Bulky Support (Clefairy) @ Eviolite
Ability: Friend Guard
Level: 50
Tera Type: Water / Grass
EVs: 252 HP / 140 Def / 116 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Sing / After You
- Helping Hand
- Follow Me
- Protect

Clefairy is an excellent support Pokemon that utilizes its combination of Friend Guard and Follow Me to support frail partners. Sing is used to disable foes, while After You helps fast teams by letting its allies move before common checks like Calyrex-I in Trick Room. Tera Water is overall its best defensive Tera type, as it allows it to resist moves like Urshifu-R's Surging Strikes and Choice Specs Chi-Yu Overheat, but Tera Grass can prevent Spore from Amoonguss. This particular EV spread allows Clefairy to almost always survive Mystic Water Urshifu-R's Tera Water-boosted Surging Strikes and cleanly survive Tera Electric Discharge from Choice Specs Miraidon.

A good partner for Clefairy is Calyrex-S, which appreciated After You to deal with Trick Room and Clefairy's defensive options mitigating its frailty, and helping it set up with Nasty Plot. Clefairy is also a good partner for Restricted Pokemon like Terapagos, Zamazenta, and Calyrex-I, with Follow Me and Friend Guard working in tandem with their naturally high bulk. Checks to Clefairy include Taunt users, notably Tornadus and Incineroar, which completely shut it down. It is also extremely passive, needing strong partners to make up for its passivity.

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Bulky Support (Clefairy) @ Eviolite
Ability: Friend Guard
Level: 50
Tera Type: Grass/Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 144 Def / 112 SpD (The EV spread isn't optimal, try to get from the QC team.)
Relaxed Nature/ Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Sing/ After You/ Heal Pulse
- Helping Hand
- Follow Me
- Protect (Space the set comments now)
Clefairy is an excellent support Pokemon that utilizes its combination of Eviolite and Follow Me to allow its frail partners to survive hits and fire back with heavy damage. Its main selling point over other redirectors is its access to the Friend Guard ability, lowering the success rate of common counterplay to Follow Me, (the sentence isn't clear, maybe you wanted to write it as lowering damage with its ability Friend Guard) by spamming spread moves as Friend Guard lowers the damage of attacks aimed at its partner whilst Clefairy remains on the field. After You is a powerful move on fast teams that struggle under Trick Room teams, as it underspeeds many common threats like Calyrex-Ice and Ursaluna-Bloodmoon, and can then use After You to allow its partner to fire off its powerful (depends what Pokemon is on the field) attacks without being outsped and KOed first, whereas Sing is better used on slower teams with no need for After You, and although Sing is inaccurate, it can be quite a deadly and surprising tool, (AC) if played correctly. Steel Tera is the best overall defensive tera Tera for Clefairy, but Grass can help prevent sleep from Amoonguss and also wall Urshifu-Rapid-Strike's Urshifu-R's Surging Strikes.

Good partners for this Pokemon Clefairy include Calyrex-Shadow Calyrex-S, who both appreciates both its protective powers mitigating its own frailty, as well as After You to deal with Trick Room, even despite its low speed (Calyrex-S is hella fast, I think you meant being outsped in Trick Room). Terapagos is also a great partner for it Clefairy is a great partner for Terapagos, with Follow Me and Friend Guard working in tandem with Terapagos' naturally high bulk, and Heal Pulse to buff the heal Terapagos' health when it is low. Checks to Clefairy include Taunt users, notably Tornadus-I Tornadus and Incineroar, who can shut down Clefairy with the move which shuts down Clefairy, and powerful mons Pokemon that can kill Clefairy in one shot that OHKO Clefairy, like Tera Fire Koraidon's Flare Blitz.
(Once you take the EV spread, add what does it do in the first paragraph, mention how Protect can be important on Clefairy. Also add the SET CREDITS section later on.)
Yellow = highlight, Purple = comment, Red= remove, Blue = add, will recheck
Bulky Support (Clefairy) @ Eviolite
Ability: Friend Guard
Level: 50
Tera Type: Grass/Steel / Water I see no steel at either indy or stockholm
EVs: 252 HP / 144 Def / 112 SpD These EVs are suboptimal
Relaxed Nature/ Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Sing/ After You/ Heal Pulse You don't even mention heal pulse in the analysis
- Helping Hand
- Follow Me
- Protect
Clefairy is an excellent support Pokemon that utilizes its combination of Eviolite and Follow Me to allow its frail partners to survive hits and fire back with heavy damage This makes it seem like eviolite helps the partner rather than clefairy, hax the second sentence and say "Friend Guard and Follow me then mention eviolite as an item choice.. Its main selling point over other redirectors is its access to the Friend Guard ability, lowering the success rate of common counterplay to Follow Me, by spamming spread moves as Friend Guard lowers the damage of attacks aimed at its partner whilst Clefairy remains on the field dex info. After You is a powerful move on fast teams that struggle under Trick Room teams, as it underspeeds many common threats like Calyrex-Ice and Ursaluna-Bloodmoon, and can then use After You to allow its partner to fire off its powerful attacks without being outsped and KOed first, feels a bit lengthy whereas Sing is better used on slower teams with no need for After You put this before after you since it's the first slash and mention heal pulse, and although Sing is inaccurate, it can be quite a deadly and surprising tool if played correctly fluff. Steel Tera is the best overall defensive tera for Clefairy, but Grass can prevent sleep Spore from Amoonguss and also wall Urshifu-Rapid-Strike's Surging Strikes. Remove Steel, put grass first then water.

