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  1. Choker Layton

    sry, was busy and forgot, still up to battle in 3-4h?

    sry, was busy and forgot, still up to battle in 3-4h?
  2. Choker Layton

    4pm my time?

    4pm my time?
  3. Choker Layton

    +2, preferrably monday

    +2, preferrably monday
  4. Choker Layton

    i can fight rn actually

    i can fight rn actually
  5. Choker Layton

    11pm? or maybe a bit earlier

    11pm? or maybe a bit earlier
  6. Choker Layton

    im +2, we could fight tomorrow, i got time until 11pm

    im +2, we could fight tomorrow, i got time until 11pm
  7. Choker Layton

    yeah your time, alright see you then

    yeah your time, alright see you then
  8. Choker Layton

    aw man, 7h difference. we gotta head for 1:30pm, wednesday?

    aw man, 7h difference. we gotta head for 1:30pm, wednesday?
  9. Choker Layton

    monotype tour week 4, any time you have in mind?

    monotype tour week 4, any time you have in mind?
  10. Choker Layton

    yeah sure, challenge me

    yeah sure, challenge me
  11. Choker Layton

    i think that should work out aye

    i think that should work out aye
  12. Choker Layton

    we gotta do saturday then. im free as long im not sleeping.

    we gotta do saturday then. im free as long im not sleeping.
  13. Choker Layton

    wait so youre telling me ive done it wrong the past 2 weeks scheduling via conversation? youre...

    wait so youre telling me ive done it wrong the past 2 weeks scheduling via conversation? youre 4:30h ahead, whats the latest you could battle on workdays?
  14. Choker Layton

    since im 6h ahead, i cant play after 5-6pm your time. 4pm would suit me best on any day.

    since im 6h ahead, i cant play after 5-6pm your time. 4pm would suit me best on any day.
  15. Choker Layton

    Tournament Random Battles Team Tournament VI - SIGNUPS (Open until January 13)

    Smogon Username: Choker Layton PS Username: Choker Layton Preferred Formats: Any Random Battle Timezone: GMT +1 Foreseeable Inactivity: Mo-Fr 10am - 5pm GMT+1
  16. Choker Layton

    that really sucks

    that really sucks
  17. Choker Layton

    man shit im sorry for screwing this over, havent recieved any notification and thought i wouldnt...

    man shit im sorry for screwing this over, havent recieved any notification and thought i wouldnt be in the tour bc of. im really sorry for the inconvinience i might have gotten you into