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  1. The First Smogon Council - Salamence

    Can we have some talk about the metagame? What kind of stall are you guys running? All i've seen is a few copies of EW's team. My stall is pretty owned by the Infernape U-Turn to Starmie thing, especially if i can't hit Ape with a Toxic on it's way to my Bliss. Any suggestions?
  2. Smogon Steam, Xfire and XBox Live account names

    my PSN is schakenotstirred, and i'm exclusively MW2. I'm pretty good, anyone that wants to play hit me with a PM.
  3. Movie pokemon metagame changes

    the thing is, what does 101 subs really help against? it's mainly used against seismic toss, and all the users aren't switching into you. Chansey and Clefable fear almost all your attacks, Registeel has no chance, Regirock is already forcing you out with Rock Slide/whatever, etc. All I can see...
  4. np: UU - Rain Drops Keep Falling on my Head

    I was kind of talking about the idea of Raikou running over offense. They only offenses i've played are Suicide Offense, with no choice items or any type of wall, or more standard offense, i.e. spike stacking w/ Moltres and/or Swellow. (btw classifying teams into suicide offense, bulky offense...
  5. np: UU - Rain Drops Keep Falling on my Head

    What type of offense are you guys playing? Bulky? Slower? Because I've been playing offense the whole round and I have no trouble with Raikou, especially the SubCM set. If you just keep attacking, where exactly does it set up? Okay it switches in after a kill, you just attack it with the mon you...
  6. np: UU - Rain Drops Keep Falling on my Head

    I've found RP Rhyperior and RP Torterra on a hyper offense team to be amazing. I usually set up with Rhyperior first because he hits harder, and is more vulnerable to priority. It also lets me weaken things like Milotic to the point that I can switch in Raikou, fish myself a Registeel out, then...
  7. Heart Gold | Soul Silver In-Game Tier List

    advocating kanga to uber. it's on the first route of the pokewalker, so it's "easy to get" compared to other pw pokes. it gets stab fake out and then headbutt, off a sick attack stat for that early in the game. it levels up pretty quick, it doesn't have a bad gym (okay jasmine but just give it...
  8. Modern Warfare 2 - Multiplayer Discussion

    every search game i play there's at least two silenced ump kids. (and heartbeatsensor AR noobs and some wannabe pro thermal sniper, but i digress.) what do you guys run as your blue perk if you're playing search? i've found marathon to be the best, you don't need scavenger, and slight of hand...
  9. np: UU - Rain Drops Keep Falling on my Head

    the point aero was trying to make, and i've seen others such as haunter make, is that overcentralization =/= broken or overpowered. sure raikou makes you carry a few checks if you're running offense, but to be honest it's not like these checks are terrible pokemon. venusaur, rhyperior, dugtrio...
  10. How have your past girlfriend/boyfriend relationships been?

    ah, long boring post time. as of now, i've just started taking time to be single. before, i'd feel kind of lonely and purposeless without a girlfriend. it was just one after another, and looking back now, they were all pretty pointless. longest relationship was about two years on and off. i'd...
  11. np: UU - Can't Touch This

    playing pokemon means accepting that "hax" is gonna happen, and accepting that eventually it will happen a lot, many times in a row, and at the worst possible times. it's either grow up and quit complaining, or stop playing if it bothers you so much.
  12. Which aspect of Dragons is more broken: Pokémon or Moves?

    You really can't compare Draco Meteor and Leaf Storm. The dragon typing is such a blessing, with amazing coverage and no 4x resists. I feel that these moves are more broken than the pokemon themselves. IIRC, CB Mence can 2HKO Scizor with Outrage, which of itself is ridiculous. I think baning...
  13. Blissey

    First off, to all the people who are saying Blissey can't do anything to the top 10 pokes, don't you think if Blissey DID stop them, they wouldn't be top 10? I think this also brings up a flaw in our Uber Characteristics, if Blissey walls let's say 60% of all pokemon, regardless of tier, the...
  14. np: UU - The Boys Are Back in Town

    Quilfish has another niche as the best offensive check to SubRoost Moltres, if you can call Quilfish offensive, as well as Ice Punch SubPunch Azumarril
  15. np: UU - The Boys Are Back in Town

    Sceptile of any kind is a bitch to stall, simply because of the number of sets it can run. Can't bring Chansey in on Mix or SD, Registeel falls to SD, Spiritomb can't handle Specs, etc. I've gone with Ice Punch on Regi just to get that fucker dead. I've been baited by Expert Belt a lot too...
  16. np: UU - The Boys Are Back in Town

    Chansey works pretty well as a solid counter, and Lanturn walls all but HP Grass and Ground, so i guess it's a check too.
  17. Makin' it Rain: UU Rain discussion

    I once used a team centered around breaking down milotic and sweeping, and my array of Fire types and Water types left me pretty rain weak. I ran a Floatzel, with HP Grass, protect, taunt, and toxic, and it worked amazingly. It was EV'd to outpaces Jolly Kabutops while rain was up, KO both it...
  18. What playstyles do you use?

    i prefer stall, but I use Screens + Swellow to keep it viable in the Gallade age, and late game, after wearing down a core like only stall can, i throw screens up, and my Swellow is hard to stop, if not impossible
  19. Ask A Little Question, Get A Little Answer (Mark 1)

    This is hard to phrase, but how many of the LC pokemon have really been tried? for example is there still movesets to be discovered? and if they have all been tested, is there a list of the results?
  20. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 21 (READ THE OP)

    Is there any intrest in revamping some of the GSC analysis? A few of them are really bare, and i know a few people who would be intrested in helping.