CAP 19 CAP 19 - Art Submissions

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Here was my mind set. "An Electric/Poison type? What's an interesting spin on that? I know, how about the nervous system, considering the electrical and chemical aspects of a nervous impulse? Ooh, I'll make it a mouse, as a reference to psychological experiments and the speed of the nervous system as well as being a funny juxtaposition to the huge, scary Mega-Gyarados, and since they're pests that can make them poisonous too, and I can make the tail a neu-" and then I stopped and slapped my head. "Electrical mouse ... DURRRR" Well, I ... uh ... its a rat now. Totally different.

Very much a WIP (such whiskers, nice shading, wow): trying to work out a good pose, as well as how cartoony/realistic it should be. Would like to try keep the rat idea though. The shocking blue is meant to be reminiscent of electricity or luminescence as well as how poisonous creatures tend to feature vibrant colours. Other shades of blue seemed to look too mellow to me, but it is still early enough to change, in case it is too painful to look at. Experimenting with patterns to put on its butt to make it more interesting than just a blue rat, but don't think they've worked so far hence the crappy shading to make up for it in the meantime. I'm kinda worried if it looks poisonous enough, though. I suppose the association of rats with the black death is enough, but still. I imagine touching its tail would give it painful neuralgia ;_; Any advice welcome.

My useless comments:

Magistrum: I personally like the stiny ray creature more - the chimera idea unfortunately reminds me of Raikou though colours can easily fix that, and while I dig the frogs design we've had enough frogs already I just think the other creature is more interesting.

HeaLnDeaL: Cannot unsee moustache.

Damn it WhyAxis, you beat me to the punch, lol. I really like how it really looks like some sort of living bacteria or insect thing. The jaggedness and machine-like sheathes make it very electrical looking. Aside from the concept, personally I think it could be a wee bit more poisonous to it, as it seems like a bizarre construct like the Magnemite family to me.

OldManDugan: I really like the CatDog design, and how they apparently don't seem to quite get along, lol. It has quite a bit of personality. But It kind of makes me think more of a Dark-type than anything Poison related, though again that may just be me. Though on closer inspection I see the battery influence now, so I dunno.

V4Lover, stop posting things that creep me out, lol. Though it's mostly just the eyes, I think. To me it kind of seems a bit off how flimsily connected to the base the offshoot shrooms are, but maybe that's just how mushrooms work, I dunno.

TordenOfItami: I like the kind of Okami-ish artwork, but I don't really understand what is going on. This one also distinctly lacks a poison feel. It feels like its more to do with the staff than the actual Pokemon.

Boss jr.: Is the Hazzmat mask a natural part of its body, or some kind of clothing it acquired? For some reason that kind of throws me off. Also, I'm kind of unsure about having both the nuclear symbol and the visible acid together, at least in the same place. Might work in colour, though.
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protect the wetlands
is a CAP Contributoris a Contributor Alumnus
mod edit: since this isn't a design update, i've changed it to a link
probably not, but isn't it cute?

Anyhow, posting because I have some color options! Let me know which one you like best! Also, the pose and slight changes to the patterns are not permanent, just done because I am lazy I wanted to keep it simple.

Absolclaw: I think it needs to be more cartoon-y. One issue I have at times is making a design that feels too realistic. I like to analyze other Pokemon for this reason; when I was designing Malaconda, I looked at Sceptile, Seviper, Ekans, etc to identify common themes, styles and design traits in Pokemon.

Birkal: I talked to you on IRC. I still think it would be better quadruped. I am not a fan of the grey: either make it more purple or perhaps even white. The crescent around the neck seems out-of-place, but I do think it needs something around the neck/shoulders, maybe a ring or tuft of fur.

Blue Frog: I really like this. I think the torso could be less polygonal, maybe more like a toxic waste barrel or even complete round. One of my favorites atm.

Boss Jr.: Not much to say without it colored, but its a cool design regardless.

D4rk3r: I like snakes, so I like this. My one thought was turning those lightning extensions on the lower jaw and extending them into a cobra hood. I am a a big fan of the head, but the rest of the body seems rather plain in comparison; some form of patterning might help with that.

Gun6: The color scheme is really nice, and the head is cute (they eyes could be larger imo), but the hood is rather boring, which offsets the rather cute and comical design. Maybe make it like a satellite antenna or comically large, idk

HealNDeal: A really good base and really, REALLY nice color scheme (I almost stole it. Almost.) It feels a little too realistic at the moment, but I like it.

