CAP 33 - Part 8 - Prevo # Discussion

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How many pre-evolutions do you think CAP 33 should have (None, One, or Two), and why?

This thread will be open for 24 hours, at which point we will open the poll for this stage.
I think one pre evolution is enough. Maybe I’m not creative, but I can’t think of a way to stretch the line out three stages.
This looks just a tad too extravagant and adult-like to be a standalone, so I think one pre-evo works fine. Though if it was a Legendary it could also work as a standalone, I'm not sure.
I think One prevo is enough. I don't know how to stretch the wave creature into more than one babey.
Very much feels like a one prevo mon. It's VERY big and has a lot of inspirational avenues that could be explored in a prevo. I think this design is very comparable to Wailord or Gyarados in this instance.


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None = One >>>>>> Two is where i see this one at. No real preference between one or none but definitely think two is overkill.
I think the challenge of giving this one a proper prevo is reason enough to try it. However, if none wins this feels grand enough to be a Legendary/Mythical, IMO.


A Spoopy Ghost
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One's nice, don't particularly love the idea of making it a Legend/Mythical purely due to the flavour of it being found in the ocean.
I can see the argument for their being no prevo, and I agree that it might be hard to make a design for it's prevo if we have one simply because it's just a wave mon, but this thing seems way to big to be a stand alone mon so the obvious choice here is a pre-evolution, and I'm sticking with one.
Two pre-evolutions is actually the most natural to me. If this is based on a tsunami or other giant wave, just one baby water sprite isn't enough.


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Let’s go for one! Wave is very powerful and imposing from both a flavor and competitive angle. I can totally imagine the player being chased by a bunch of little waves… and then, suddenly, the Big One. It just doesn’t feel right to me for a Pokémon to come into existence fully developed like this.
This feels the most appropriate considering the design detail. The pre evolution also has a couple fairly unique directions they could go into considering how the original takes visual inspiration from the wave of kanagawa. But a little wave to tsunami is already a good progression.
I’d say One prevo seems good as it’s stats neither fall in Legend nor stand alone territory to justify no prevo
I feel the complexity and size of its design is in line with mons like Gholdengo, Gyarados and Hippowdon.
While it also hits a similar territory as Mamoswine or older Starters as far as it’s complexity goes I feel like the concept doesn’t really allow for too much iteration so two evos seems excessive.
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