name: Trick Room Setter
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Lunar Dance
move 3: Magic Coat
move 4: Toxic / Future Sight
item: Mental Herb
ability: Levitate
nature: Sassy
evs: 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 SpD
tera type: Water
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
* Cresselia is an excellent Trick Room setter due to its high bulk, useful utility, and access to Levitate. Due to these qualities, it can set Trick Room on powerful wallbreakers such as Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre, and even Yveltal.
* Lunar Dance allows Cresselia to keep momentum for the team after setting Trick Room. Its ability to restore PP allows teammates such as Melmetal and Calyrex-I to wallbreak mid-game without worrying about the PP of their STAB moves late-game.
* Magic Coat prevents foes such as Ferrothorn and Primal Groudon from setting up entry hazards. If Cresselia's Mental Herb is used up, Magic Coat can be useful to deny threats such as Arceus-Ground and Yveltal from using Taunt, although it is a risky choice against the latter.
* Toxic is useful to deal chip damage to walls such as Primal Groudon, Arceus-Dark, and Giratina-O. This allows Melmetal and Calyrex-I to wallbreak past these checks more easily. Alternatively, Future Sight can produce similar pressure and makes switching in harder for the opponent, being able to OHKO defensive Ho-Oh after Choice Band Calyrex-I's Glacial Lance and defensive Primal Groudon after Tera Ice Choice Band Calyrex-I's Glacial Lance.
* The given EV spread avoids an OHKO from a fully powered Primal Kyogre's Water Spout, Double Dance Primal Groudon's Heat Crash after Stealth Rock, +3 Zacian-C's Behemoth Blade, +2 Tera Ghost Arceus's Shadow Claw, and Life Orb Yveltal's Dark Pulse or Knock Off.
* Tera Water allows Cresselia to set Trick Room on +2 Heat Crash Primal Groudon, although this is a dead Tera slot otherwise and is wasted if the opposing Primal Groudon isn't carrying Heat Crash. Therefore, Cresselia should not use Tera often, as teammates such as Melmetal and Calyrex-I need it to wallbreak.
* Cresselia is best used as a mid- to late-game setter. Due to its great bulk, Cresselia can usually switch in for a teammate once Trick Room ends, tank a couple of hits from threats like Arceus and Primal Groudon, and set Trick Room. Cresselia switches in for Melmetal especially well, as it is immune to Ground-type attacks directed at Melmetal thanks to Levitate.
* When Cresselia is up against Pokemon that cannot 2HKO it such as defensive Primal Groudon and Arceus Ground, it may be best to first use Toxic or Future Sight in order to weaken them for teammates. This should not be done against Zygarde, however, as it can wall Calyrex-I and Melmetal with Tera Water after a Coil. When entry hazard setters such as Ferrothorn are on the field, it may be best for Cresselia to use Magic Coat first to punish attempts to set Spikes.
* Pokemon that appreciate Trick Room support on top of PP restoration such as Melmetal and Calyrex-I make excellent teammates. Calyrex-I specifically greatly appreciates Cresselia keeping off Stealth Rock with Magic Coat.
* Cresselia needs support in setting Trick Room, as usually it is only able to set one round of it. As a result, additional setters such as Hatterene and Arceus are great teammates.
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