Hollymon: UGUUUUUU ITS SO CUTE. My only suggestion the neck reach to where it exits the sphere and then have it branch off into tentacles.

Magistrum: I like the stingray the most. Looking forward to see color versions of whatever you choose.

Otter Power: Very, very cool. The head isn't as exciting as the rest of the design, but that is literally my only issue atm.

Regime: Talked to you on IRC; looking forward to the next rendition!!

Sunfished: I prefered the old one, not a fan of the legs. I think it could longer, wider fingers. Not like Hariyama exactly, but something like that.

Quaynails: I am not a fan right now, but that might just be the pose. The grey face feels weird to me, but the rest of the colors are solid.

Yveltal: I like the scorpion the most.
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Alright, so this may or may not be my final submission. *twitches nervously*.

I actually managed to shade this decently :D. The extra spikes were the only way I could think of making this thing more poisonous, which was important as it was leaning towards electric, not poison. As I've said earlier, the idea and design is based off of neurons in the brain, which send electrical pulses between each other. I could link that as well to poison since cells are biotic. Here's some supporting art from when it didn't have spikes.
I wish everyone else good luck, there are so many more submissions that are better than mine XD. Also, MS Paint for the win.

Heh, there won't be any way the final product won't learn Venoshock :) :)
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is a Top Artist Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
I will probably change my idea when we get to the Abilities poll, but for now, have a couple of animal-object hybrids.

A stingray shaped like an electric guitar and a jellyfish shaped like a lamp. Both are sea dwelling creatures, so they seem to be part Water-type really. Also the designs are pretty simple, which is fine, but CAPmons tend to be a bit more complex.

Hello Bernoid here and this is the design that I'll be submitting. It's probably final, so please accept this version if this is my last post on this thread that includes a picture of my submission. This isn't the way I usually draw on photoshop, but I tried to make it look a bit more sugimori-like. Anyway, I decided to make it look a bit bulky as it is supposed to be a Pokemon that is hard to KO. The tail is based of a manticore and deadly nadder(HTTYD!) to make it look a little poisonous. It also squirts gas from its neck. The horns on its head are supposed to resemble antennas, and the claws have a blue outline to make them look a bit more electrified. Its body shape was inspired by toads. The circle on its chest is supposed to be where it gets its electricity and venom from, but to avoid similarities with Deoxys, I made it yellow and pink. It may stand on two legs or on all fours(I'll give the link to other sketches here:
Dracoyoshi8 I personally prefer the pink variant of the design as IRL most poisonous things are brightly colored to indicate that they are in fact poisonous. The current coloring could still work if the purple was a bit lighter. I feel like it's a little dull at the moment. Overall though I am a huge fan of your submission.

Yellow hello
This is a Mongolian death worm crossed with a Bobbit Worm. The death worm is a cryptid that is allegedly able to spit a highly corrosive acid, and paralyze prey from afar with an electric discharge. The bobbit worm, on the other hand, is a very shiny, very real worm that hunts by ambush- sensing prey with its five antennae then attacking with those jaws (the real one has two pairs). They belong to the polychaete class of worms, which have bristles on the sides of their bodies.


Turbine Snake Eel: The idea is for a combined snake and eel pokemon. Its coils form a turbine, which could maybe double up as a poisonous cauldron. The left head is the snake and uses poisonous attacks, while the right head is the eel and uses most of the lightning type attacks. For the colour scheme I was thinking maybe yellow for the snake and purple or black for the eel. Comments and criticism would be amazing!

Well here is the new Plasma Ball! I took on board the critiques I saw from you (and I saw every single comment about it) and I tried to incorporate everything that was said so thanks to all those who commented and those who liked my last attempt. I hope this is better!
I decided to give it more personality as paintseagull said and I tried to make it less metallic which Quanyails suggested, but I stuck with a darker grey because it seemed to be the best choice. I worked on the tentacles more and I made them look more fluid like a real jellyfish by removing the case they were in so the plasma can run free. They can be made longer or shorter at will and are used to attack!

