CAP 26 - Part 4 - Primary Ability Poll 1

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It's time to pick CAP26's primary ability! This is a very important part of the process, so please refer to the Primary Ability Discussion thread here to make an informed decision before submitting your ballot!


This will be a Ranked Pairs vote (RP) (a form of voting where each candidate is ranked according to head to head matchups with each of its competitors in a directed acyclic graph), the details of which were discussed here.

This is a ranked vote: order does matter! You can upvote your favorites and downvote your least favorites. You may choose to rank as many or as few options as you like, but we encourage you to rank as many options as possible to ensure your preferences are taken into account.

Bold your votes and nothing else!
A typical vote might look like the following:
Most Preferred
Second Most Preferred
Third Most Preferred

Any comments that the voter has would go below the votes in non-bold text. Bold text is used to determine what the user's votes are, so none of the supplementary text should be in bold.

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  • Capitalization and spaces are ignored by the vote counting scripts, but you probably should not depend on it.
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The voting options are:

Water Absorb

This poll will be open for 24 hours.


CAP 26 so far:


Name - The Future is Bright!

Description - A Pokemon that makes usage of the 'delayed-attack' moves - Future Sight and/or Doom Desire

Justification - Given we're attempting to create a Pokemon that uses one of two specific moves, this is an Actualisation concept. Future Sight and Doom Desire are incredibly unique moves, which see limited usage in spite of their high base power, and ability to have a target Pokemon struck twice in the same turn. In using CAP26, the aim is to create a Pokemon that inspires a feeling of being able to trap opponents, to establish win-win situations.

Questions To Be Answered -
  • One Pokemon which has been seen to fairly reliably use Future Sight is Slowking. What can we learn from Slowking about what makes a viable user of Future Sight? On the same token, what has led Jirachi to not be effective at using Doom Desire, and other Pokemon to not effectively use Future Sight?
  • What is the optimum usage of Future Sight/Doom Desire, both on the turn immediately after using the move, and the turn on which the move will land?
  • Should the user of Future Sight/Doom Desire be primarily helping itself, or other teammates. If helping itself, what is the aim? If helping teammates, then what types of teammate?
  • Are Z-Future Sight and Z-Doom Desire mandatory, or just useful tools?
Explantion - Doom Desire is almost one we've done before, as people from the era of Cawmodore probably remember. Whilst little has changed since then, we have seen Future Sight get another power level increase since then.

This isn't a case of using a move which we know can't be used - we can look to Slowking (Future Sight) or Dialga (Balanced Hackmons, Doom Desire) for inspiration on what makes these moves workable. At the same time, we know that they're not automatic locks in spite of their high base power, allowing us room to explore what makes these moves often fall flat.

The beauty of Future Sight and Doom Desire as concept leads is that they don't massively restrict our ability to choose a direction right from the gate - focussing on these moves for their ability to strike twice in a single turn likely produces a Pokemon that is very different from focussing on these moves for their ability to force specific Pokemon out for a teammate to switch in. Whether we create a Pokemon that breaks walls, or pivots around, or supports a very specific partner, or something else entirely, these moves make for a concept that should be both interesting to implement, and with many avenues to explore.

Topic Leader: SHSP

Topic Leadership Team:

Typing Leader: GMars
Ability Leader: Jordy
Stats Leader: Jho
Movepool Leader: G-Luke

Typing: Steel/Ground

Switch Ins: Mega Crucibelle, Clefable, Tapu Koko, Most Tornadus-T, Magearna lacking Focus Blast

Counters: Celesteela, Rotom-Wash, Arghonaut, Chansey

Checks: Mega Latias and Latios, Ash Greninja, Volkraken, Mega Charizard X and Y, AV Tyranitar, Landorus-T, Ferrothorn
Water Absorb

I hereby declare that this poll is C H R I S T E N E D .
Water Absorb

While I think the other options are great, I prefer Levitate for the Spikes immunity and improved matchup against Garchomp, Mega Diancie, and CM + Pain Split Magearna. Awesome slate!
Water Absorb

a pivot needs to be able to switch in repeatedly to opposing mons it soundly beats. while regenerator does help it beat even stronger the things it naturally beat already, that wasn't a big enough list imo. immunities to widen the list of mons it can switch in on and beat is more important right now. a pivot can also get its longevity through stats and/or movepool. immunities can't come later. that said, water absorb would be dumb af on this, seeing as we never talked about wanting CAP 26 to beat so many different waters, so that goes last.
Water Absorb

After much consideration, I have come to the conclusion that Levitate is the better immunity to have over Bulletproof, although both are still immesely help whichever one we pick. I say this because although we are stopping Focus Blast, strong attackers, most specifically Tapu Lele, will still have the power to punch through us with normal stab. Levitate shift a lot of matchups in our favor by punishing those who solely rely on a single stab move for attacking with, giving us plently of switchins with far less counter play. Spikes is a minor thing for me personally
Water Absorb

I mentioned this back before in the discussion thread that even though we may be primarily a pivot, with comparison to past case studies, the longer the match goes, the more we would want to just sit in for the entire buffer duration of DD. Levitate and Bulletproof helps us with that, which Regenerator just doesn't offer.
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