Good partners for this Pokemon include Calyrex-Shadow, who both appreciates its protective powers mitigating its own frailty, as well as After You to deal with Trick Room, even despite its incredibly high speed reads weird but up to you/GP.. Terapagos is also a great partner for it, with Follow Me and Friend Guard working in tandem with Terapagos' naturally high bulk, and Heal Pulse to buff idk about this wording, up to you the Terapagos' health when it is low. Checks to Clefairy include Taunt users, notably Tornadus-I and Incineroar, who can shut down Clefairy with the move, and powerful mons that can kill Clefairy in one shot, like Tera Fire Koraidon's Flare Blitz. Mention Clefairy's passivity due to 0 attacking moves.


also by lowering the success rate of common counterplay to Follow me, I meant that many people will just spam spread moves to ignore it, which friend guard helps with
how am i supposed to write a credits section?
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this would be at the bottom of your analysis, or just look at the analysis format.
also by lowering the success rate of common counterplay to Follow me, I meant that many people will just spam spread moves to ignore it, which friend guard helps with
To be fair, half the sentence seemed like dex info. Would also reccomend asking questions on discord next time.
mark as qc 1/2 ig, I left a lot of stuff out but I'd have to recheck those if I highlighted them or rewrite things. Choruto pick things up from here man, I think you can fix this better than I can.
Bulky Support (Clefairy) @ Eviolite
Ability: Friend Guard
Level: 50
Tera Type: Grass/Water
EVs: 252 HP / 140 Def / 116 SpD
Sassy Nature/ Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk, 0 Spe if Sassy - 15 Spe if Calm

Use the correct formatting and just use sassy and 0atk/0spe.
- Heal Pulse/ After You/ Sing This was my bad, sing is the most popular move on clef, then after you then heal pulse
- Helping Hand
- Follow Me
- Protect

Clefairy is an excellent support Pokemon that utilizes its combination of Friend Guard and Follow Me to allow its frail partners to survive hits and fire back with heavy damage, whilst Eviolite gives it much more survivability. Its main selling point over other redirectors is its access to the Friend Guard ability, lowering the success rate of common counterplay to Follow Me, by spamming spread moves as Friend Guard lowers the damage of attacks aimed at its partner whilst Clefairy remains on the field I attempted to keep as much of this point as possible this time. Heal Pulse is used to heal up particularly tanky partners to make dealing with them even harder, like Terapagos. After You is a powerful move on fast teams that struggle under Trick Room teams, as it underspeeds many common threats like Calyrex-I and Ursaluna-Bloodmoon, and can then use the move to allow its partner to fire off attacks without being outsped and KOed first, whereas Sing is better used on slower teams with no need for After You reverse order. Protect is, although seemingly a no-brainer, quite a useful tool on Clefairy, as it allows to protect itself from threatening attacks that try and remove it from the field, and extends the protection of its Friend Guard ability,. Water Tera is the best overall defensive Tera for Clefairy, but Grass can help prevent sleep from Amoonguss Put water first then. This particular set allows it to almost always live Jolly Mystic Water Urshifu-R Surging Strikes, whilst also cleanly surviving Discharge from Choice Specs Miraidon.