Comments below
Dracoyoshi8 - Well I think it's very cute and I love the idea and out of the suggested colours, I prefer the pink because it looks nice with the yellow and is very bright, signalling that it is poisonous. Maybe test out some other bright colours and see what they look like too!
Birkal - I think platypus are extremely difficult to make into pokemon because they look so weird and I think this one of the better platypus fakemons I've seen but I would say it still needs a little work on looking more poison and electric type other than colours.
epicparker - It looks quite good as a poison type but I think you need to elaborate more on the electric type.
Magistrum - Well my favourite out of the three is the manitcore and it is very aesthetically pleasing and I wouldn't change a thing! Can't wait to see what you do with it next
Sunfished - I liked the first version better because you could see it was a genie as it came out a pot. Maybe try a more genie like pot.
TeraVolt - Yours is one of my favourites because its so cutteee! I can't think of much to improve but if you want people to see it as a beetle more, maybe make it a tiny bit more bug like. But it's fine as it is IMO
V4LOVER - I think it is quite clever how you incorporated the solar panels and skulls. I think a better pose would help it look more nice. On your new design, I would try and make the electric typing more explicit and give it more personality!
HeaLnDeaL - Well I thought it looked alright at first but it has grown on me. I love the colouring and I think it works well for the typing. I would probably say edit the legs because they look a bit awkward atm but I like it so far! (love the little mustache thing too lol)
WhyAxis - Hmm I get the idea but the design is quite confusing with all the bits hanging off it, maybe simplify it a bit
EpicUmbreon29 - well it doesn't really look like a battery atm so if you did that it might look better
GoldNinja - Umm the concept is a bit weird but if you touched up the art it could look good
Sgt.Moose - In my opinion, it looks to artificial at the moment so I would make the battery and the colour of the turtle link better.
Yveltal - I really really like the scorpion but you have got competition with HeaLnDeaL so be careful with colour choices ect but looks great so far!
Regime - Well I think you could edit it to incorporate the electric type better so it flows with the design but looks good.Also it looks a tad bit water type so be wary of that!
OldManDugan - I see the cat and dog aspect because they are like opposites but I see no poison typing whatsoever so you need to incorporate that In to the design
Eragon2 - Well I had a similar idea at first about a cone snail and I thought that the spears they shoot out is rather like a taser. Also I think you could make the shell look like tesla coil but it is a good concept. However I don't understand what those two things pointing out of the shell are?
Quanyails - I like the concept but I think if you could make the typings more obvious than just colour it would be better! Looks promising so far though :)
EpicUmbreon29 - Hmmm I don't really understand what the design is meant to be and I don't see it as electric/poison type, it looks more like poison/steel type. I would maybe make the body more obvious because I don't really know where it's eyes or anything are at the moment.
Chaos Wolf -I think it is a very interesting take on the typing but it looks to steel type in its current iteration.i would also take the rock away from the design. I love the concept though!
Gun6 - Looks pretty cool, I like the colours but I would try and make it more than just a generic snake. What makes the pokemon so special?
Blue Frog - I like and understand the concept and it works well with the typing but at the moment the design looks a bit awkward to me. I think you should try and make the arms and legs look more similar so it all looks like one pokemon. Congrats on art badge btw!
Otter Power - Bloody hell! You have 27 likes! Looks great, maybe make the fins more fluid!
D4rk3r - I love the head but the rest of the body looks too fat and awkward so I would make it look more fluid. Also how could the poison typing be represented better?

I will do more at some other time because they take bloody ages
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Deck Knight

Blast Off At The Speed Of Light! That's Right!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top CAP Contributor Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Hello Bernoid here and this is the design that I'll be submitting. It's probably final, so please accept this version if this is my last post on this thread that includes a picture of my submission. This isn't the way I usually draw on photoshop, but I tried to make it look a bit more sugimori-like. Anyway, I decided to make it look a bit bulky as it is supposed to be a Pokemon that is hard to KO. The tail is based of a manticore and deadly nadder(HTTYD!) to make it look a little poisonous. It also squirts gas from its neck. The horns on its head are supposed to resemble antennas, and the claws have a blue outline to make them look a bit more electrified. Its body shape was inspired by toads. The circle on its chest is supposed to be where it gets its electricity and venom from, but to avoid similarities with Deoxys, I made it yellow and pink. It may stand on two legs or on all fours(I'll give the link to other sketches here:
I'm not exactly the art mod, but as far as final submissions (which won't be for a long time coming), the design needs to have a clearly defined outline and can't have any effects, so the wavy gas effect and some of the "halos" will need to be either removed or outlined. Just a heads up.
Feedback for EVERYBODY!

I'll update this as time goes on, so be sure to check back. I'll include newer designs after this, too!

Absolclaw: I like the idea, but to keep it from seeming generic, you should probably draw from other sources as well. You could, for example, give it traits of other things, like crocodiles, or sliding glass doors. (Just examples, not actually saying to give it reptile or door traits.) Also, it's a bit difficult to see the Electric typing at the moment. I'm sure giving it more unique quirks without over complicating the design will make it much better.

