crazy_man's Hidden Power Breeding Program (Now with Nest Ball Treecko)

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K, I'm heading to bed.

Working on a paper tomorrow so at the latest, I should have one around this time tomorrow (if not a few hours before).
I can breed you a Nest Ball Chikorita or you can CMT, whatever you prefer for this:


31/even/31/30/31/30 HP Fire
Nature: Timid
Egg Move: Toxic Spikes
Nickname: Mr. Smash (Mrs. Smash incase it's female)

I got a 31/12/31/30/31/30 Male but it doesn't know Toxic Spikes (forgot to heart scale the mother to relearn it, cause I use it battle sometimes).

This ok?
Hey crazy_man, I was wondering...Can you do breeding requests? With ORAS coming soon, I want to get back my old Water team, but I want them with useful Hidden Powers. I was thinking of a Modest Oblivious Female Feebas in a Dream Ball with no Egg Moves. I could get you a couple things from your wants list if you charge extra for it. I was getting you the shiny Nidoran Male but you got it already, so... What do you say?

EDIT: fak, forgot to say that I want it with Hidden Power Grass!
EDIT 2: Also forgot to tell you that I can provide the mother (I have a Dream Ball female Feebas) if you don't have it already.
I already have a 4 IV Modest female w/ Dragon Pulse in a Dream Ball so that makes things a bit easier to start with.
BTW what movepool due you plan to use? I'm curious.
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I already have a 4 IV mother w/ Dragon Pulse in a Dream Ball so that makes things a bit easier to start with.
BTW what movepool due you plan to use? I'm curious.

I'm planning to use one I found in Serebii's PoTW (Smogon has no 6th gen sets for Milotic ._.) which consists of:
-Hydro Pump / Surf
-Ice Beam
-Hidden Power Grass
With a Life Orb and Competitive. Oh, and a Modest Nature. I want to see how much I can abuse that ability.
Max Speed and Special Attack. Oh, and does this cost extra? Like, 2:1 or something like that? I'm thinking of getting you the Dive Ball Espurr or Nest Ball Natu. I even have a TSV hatched Premier Ball Clauncher that I bred for myself, but it's not nicknamed. :(
Ehhhh, I'll accept it. Would be more valuable in the long run.

Busy with making Dinner atm tho, so we can trade in about an hour.
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