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  1. Eyeos

    Metagame USUM Pure Hackmons

    Hey y’all pls help I am very new to balanced hackmon and I can’t beat no guard Deo s can somebody pls help me make better team
  2. Eyeos

    Metagame USUM Pure Hackmons

    Hey y’all can u make this a sample pretty please Here’s a game were I beat n to n AND YOU CANT SAY IT WAS JUST MU THE CHOICE BAND MMX WAS UNWALLABLE OK
  3. Eyeos

    Metagame USUM Pure Hackmons

    I’m new to this meta why is deo s in a- when it’s so good with the no guard set
  4. Eyeos

    Project Old Gen Hackmons Megathread

    Reasons I think Gyarados-Mega is dumb stupid and ugly (Gen 6) 1: It can’t run almost any wonder guard Gyarados-Mega as an offensive huge power mon cannot hit most wg This is usually not much of a problem for other huge power pokemon and those like mmx, regigigas, slaking and many more have...
  5. Eyeos

    Project Old Gen Hackmons Megathread

    That’s fake don’t believe everything you see on the internet
  6. Eyeos

    Project Old Gen Hackmons Megathread

    Hey guys I’m pretty new to hackmons and stuck at 1100 I want to know if you have any ways of improving this team besides saying something along the lines of “I think spore spam is bad cus googles” I’d put a fancy moving pokemon here but idk how it works