Arkeis: They are both very cool concepts. They're sea creatures, but I don't currently detect any Water type vibe, and they aren't fish or anything, so it shouldn't be hard to veer away from that, especially since they aren't yet colored.

Bernoid: Very interesting design. Clearly illustrates the typing.

Birkal: Nice concept. The coloration could be improved upon, though. The pose could also be slightly reworked.

Blue Frog: Better! However, you should emphasize where the sludge comes in and out with the arms and legs.

Boss jr.: I get the symbol, but that alone doesn't convey its typing. I'd also change the coloration so it doesn't look like a Steel type. The expression could also use a little more.

Brylark: The arm/legs are a nice touch. I still think it needs a bit of work, though you are heading in the right direction. Keep it up!

Chaos Wolf: The design right now is really complex and it does not look much like a Pokémon. I will say that I really like the concept, but you should definitely change the proportion of the clownfish gladiator to the anemone robot thing. And try to make it look more interconnected, like it couldn't be separate from the thing.

Cipher Angel Stan: The body style and facial features are pretty basic right now, but I like the overall concept.

CyberFive: I won't go so far as to say it's "too much" but rather, too intricate. All of the little details are hard to notice immediately. If you want to incorporate them, you should bring them out more.

D4rk3r: Very interesting design. The coloration and facial expression are very good and fit the typing well.

Doran Dragon: Very nice. The Electric typing I do not see, however.

Dracoyoshi8: Very neat concept and it fits the typing well. The glowing orbs are very cool, and it seems very poisonous.

Dragonblaze052: I like how it's a frog without frog features. That makes its design even more unique. The patterns are cool, too. Maybe just a bit more expression.

epicparker: It's a little better, but I still think the body style could be reworked.

EpicUmbreon29: I think the coloration makes it look somewhat drab. It also seems pretty ghostly, and the only Electric thing I see is the battery thing it seems to be carrying.

Eragon2: Being a snail, it's hard not to make it seem Bug-type. I see the Electric/Poison, but it still seems like a generic snail. The expression is cool, but I personally think you should do something to the design to really set it apart.

GoldNinja: It seems a bit like a flying fish with the Poison type just as an add-on. Also, the face is rather expressionless.

Golurkyourself: This is a very, very good design. Love the concept. However, I feel that it could be even more electrified. If I looked at it, I'm not sure I'd say "Yep, that's definitely an Electric type" even with the yellow fur. If the body is supposed to be digitalized or glowing, I think it could be even further exaggerated.

Gun6: Nice design. Very Electric snake. That being said, I think it could be given some more quirks in regard to body style in order to differentiate it from other snakes.

HallowedHarlequin: Nice concept in a way, but I'd make it less Dragon-looking.

HeaLnDeal: Cool design, but I might make the legs even more electrical-looking if I were you. More could also be done to make it look less like a typical scorpion.

Hollymon: Much better. It looks like some exotic Poison thing and hardly aquatic at all now. The typing is much more clearly seen. And the expression is 1,000 times better.

Kingriolu: The snail looks a bit standard right now. I'd alter the elements of the design to really make it part of it.

Knirp: Much, much better! I think the long horse face really makes it better. And don't sell yourself short. I could see that thing absorbing water.

Magistrum: Honestly, I like the Stingray better. Both colorations are excellent, and the facial features are cool, too.

Mektar: Hard to see the poison, and it's a bit too polygonal.

mcFlareon: Cool, but a bit hard to see the Poison aspect. I'd also add a little more to it.

Mos-Quitoxe: Nice design, very original. However, to keep it from seeming Water-type, I'd say more cow, less fish. At least in body style.

Mystery ZOroark: It's very hard to shed the Bug off a spider design. Perhaps make it look a bit less spider-like?

OldManDugan: It's a bit oddly proportioned, and it's very hard to see anything Poison in it. If you're going for battery, I'd change the head shape of at least the cat side. Also, the Bug design is cool, but my problem with it is self-explanatory.

Otter Power: Nice design, but I'd make it look slightly less sea creature-y. I also feel like you could do something else with the electricity as well. Either simplify the electricity within or make it some sort of pattern, perhaps?

paintseagull: Very nice concept. However, I could definitely see it almost as a new Rotom form. Maybe it's the head/face. Very cool, though. I like the crack and leak aspect of it.

PixelMoniac_: Distinguished slug thing! Cool! But, yeah. Definitely bring out the Electric.

