*Celebi Showtime*
<Team Overview>
<Team building process>
Celebi, the little green tinkerbell that it is, has recently grasped my full attention. After the recent success of my previous team featuring Jirachi, I decided to make a team around another legendary Pokemon. I considered revamping my old Celebi team but found that the current meta evolved beyond countering their efforts to KO common threats. Anyways, this is my first attempt to show what lead up to the team as it currently is now, so correct me on any mistakes. I started with Celebi, obviously, as the star of the team. Its ability to handle rain teams like a pro and handle itself in battle was what drew my attention. I also chose it for its ability to resist Rotom-W and counter VoltTurn teams, not entirely, but well enough to have it on the team. Because Scizor is such a huge threat, I needed something that could resist at least two of its weaknesses(Bug and Dark), handle & counter the opposing threat. Which lead me to choose a bulky Pokemon like...
Gyarados, the sea beast with whiskers. Gyarados's ability to take physical attacks like a boss gave him a solid spot on the team, also its resistance to,yet again, more Fire type attacks. Since Celebi has nothing to fear from Electric type attacks, Gyarados didn't really need anything to counter its weaknesses. Since Gyarados was already spoken for, I moved onto the next member of the team...
That about sums things up for the teams build. Let's get down to their sets and moves:
Celebi@LifeOrb; NaturalCure
224 Hp/ 252 Sp.Attack/ 32 Speed
LeafStorm, HP(Fire), T-wave & Recover
Celebi, as previously mentioned, is the star of the show. I love using it as an annoyer to spread paralysis and absorb statuses. Parahax Jirachi hate my Celebi, as it absorbs paralysis and tries to IronHead it, only to be hit by the switchin to Heatran, threatened, and switch out to a potential counter. Coupled with Gyarados, Celebi has nothing to fear from Scizor. Literally...nothing. Even after a LeafStorm...not to mention HP(Fire) can OHKO it. Then, the allie Gyarados sets up a Sub and DD's away in its face(#LikeABoss)! LeafStorm is to hit hard as well as counter Ground and Water types, namely Gastrodon and previously mentioned opposing Rotom-W. I made the change from GigaDrain>LeafStorm, as suggested by Bl1tzkri3g, and have since then been satisfied with the overall results. HP(Fire) was added after Celebi got trapped into battle with a lead Scizor and Abomasnow...Celebi won by luck. Recover is for the obivous use and to recover residual damage upon switching in to a resisted attack. T-wave's purpose is to be as annoyingly abused as possible. KO and paralys if possible. It extremely helps when facing Dragonite that lack FirePunch and are holding Leftovers. Celebi also helped with a much needed TechLoom counter, as well.
Forrtress(Armory)@Leftovers; Sturdy
Bold: 252 Hp/ 172 Defense/ 84 Sp.Defense
GyroBall, RapidSpin, Spikes & VoltSwitch
I'm glad that I replaced Conkeldurr for Forrtress(Thanks SuperPowerDude & ADude for the suggestion!!!). Forrtress takes physical hits like a brick wall vs.'ing a single rock. Haxorus used to threaten my team somewhat...until Forrtress came along. W/ 0 IVs in Speed, Forrtress can really cause some damage against +1/2 Dragonite w/ STAB GyroBall. With RapidSpin, hazarads are no longer a threat. Sure, having Forrtress gave me a 3x weakness to Fire looks bad, but when 3 of its partners either absorb or resist Fire attacks, it's not so bad. Actually, it serves as a great "Fire attack attracter." I needed a great scout that had both powerful priority and could come in and get out, while still heavily denting the opposing team. Leading me to choose...
Scizor(Splice)@ChoiceBand; Technician
Adamant: 252 Attack/ 248 Hp/ 8 Speed
BulletPunch, U-turn, Pursuit & SuperPower
Scizor gave the team a great priority and revenge killer. Threats like Haxorus, and others can't really take much from a CB boosted STAB BulletPunch. Latios and Zam have everything to fear in Scizor...especially Pursuit. Any attack that it chooses can potentially OHKO them; barr SuperPower. Alakazam came to mind when I considered both Celebi and Conkeldurr, and where there are Zam, there are Scizor to threaten them. U-turn, as previously mentioned, gives Scizor an insanely powerful attack and scouting capacity. Paired w/ Rotom-W, Scizor is practically 100% safe thanks to its only weakness being Fire attacks. SuperPower may give Scizor a -1 Attack & Defense, but it's one of its a great move to use when facing Chansey, Blissey, and opposing Steel types.
