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  1. M2H

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    I spun the wheel again join me
  2. M2H

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    but neon I spun my wheel and it landed on exithe you gotta...
  3. M2H

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    thank you kind stranger vote exithe
  4. M2H

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    i dont care what kind of thoughts run around in dbd and pigeon's minds when i can win with them... they are never gonna win solo idc if they aim for that.
  5. M2H

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    and honestly keep my name out of your mouth before i will smith you LOL
  6. M2H

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    how anybody can honestly simultaneously believe that SHF are going to try to solo win but solo government or government + shp isn't a threat is like honestly baffling to me. an insult to my intelligence really
  7. M2H

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    Vote HydrogenHydreigon
  8. M2H

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    RADICALS: You have NO excuse not to DM me. I am a CONFIRMED radical. You will NOT win with government or Strawhats solo at this rate. I guarantee it. Look at who is voting together. The Strawhat Friends and Evil Pirates have been getting demolished. This game is on the verge of being a...
  9. M2H

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    With your cooperation, we will destroy the world government AND the strawhats.
  10. M2H

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    ATTENTION: Remaining Evil Pirates, Strawhat Friends, Radicals of all kinds, and Third Parties CONTACT ME It is of utmost importance that we have a unified resistance.
  11. M2H

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    the more you deny it, the less I believe it tbh
  12. M2H

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    If you are one of the remaining radicals, claim to me immediately! Together we will form RADICALtopia
  13. M2H

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a LonelyNess should be able to survive past day 1. Its ability to tell the truth is too small to get its blackmail bodyguard role into the endgame. The LonelyNess, of course, revives anyway because strawhats don't care what every other...
  14. M2H

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    AnimePigeon is a friend radical. Fuck you.
  15. M2H

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    but LonelyNess is only going to out government, strawhat friend, and evil pirate radicals. That gamestate still only helps the strawhat pirates who have a large information lead at this stage.