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  1. OK, we can play now.

    OK, we can play now.
  2. Are you there? If you aren't, it's pretty late for me. Can we reschedule it to the weekend?

    Are you there? If you aren't, it's pretty late for me. Can we reschedule it to the weekend?
  3. OK

  4. yep

  5. Wait, I just realized that I had the time zones mixed up. 9pm your time is actually 11pm my...

    Wait, I just realized that I had the time zones mixed up. 9pm your time is actually 11pm my time. I'm still available then.
  6. I'm ready, on BobChess on either server

    I'm ready, on BobChess on either server
  7. no, we did change it to Tuesday. I'm ready to play now.

    no, we did change it to Tuesday. I'm ready to play now.
  8. sure. my 7pm then.

    sure. my 7pm then.
  9. Also, I forgot my time zone. It's -4, not -5.

    Also, I forgot my time zone. It's -4, not -5.
  10. Alright, 6pm then

    Alright, 6pm then
  11. OK. How about Thursday 9pm your time (7pm my time)?

    OK. How about Thursday 9pm your time (7pm my time)?
  12. yeah. 6pm my time sounds good. Unless you'd prefer 7pm

    yeah. 6pm my time sounds good. Unless you'd prefer 7pm
  13. Hi, I'm actually -4, not -5. When would you like to play next week? I can play after 6pm...

    Hi, I'm actually -4, not -5. When would you like to play next week? I can play after 6pm weekdays or any time on weekends.
  14. OK. I didn't realize that we actually had an extra week to play. I don't think I can play...

    OK. I didn't realize that we actually had an extra week to play. I don't think I can play tomorrow, so what times work next week?
  15. I'm fine with that, but can we play next week? I'd prefer that. I also haven't been able to...

    I'm fine with that, but can we play next week? I'd prefer that. I also haven't been able to access Pokemon Showdown yet.
  16. ADV ADV OU Global Championship - Round 1 [Tiebreaker @ Post 152]

    I still need some clarification. For me, the pairings above are referring to round 1 stage 2, and Rubyblood and avarice needed an extension for round 1 stage 1. If Rubyblood won, they'd be 2-0 and it wouldn't make sense for them to play stage 2, and the same is true for avarice, who would be...
  17. ADV ADV OU Global Championship - Round 1 [Tiebreaker @ Post 152]

    OK, so if Rubyblood was 1-0 and avarice was 0-1, and Rubyblood won, then spell and bydy would play each other in round (stage) 2?
  18. ADV ADV OU Global Championship - Round 1 [Tiebreaker @ Post 152]

    Thanks for the clarification. What I meant about the extension question was if one player was 1-0 and one was 0-1, and they needed an extension, they could either both be 1-1, or one could be 2-0 and one 0-2, neither going to stage 2.
  19. ADV ADV OU Global Championship - Round 1 [Tiebreaker @ Post 152]

    Questions: as the deadline for round 1 is May 26, is that the deadline for Stage 2, or for stage 1? When is the deadline for stage 1? How do extensions work for this tournament? Are they allowed? What happens if a game could result in both people having a stage 2 or neither player having a stage 2?
  20. I'm also -5.

    I'm also -5.