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  • Users: uxsee
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  1. CAP 15 CAP 4 - Part 7 - Art Poll 1

    Calad KoA Yilx DoranDragon Kadew CBMeadow
  2. CAP 15 CAP 4 - Part 6 - Stat Spread Submissions

    Final Submission HP: 94 Attack: 125 Defense: 116 S. Attack: 112 S. Defense: 65 Speed: 88 BST: 600 PT: 195.0542 ST: 112.4706 PS: 191.5203 SS: 174.4911 BSR: 379.1261 Why I Chose Each Stat: HP: OU Psychics I chose to do OU psychic types since OU is the tier that CAP4 will be introduced to and...
  3. Team WinMea3DSXL

    This team seems pretty good all-around, but seems to have a giant weakness to ferrothorn, porygon2, and chansey. Therefore, i would recommend changing suicune to Fighting Gem Hitmontop. Suicune only provides tailwind, which is not really needed with cresselia's icy wind. Hitmontop also provides...
  4. October 14th, Last chance for help?

    As said in another post (by myself): It also has the ability to OHKO Hydreigon with Megahorn 252 Atk Rhyperior (+Atk) Megahorn vs 0 HP/4 Def Hydreigon: 102.99% - 122.16% Guaranteed OHKO He can 2HKO physically defensive cresselia with megahorn half of the time as well: 252 Atk Rhyperior...
  5. Trick Room!

    Welcome to smogon! To start off, I have a few nitpicks for this team and they are as follows: Replace Swift Swim with Rain Dish Yep. Do it. Also, you could replace Ludicolo's item with an absorb bulb in order to abuse the opponents surf spam and ludicolo's quad resistance allows it to take...
  6. CAP 15 CAP 4 - Part 4 - Secondary Ability Poll 1

    Illusion Moxie No Guard
  7. CAP 15 CAP 4 - Part 4 - Primary Ability Poll 3

    No Guard Both abilities arent all that great for the type
  8. CAP 15 CAP 4 - Part 4 - Primary Ability Poll 1

    Illusion Weak Armor No Guard Moxie Simple
  9. CAP 15 CAP 4 - Part 4 - Primary Ability Discussion

    I "took a survey" of some of the riskier abilities of the types of insects and psychics and found these.I then added some in because they either represent the type well: Quick Feet Analytic Trace Download Adaptability Unburden Rattled Hustle Justified Guts Weak Armor Truant Swarm Illusion...
  10. The Best Pokemon in NU

    I vote for: Skuntank. It has a great base 103 HP, decent bulk, and wonderful defensive typing to support it defensively and a move pool capable of stopping psychic and ghost types, defensive walls, volbeat/illumise (from baton passing a tail glow), frail sweepers, and can cause annoying mind...
  11. CAP 15 CAP 4 - Part 2 - Typing Poll 2

    Bug/Psychic I feel that psychic is a way riskier type with pursuit users and CAP has never had a psychic type. Also, i think a bug dragon would look really stoopid.
  12. Neverused Mini-Tournament 4 -[Won by Sweet Jesus]

    VMed opponent.:3
  13. CAP 15 CAP 4 - Part 2 - Typing Poll 1

  14. The NU Open I - Round 2

    VM'd my opp
  15. The NU Open I - Round 2

    I know this doesnt necessarily matter but Seth and I did battle today and i won~
  16. Neverused Mini-Tournament 4 -[Won by Sweet Jesus]

    Just In Time