Tournament Der Mächtige - Doubles Ubers Tournament ($200 in prizing) [Won by DaWoblefet]

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Round 2 deadline! There were still several cases of matches not being played this round, but at least it wasn't about half this time. 7/32 matches were not completed. Let's get that number down to 0 for round 3! Make efforts to play your games.

  • zeefable vs. entrocefalo - zeefable forfeited the set. Win goes to entrocefalo.
  • Toufiq Islam vs. BK - BK initiated conversation, but Toufiq Islam never replied meaningfully to schedule the match. Win goes to BK.
  • Lkjc vs. Jucherz - Jucherz initiated conversation, but Lkjc never replied, despite being active on Smogon since the message. Win goes to Jucherz.
  • Crozzo vs. Dan Cortex - Crozzo initiated conversation, but Dan Cortex hasn't been online since December 8. Win goes to Crozzo .
  • Yuichi vs. greenandgrey77 - This one was not so straightforward, so I involved MajorBowman to assist with reviewing the situation. Yuichi and greenandgrey77 initially scheduled for Saturday, but greenandgrey77 missed the scheduled time by about half an hour. I can verify they missed the scheduled time because I was online chitchatting, waiting for the match to begin at the scheduled time. Yuichi then swapped to "Yuichii" on PS and went afk. greenandgrey77 came on shortly after and, finding Yuichi unavailable to play, posted on the conversation indicating he was ready to play. Yuichi did not see this until later because they were otherwise busy. greenandgrey77 also attempted to reschedule but Yuichi did not respond. Technically, since greenandgrey77 missed the scheduled time by about 30 mins, Yuichi is not obligated to reschedule, and from being online on PS today I could tell it's not like Yuichi was available all day. I reached out to Yuichi to see if they would be willing to consider an extension, but they also have plans for Monday and Tuesday. I am not a huge fan of awarding an activity win on such narrow margins, but both MajorBowman and I agree the win will be awarded to Yuichi.
  • PissedOffByShipping vs. Voltix - Both players were very vague with their scheduling. Neither player recommended an actual time to play, only offering vague statements and doing the classic "hey can you play right now!" (note: this is not how to schedule). As a result, the match will be coinflipped. Apparently more scheduling was done on Discord (or attempted?), so if logs there demonstrate that one player failed to meet a scheduled time, I'd be OK overturning this result (get me those logs on Smogon by Tuesday, December 29 at 11:59 PM EST). As it is, though:
    • [23:52] &DaWoblefet: !pick PissedOffByShipping, Voltix
      We randomly picked: PissedOffByShipping
  • LolTrollGame vs. spanishlines - both players scheduledbut never seemed to have actually completed the match. Both have been online on Smogon since the scheduled match and neither posted that the other missed the scheduled time, so as far as I can tell both players forgot or missed or something. If there's something I missed, let me know on Smogon before Tuesday, December 29 at 11:59 PM EST. As it is, the match is coinflipped:
    • [23:52] &DaWoblefet: !pick LolTrollGame, spanishlines
      We randomly picked: spanishlines

dev611 vs. entrocefalo
Spurrific vs. Monsareeasy
vs. Chazm
Jucherz vs. DaWoblefet
Crozzo vs. AuraRayquaza
papiloco vs. Yuichi
vs. qsns
TJBP_Erry vs. Ron...5
zugubu royale vs. Cheese5555
The_Bandit vs. umbry
vs. King Leo V
PKS Blaze vs. timoglopp
PissedOffByShipping vs. JRL
vs. spanishlines
Hrishioo7 vs. Akaru Kokuyo

The complete bracket can be viewed at Round 3 will end on Sunday, January 3rd at 11:59 PM EST (GMT -5).
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