Good partners for Clefairy include Calyrex-S, who both appreciates its protective powers mitigating its own frailty, as well as After You to deal with Trick Room, even despite its incredibly high speed. Clefairy is also a good partner for tanky restricteds like Terapagos, Zamazenta and Calyrex-I, with Follow Me and Friend Guard working in tandem with their naturally high bulk, and Heal Pulse to heal their health when they are low. Checks to Clefairy include Taunt users, notably Tornadus and Incineroar, which completely shuts down Clefairy, and powerful mons that OHKO Clefairy, like Tera Fire Koraidon's Flare Blitz. It is also quite passive, having no attacking moves, and clever players will exploit that.

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Hi im gonna do a re-check, pls implement the changes or ping me on the smogon disc after done
Bulky Support (Clefairy) @ Eviolite
Ability: Friend Guard
Level: 50
Tera Type: Water / Grass
EVs: 252 HP / 140 Def / 116 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk, 0 Spe
- Sing / After You / Heal Pulse I like never see this
- Helping Hand
- Follow Me
- Protect

Clefairy is an excellent support Pokemon that utilizes its combination of Friend Guard and Follow Me to allow its frail partners to survive hits and fire back with heavy damage, with its Eviolite item giving it much more survivability to use these moves This makes it sound like Clefairy need Eviolite to use these moves and thats why you run it, also your not necessarily running clef to allow parters to fire back with heavy damage its just to keep them safe. Can you re word this, maybe saying with Eviolite and Friend Guard its absurdly bulky?. Its main selling point over other redirectors is its access to the Friend Guard ability Im gonna dissagre with this, Maushold also has Friend Guard and it sees no use. Clefairy's main draw is its bulk, it just eats stuff, Friend Guard is a cherry on top. Change this pls, lowering the success rate of common counterplay to Follow Me by spamming spread moves lowering the effectiveness of spread moves Cutting. Sing is used to disable threatening opponents that can threaten its partners, while After You is powerful in Trick Room, as Clefairy underspeeds threats such as Cayrex-l and side After You, bypassing Trick Room. is a powerful move on fast teams that struggle under Trick Room, as it underspeeds many common threats like Calyrex-I and Ursaluna-Bloodmoon, and can then use the move to allow its partner to fire off attacks without being outsped and KOed first Cutting. Heal Pulse is used to heal up particularly tanky partners to make dealing with them even harder, like Terapagos. Protect is, although seemingly a no-brainer, quite a useful tool on Clefairy, as it allows to protect itself from threatening attacks that try and remove it from the field, and extends the protection of its Friend Guard ability, I dont think you need to explain protect, you only gotta explain unorthodox moves. Water Tera is the best overall defensive Tera for Clefairy Because?, but Grass can help prevent sleep from Amoonguss. This particular set allows it to almost always live Jolly Tera Water Mystic Water Urshifu-R Surging Strikes, whilst also cleanly surviving Tera Electric Discharge from Choice Specs Miraidon. You forgot Tera on both

Good partners for Clefairy include Calyrex-S, who both appreciates its protective powers mitigating its own frailty, as well as After You to deal with Trick Room Anything else about Calyrex-S? Add that it redirects SE Dark Type attacks and Nasty Plot stuffs, even despite its incredibly high speed. Clefairy is also a good partner for tanky bulky restricteds like Terapagos, Zamazenta and Calyrex-I, with Follow Me and Friend Guard working in tandem with their naturally high bulk, and Heal Pulse to heal their health when they are low. Checks to Clefairy include Taunt users, notably such as Tornadus and Incineroar, Why are they notable? which completely shuts down Clefairy, and powerful mons that OHKO Clefairy, like Tera Fire Koraidon's Flare Blitz. I mean like yeah, thats true for any Pokemon. It is also quite extremely passive, relying on parters to make up for the lost pressure. having no attacking moves, and clever players will exploit that. How will they exploit that, clever players will exploit everything

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Hi, this might be nitpicky but I tried to explain my thought proccess for most of these changes. Implement all of them or dm me on discord about specific changes your not sure on, dm me once done
Bulky Support (Clefairy) @ Eviolite
Ability: Friend Guard
Level: 50
Tera Type: Water / Grass
EVs: 252 HP / 140 Def / 116 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk, 0 Spe
- Sing / After You
- Helping Hand
- Follow Me
- Protect

