not to be pretentious but yall should really read this… C.H.A.T. (Come Here for All Talk)

What was the nicest compliment you ever got?

When I was like 16 or 17, I had some shirt and "unreal" was written on it. A teacher saw this and told me "that's not true, you are real". I don't know why but that made me very happy
When I was in high school, this girl that I thought was cute said that she liked my hair. It must have been impactful because I still remember it years later.


I did it again
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What was the nicest compliment you ever got?

When I was like 16 or 17, I had some shirt and "unreal" was written on it. A teacher saw this and told me "that's not true, you are real". I don't know why but that made me very happy
to tell the truth, I don't remember compliments as well as insults

there was a time where my ex called me "a man of many words but little substance" which was BRUTAL
You know this Shane Dawson guy?

I got some compilation of him being creepy recommended to me

It's very rare for me to get the creeps from someone. I may feel like somebody is sketchy, but I almost never feel these scary vibes

Shane Dawson gives me these vibes through the screen. Like I got a good 50 pounds and half a foot on him, I would still never want this guy to approach me in real life


if the gluten’s free why’s the bread so expensive?
is a Community Contributor
You know this Shane Dawson guy?

I got some compilation of him being creepy recommended to me

It's very rare for me to get the creeps from someone. I may feel like somebody is sketchy, but I almost never feel these scary vibes

Shane Dawson gives me these vibes through the screen. Like I got a good 50 pounds and half a foot on him, I would still never want this guy to approach me in real life
you're a local dog, not a local cat so dw about it.
You know this Shane Dawson guy?

I got some compilation of him being creepy recommended to me

It's very rare for me to get the creeps from someone. I may feel like somebody is sketchy, but I almost never feel these scary vibes

Shane Dawson gives me these vibes through the screen. Like I got a good 50 pounds and half a foot on him, I would still never want this guy to approach me in real life
I know very little about him, but his name just sounds icky. "Shane" is an awful first name.
I know very little about him, but his name just sounds icky. "Shane" is an awful first name.
ok so basicaaaaaly

He started his YouTube career when it was still very new. Everyone at this point in time did rather insensitive and offensive content, however

1) Shane went WAAAAAAAY farther than any other big YouTuber
2) Shane was really creepy towards young children under the guise of comedy at several points in time
3) Shane made "jokes" about some absolute sexual degeneracy, the most well known one was sexually assaulting his housecat

This was... idk, kind of forgotten and ignored for a long while. At some point, Shane starting making absolutely pathetic "documentary" videos, that had 0 research put behind them and showed only interest for views. One of these docs included Shane covering controversial YouTube Jeffrey Star, who is... his own piece of work. They became friends and Shane has repeatedly defended Jeffrey against allegations (that were backed by mountains of proof, it wasn't just "he says, she says" matters). This has led to people looking much more closely at Shane, rediscovering the fucked up material from his past and leading to other figures that were associated with Shane to come out with a lot

He's... honestly the same kind of uncanny as Zuck is. Just creepy and seeming genuinenly inhuman. He has also has 0, and I mean 0, authenticity. He really shoots for a perfect, PC image and the only times he seems real is when he is creepy and degenerate. Also, he fucked over the careers of numerous associates and made a spectacle of a VERY anorexic internet personality by the name of Eugenia Cooney that has directly pushed her very very far into her ED

He's basically to YouTube what Drake is to HipHop I'd say


if the gluten’s free why’s the bread so expensive?
is a Community Contributor
Grave news from the posting front. On July 8th 2024, my post was unfortunately caught as a casualty in a mass deletion of posts in the Searing Hot Takes™️thread. While this post was absolutely fantastic in the now (rightfully) deleted context, I, CaffeineBoost, believe this post is a wonderful stand alone joke, and as a result I shall be reposting it for the masses to once again enjoy, but without the need for any discussion similar to the deleted context. Please find below the post. Thank you.
is it a kink if i think a take is hot?
To enhance the enjoyment of this post, I have decided it would be best that I include a brief explanation of the joke hidden within. See, a "hot take" is a common phrase used to describe an idea that is unpopular. The word "hot" however can be interpreted to mean attractive. The joke is a deliberate misinterpretation of the phrase "hot take" to mean a take or opinion that is attractive instead of an unpopular opinion as intended.
Grave news from the posting front. On July 8th 2024, my post was unfortunately caught as a casualty in a mass deletion of posts in the Searing Hot Takes™️thread. While this post was absolutely fantastic in the now (rightfully) deleted context, I, CaffeineBoost, believe this post is a wonderful stand alone joke, and as a result I shall be reposting it for the masses to once again enjoy, but without the need for any discussion similar to the deleted context. Please find below the post. Thank you.

To enhance the enjoyment of this post, I have decided it would be best that I include a brief explanation of the joke hidden within. See, a "hot take" is a common phrase used to describe an idea that is unpopular. The word "hot" however can be interpreted to mean attractive. The joke is a deliberate misinterpretation of the phrase "hot take" to mean a take or opinion that is attractive instead of an unpopular opinion as intended.
This is truly one of the posts of our time, and it would have been a tragedy for it to be lost in the great purge. Thank you.

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