Psychic Daryl: I think I see what you're trying to do with the electricity. I'd either simplify it or bring it out even more. Personally, I think it could be less disembodied and have all of its features exaggerated.

Quanyails: I do like the fencer concept; however, I think maybe it might be better if you put more focus into the needle aspect. Additionally, the needle doesn't have to be silver. The important thing is that the point of the design gets across. Needles can be very interesting, and there are plenty of other aspects to fencing that could be thrown into your design that could electrify it or poison-ify it. Perhaps choosing a few of these aspects and elaborating on them may make the design even more unique.

-Also, my reasoning for making the cannon feet plain holes was because I felt like every cannon-like thing in Pokémon had been exaggerated. I wanted something subtle. But perhaps I can afford to give them a bit more detail. And I also plan to elaborate on the wire/tails. Thanks for the feedback :)

Rayquaza_: Cool design, but right now, I see Bug and not Poison.

Regime: Nice design. I'd say it looks very fish-like, though. Personally, I'd try to lose that a little, because alternate coloration would make it seem invariably Water-type.

Slapperfish: Cool! A spider-like thing that doesn't look like a Bug! I would make the body even more spherical; it'd definitely seem like a warning bomb thingy. And the X crossbones in front is the best representation of the concept I've seen thus far. But I think if you made the legs seem even more electrical, that'd be great.

Sgt.Moose: Simple, yet effective. Both types are represented. I'd do just a little more with it, though.

Sunfished: The design is good. It's very billowy overall, though. Perhaps make at least some of it seem solid, if you so desire. Also, the more genie-like the lamp is, the more generic it seems. The small lightning handle is a very, very intricate detail.

Superacoon: It looks like a fluorescent light bulb without being a fluorescent light bulb. That in itself is very cool. Eel and snake is a great idea, and I think that is the best pose for it. If they have arms, I think they could be just a tad less tiny. No small details can be too small. And by that, I mean they shouldn't.

Tahu: Right now, it seems like a blob thing that absorbed a bunch of complex electronics. I think the electronic things could be woven in.

tea_and_blues: It makes more sense, but I still think it could benefit from more facial features.

TeraVolt: Cool, but I'd electrify it a bit more.

The Steam Punk: Neat idea, but right now, it resembles the Tynamo line to me.

TordenOfItami: Right now, it looks more Fighting type than anything... Why not have whatever it's holding be part of it rather than something held? And I do not see the Poison.

useless trainer: The concept is creative and original, but I think it'd be better to base a design around it than have it actually be the entirety of the design.

V4LOVER: Nice design. I'd make the design seem a bit less plant(or fungus)-like in form, though. Perhaps incorporate another idea to work into your main design? I do like the main central mushroom thing, but I'm just not feeling the eyestalks.

Wahrer: It's a bit too humanoid for my taste. Other than that, I think the concept and coloration are a good idea.

WhyAxis: If anything, the spikes on its things are a bit hard to notice. Perhaps bring them out a little more, or even make the segments spikes themselves? Love the idea, amazing design.

Yilx: I'd go with the dart frog. It looks unique, and it's quite the interesting option.

Yveltal: While they are cool, they seem a bit complex right now.

Also, if you don't like or agree with my feedback, just ignore it if you want. It's all my personal opinion.
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Hay everyone, been lurking for a while. I love how the CAP Process works its way slowly to consistently produce awesomeness, and I figured I'd try to be a part of that.
So here's my very rough draft. (I'm no computer wizard, and I'm not much of a pencil wizard either)

(Hopefully all those rules for pictures are only for final submissions; I broke like 5 of them since I drew this before carefully reading through the OP.)

Anyway, I figured that Poison/Electric lent itself well to some kind of leech-monster (inspired by Gigginox and its subspecies - Monster Hunter FTW!) and making it a cave dweller instead of an actual leech solved the "seems like a water type" problem some people are having. 3 heads 'cause a lot of things would be way cooler if they were part hydra. I tried to shade it like the stripes on its back emit light. Idk how well it worked.

Wild Leechdra (I'm glad there's a naming process) cling to the ceilings of dark caves by generating static electricity. This electricity also causes the stripes on their backs to glow, luring in prey which they numb and poison with the toxins in their saliva. Leechdra have 3 long, stretchy necks which can ensnare and carry prey, allowing it to perform multiple tasks at once.
Hope you guys like it; improvements and feedback would be cool.

