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  1. Snorlaxe

    Who is your personal hero?

    wait so jellicent your personal hero is a fictional cat and you seem to be totally okay with that ?
  2. Snorlaxe

    'Sup fellow bibliophiles

    a pretty awesome website for bibliophiles is shelfari. it allows you to keep track of what youre reading, what you have read, and what you want to read. if youre a voracious reader like i am, then this is pretty fucking sweet!
  3. Snorlaxe

    Social The Smogon Photo Album

    wait i swear to god i always thought you were a girl GEC im fairly sure like 5 people have told me that uhhh
  4. Snorlaxe

    April Fools Thread

    am i the only one who forgot it was april fools day until i read about it on the internet orrrr
  5. Snorlaxe

    do you do anything irl for april fools?

    sometimes i burn my neighbors' houses down as a joke, nbd just the usual shit
  6. Snorlaxe

    Social The Smogon Photo Album

    gee fishy i dont think youre hipster enough with just the tetris pants and ariel hair maybe you need 3D glasses with the lenses punched out to complete the equation??? but in all seriousness DAMN i want those pants
  7. Snorlaxe

    Apology thread

    if you believe this is a real thing you are either A) not as cynical as me or B) mentally retarded
  8. Snorlaxe


    itt smogon gets a little bit closer towards becoming 4chan
  9. Snorlaxe

    The Hunger Games (spoilers itt)

    they pretty much just hovered around in the background in district 12's capitol suite. they were never elaborated on, or even addressed, in the movie, another thing that kinda disappointed me.
  10. Snorlaxe

    The Hunger Games (spoilers itt)

    the hunger games would be so much more popular if it was about a food eating contest js idk, i was a little disappointed. ive read the book twice - the second time i finished it just days before i went to see the movie on friday - and i felt that, while it was an extremely faithful adaption...
  11. Snorlaxe

    the well, r1

    voted for bloo, rocket grunt, and chou toshio because they are delightful young men and upstanding citizens
  12. Snorlaxe

    Gay marriage/adoption

    OFCOURSE I BELIEVE IN ALIENS GAWD WHAT A DUM POLL my opinion on this issue isn't complex. i feel that denying gay couples the right to marry/adopt children is nothing short of immoral and inhuman. they can't help that they are the way that they are, so to torment them over the issue even...
  13. Snorlaxe

    WER IS A WHORE - Picture request thread

    this website isnt even remotely family friendly like comeonnn i just think youre looking for an excuse to not go naked
  14. Snorlaxe

    Polygamy-- let's spread the love.

    i may be pointing out the obvious, but doesnt polygamy just seem.........immoral to you? honestly it has nothing to do with religion (im actually a pretty religious person but i dont know the bible's stance on polygamy, more than likely against it), i just think it seems wrong. doesnt the...
  15. Snorlaxe

    the well

    Rocket Grunt
  16. Snorlaxe

    The Smog Awards: Voting Discussion

    not really a discussion post but uhh is fate's dancing girl avatar actually jumpluff? if so, i totally had no idea oh and antar kinda NEEDS to win most deserving user, i dont think we could possibly reward him enough for all the work he does even if we gave him a badge a day for the next year
  17. Snorlaxe

    CAP 2 Pre-evo - Part 6.1 - Name poll

    Whisberry i feel like every other option is just a wannabe necturna, and i feel since CAP 2's pre-evo is so different in design than necturna's, i feel a very different name is in order.
  18. Snorlaxe


    i dont get YOU, piglet
  19. Snorlaxe

    KONY 2012

    can someone please tell me why everyone suddenly feels the need to take action against kony right now? all my friends all over twitter and facebook have been posting like nine million kony-related things, but seriously i dont know why theyre getting so fired up right now. i mean, kony has been...