Clefairy is an excellent support Pokemon that utilizes its combination of Friend Guard and Follow Me to support frailer partners thanks to allow its frail partners to survive hits and fire back with heavy damage, with its This is just fluff, it doesen't contribute anything and is okay to be cut Eviolite item giving it much more giving it far more survivability to use these moves Again fluff, any Pokemon that is on the field for longer is automatically using more moves. It has access to the Friend Guard ability Your running the ability, ofc you have access to it, just cutting, lowering the success rate effectiveness Success rate implies a binary fail or success and not a sliding scale of how effective the move was, which is what Friend Guard is of spread moves, which are common counterplay to Follow Me by spamming spread moves I tried to keep the sentence structure, in these analysis theres some informality thats okay but stuff like "Spamming" is just going to get cut in GP. Sing is used to disable opponents, while After You is a powerful move on fast teams that struggle under Trick Room, as it underspeeds many common threats like Calyrex-I and bypasses Trick Room with side After You Bit iffy on this, I'll let GP figure it out. Water Tera is the best overall defensive Tera for Clefairy Yes, why? Something like that isen't obvious, explain why Tera Water is strong, does it give resistances to stuff Clef is weak too, is a strong neutral typing, etc, but Grass can help prevent sleep Spore from opposing Amoonguss T-Grass only prevents Powder moves. This particular set allows it to almost always live Jolly Besides the fact that no one runs Jolly Urshifu, its already assumed that calcs are calculating for max attack non boosting nature. Tera Water Mystic Water Urshifu-R Surging Strikes, whilst also cleanly surviving Tera Electric Discharge from Choice Specs Miraidon.

Good partners for Clefairy include Calyrex-S, who both appreciates its protective powers mitigating its own frailty and help set up Nasty Plots, as well as After You to deal with Trick Room, even despite its incredibly high speed Like why do you need to say this, side after you works regardless of Speed, also added Nasty Plot cuz thats important. Clefairy is also a good partner for bulky restricteds like Terapagos, Zamazenta and Calyrex-I, with Follow Me and Friend Guard working in tandem with their naturally high bulk as well as giving opportunities to set up. Checks to Clefairy include Taunt users, notably Tornadus with its Prankster ability and Incineroar with its splashability such as Tornadus and Incineroar, which completely shuts down Clefairy due it being extremely passive, having no attacking moves, forcing Clefairy to Struggle. Yes, readers see that it has no attacking moves, taunt shutting it down is enough information. It is also extremely passive, relying on parters to make up for the lost pressure. This is also very important!

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Bulky Support (Clefairy) @ Eviolite
Ability: Friend Guard
Level: 50
Tera Type: Water / Grass
EVs: 252 HP / 140 Def / 116 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk, 0 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe

- Sing / After You
- Helping Hand
- Follow Me
- Protect

Clefairy is an excellent support Pokemon that utilizes its combination of Friend Guard and Follow Me to support frail partners.(period), with its Eviolite item giving it much more bulk.(dex info) It has access to the Friend Guard ability, lowering the effectiveness of common counterplay to Follow Me by using spread moves.(this is the 1st sentence reiterated + I imagine spread moves being un-redirectable is basic info?) Sing is used to disable opponents, while After You is a powerful move on fast teams that struggle under Trick Room, as it Clefairy underspeeds many common threats like Calyrex-I (remove doubled space) and bypasses Trick Room with side After You. Water Tera Tera Water is overall its the best overall defensive Tera type for Clefairy, as it allows it to resist moves like Urshifu-R's Surging Strikes and Choice Specs Chi-Yu's Overheat, but Tera Grass can help prevent Spore from Amoonguss. This particular set EV spread allows it Clefairy to almost always live survive Tera Water Mystic Water Urshifu-R's Tera Water-boosted Surging Strikes,(remove comma) whilst while (that word is uk english) also cleanly surviving Tera Electric Discharge from Choice Specs Miraidon.

Good partners for Clefairy include Calyrex-S, who both which appreciates its Clefairy's defensive options protective powers mitigating its own frailty and helping it set up Nasty Plot Nasty Plots,(remove comma) as well as and After You to deal with Trick Room. Clefairy is also a good partner for bulky restricteds Restricted Pokemon like Terapagos, Zamazenta,(add comma) and Calyrex-I, with Follow Me and Friend Guard working in tandem with their naturally high bulk. Checks to Clefairy include Taunt users, notably Tornadus and Incineroar(remove space after Incineroar and after Tornadus), which completely shut shuts down Clefairy. It is also extremely passive, needing strong partners to make up for its passivity lost pressure.

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