Edit: now that I think about it, this just looks like a fat 3-headed Gigginox with no wings. I should give it eyes to make it less creepy or something.
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This is very much a W.I.P.
I chose a feline because their body style allows to make these creatures look more sneaky. I connected this pokemon's tail to a battery in order to give it an electric current. The puddles you see under the pokemon's left paws are actually intentional, they're there to make it look more poisonous. Now if you look closely, you can tell that only the left side of this pokemon's paws excrete poison, which is because the other side of its paws have electricity, which means, you can either be terribly poisoned by one of its hits, or paralyzed. I might make it so that one side of the pokemon is entirely poison, and the other is entirely electricity.

- I can't scan, and by the time I can get a drawing tablet this contest will most likely be over -
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mod edit: this is a minor edit to the design, so i've changed the image to a link
Alright what I posted previously definitely isn't final. I added an outline to the gas as Deck Knight suggestion(thanks!) and I added patches of purple to make it look more poisonous. I also added veins sprouting from the circle on its chest, as well as more detail on the spikes on the tail. As you can see, those little sacs resembling Lucario's head things store excess venom. More feedback regarding what I should add would be appreciated, because I'm not sure if this'll be final or not.
I'll give others some feedback too.
To Mystery ZOroark: Try to make your design a bit more slim and sharp. The eyes should also be a bit less round. As someone said before, it needs to be electric/poison but it looks like it could be a bug but I guess you did what you could. I think you still have time to make another design and see if that works better.
To Boss Jr: It's obviously based on Electivire, so try to shake off the similarities.
To Psychic Daryl: Give it some shading
To D4rk3r: It looks less watery, which is good, but you still have to make it more like an electric type. Other than that it's okay.
To Dracoyoshi8: That looks like a very thick back you've got there.
To WhyAxis: If you want a slightly more poisonous look, then shade the tips of the claws purple.
To Golurkyourself(hey I'm a fan of puns too nice name :P): Give it a little more...zap?
To Hollymon: Make the orb around its head a bit more noticeable
To Slapperfish: Your design looks a little blurred but that's just what I think I guess
To HallowedHarlequin: It doesn't really look like a Pokemon so give it a bit more life if you get what I mean
To Cipher Angel Stan: The legs look a little bit too thick compared to the rest of its body but if that was intentional then it's okay
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Like some others, I got the idea to take 'electric/poison' literally and tried some quick sketches regarding computer viruses, bugs etc. which ultimately lead me to make a pokemon based on Trojan Horse 'viruses'. Besides that a Trojan Horse is a digital poison for computers, I thought it also fitted the CAP 2 concept nicely (As in: It might seem to be a good idea to take the CAP down, but once you do, you could be doomed). Because the 'actual' Trojan Horse is usually depicted as a huge wooden horse with wheels, which wouldn't exactly fit the typing, I tried to give the horse a seductive hacker/electronic theme. I made slight references to the Trojan Horse from the myth with the shape of the mane (which vaguely resembles the crest of a Greek helmet), and the breastplate armor.
It's still very much a WIP, especially the body/pose and legs need quite a bit more work and I'm also not really satisfied with the breastplate yet. Anyhow, before I make adjustments, I'd like to get some feedback from you guys. I'm curious if you think it looks enough like a poison/electric type and what the response is to the overall design. Criticism is very welcome!

[for comments, see my post on the next page]
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Okay, I wasn't happy with my last submission.... it was creepy and reminded me of the lost children from Dr. Who O.o *nightmares*.

So in this submission (first time drawing in Paint btw) I still went with the radiation symbol but this time went with a kind of Magnemite/Voltorb/Gastly kind of thing... anyway, I hope it's worthy *prays to the Poke'gods* lol ;) .
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protect the wetlands
is a CAP Contributoris a Contributor Alumnus

So this is the current work in progress. I still need to do the cleaning up, fixing the lineart and shading (maybe). I redid the colors to combine the pink and old purple from my previous post (thanks for the feedback!) The spots no longer are rings, of course, now have yellow interiors. They eyes have been redone. The chain lightning effect may or may not be permanent, I haven't decided yet. Abilities are up; depending where they go this design may have to be reworked or destroyed entirely, so think of this as my last update until abilities are finished!

I haven't entered one of these in a loooong time, but I always enjoy them, so I'll give it a shot. I've been toying around with acid rain clouds. Got a couple of animal ones too, but this is my current prototype. Electric and poison are pretty difficult types to mix, and I wanted to avoid something too obvious. I think this guy could mesh with some of the abilities being discussed, but definitely not others, so I might have to change things up depending on that.

Here's an attempt to give it a bit more context.
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