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  1. Side Monotype Low-Tier Ladder Tour III - Cycle 1

    Forum name: iceh0ck Week 1 Alt: MLTTS31 ice Does my week one alt contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation required by the rules: yes
  2. if you’re not on by 1:10 -5 we can play at 2:00 - 5

    if you’re not on by 1:10 -5 we can play at 2:00 - 5
  3. we did say 1:00 -5 right? that should be now

    we did say 1:00 -5 right? that should be now
  4. challenge me when ready

    challenge me when ready
  5. im iceh0ck on my main

    im iceh0ck on my main
  6. i’m -5, can you play this sunday (the 21st) at MY 1 pm? (your 2 pm)

    i’m -5, can you play this sunday (the 21st) at MY 1 pm? (your 2 pm)
  7. Tournament Gen 9 Random Doubles Battle Open - Round 1

    it says i’m against bye 104, what does that mean?
  8. Tournament Rands Slam IV - Gen 9 Open - Round 3

    my opponent Medeia forgot to play match, i gave him another time, and he failed to respond or make it to that match, ggs.
  9. iceh0ck on main, challenge when ready. if ur not here by 10:10 i’ll just tell the moderators...

    iceh0ck on main, challenge when ready. if ur not here by 10:10 i’ll just tell the moderators it’s a ff
  10. ok i’ll let you reschedule for 10 am -5, please be on time

    ok i’ll let you reschedule for 10 am -5, please be on time
  11. you ready?

    you ready?
  12. iceh0ck is my username, challenge me when ur ready. (make sure to do bo3)

    iceh0ck is my username, challenge me when ur ready. (make sure to do bo3)
  13. i’m gmt -5, could you play sunday at 9 am -5? (your 4 pm)

    i’m gmt -5, could you play sunday at 9 am -5? (your 4 pm)
  14. Tournament Rands Slam IV - Gen 9 Open - Round 2

    won against luchik in 2 ggs here is ss in case it doesn’t work for some reason
  15. Tournament Rands Slam IV - Gen 9 Open - Round 1

    my opponent @ Nanoq forfeited for not showing up twice, here is proof
  16. we can do the rest on showdown

    we can do the rest on showdown
  17. ok