Rotom-W(Eekz)@Leftovers; Levitate
Modest: 252 Sp.Attack/ 112 Hp/ 144 Speed
VoltSwitch, HydroPump, Will-o-wisp & PainSplit
Rotom-W doesn't take much practice to use. It's more so simple to play around with after a while. I previously ran the Scarfed Sp.Attacking Rotom-W set and, while it did help with +1 Dragonite, it lacked sufficient bulk and died very easily. I run Rotom-W to contribute in the VoltTurn strategy. Its typing gives, as previously listed, a Fire resistance for Scizor.
Gyarados(Gyara)@Leftovers; Intimidate
Impish: 252 Defense/ 200 Hp/ 56 Speed
WaterFall, Bounce, Substitute & DragonDance
Gyarados is such a rampager. It loves coming in on the Special Defensive variant Jirachi, lowering its Attack with Intimidate and setting up a SubDD in its face. Gyarados also provided a very nice counter to Infernape, opposing Conkeldurr and some rain teams. Behind a Substitute, Politoed can try and come in to set up a Perish Song, not expecting Gyarados to Bounce and avoid its 3 turn fatality. While Terrakion are somewhat of a weakness for the team overall, they are more likely to go for the X-Scissor on Celebi, which is a great opportunity to switch in Gyarados and set up a quick Substitute. Waterfall is boosted under Rain and it ,therefore, more helpful when facing Rain teams. Gyarados alsoprovides great Fire resistance and has great synergy w/ Celebi and Heatran.
Heatran(AgniKai)@Leftovers/AirBalloon; FlashFire
Calm:252 Hp/ 252 Sp.Defense/ 4 Sp.Attack
LavaPlume, EarthPower, HP(Ice) & StealthRock
Heatran is one of the more valuable Pokemon on the team. Not only does he has amazing synergy w/ Celebi, Rotom-W and Scizor. With FlashFire ability to absorb Fire attacks aimed at Celebi and Scizor, Heatran made a permanant spot on the team. Celebi, Rotom-W, & Gyarados give Heatran a safe counter to its Water and Ground weaknesses. Landous deserve a special mention in the respect that it can come in on any Pokemon on Heatran and threaten to OHKO w/ EarthQuake or scout w/ U-turn. Lava Plume used to be Magma Storm but was changed for the 30% chance to burn the opponent. EarthPower was added as a suggestion and has destroyed Heatran switch ins; which was very helpful. SR replaced Toxic to provide support for the team and attack Volcarona that try come in after rocks are already up. HP(Ice) was added because of a suggestion and has, since then, helped when facing Gliscor and Ladorus switch ins.
Overall, the team is efficient. My only true threat were hazards, but even they are not much of a huge threat now thanks to Forrtress. Trick users are somewhat of an issue, but they don't seem to be able to take the rest of the team once they've set up. Any suggestions and rates are appreciated and will be tested to see how they stand up with the rest of the team against common threats.
Latias@LifeOrb; Levitate
Timid: 152 Hp/ 160 Sp.Attack/ 196 Speed
DracoMeteor, HP(Fire), Surf & Recover
So, Latias was suggested by Jirachi, and while it does very well w/ the rest of the team, I find it easier to battle while alternating between both Celebi & Latias to keep other Facebook battlers on their toes. Latias does very well with the team, as previously mentioned, and supports Heatran more than anything. When coming in on an Electric attack, I'm fearful that Latias be paralysed and crippled from then on out in battle. I find Celebi to be better when playing safer, strictly because of NaturalCure. I am greatful for Jirachi's suggestion and I wanted to give credit; letting them know that their suggestion didn't go unnoticed. Thanks.
-Done editing. Enjoy!-