had great fun laddering with a specific goal in mind, that being to determine the validity of Gengar’s place in the BDSP OU meta. I used a balance team with a breaker core of life orb mixed Latios and swords dance...