NOC eli loves matrices game thread [Game Over, Town Win!]

so the thing with vizh is that this is the second time now that hes swooped in to post a hedgy readlist that seems like hes trying to solve but he has yet to actually interact with the happenings of the thread beyond a surface level. its behavior that's trying hard to seem towny

theres also the matter of vizhs lack of interaction and response to my continuous pressure on him. in cool weapon vizh was pressured quite a bit but he responded very swiftly and easily. it felt so real that it caused me to flip to a townread on him (something I rarely do) and so I'm sitting here wondering why vizh knows what he needs to do to stop this yet he wont do it. and it's because he isnt the same alignment. vizh is not confident as scum so he doesnt think that he can replicate the same tone that helped him before so his plan is to just avoid interactions that we could use to read him
Psy I feel like your read on me is almost entirely based on me just… not being as chronically online this D1. Which is fine, I just think it’s dumb. It was literally Mother’s Day yesterday so duh I spent the entire day with my mom without really being on as much. I pointed this out before (it was Mother’s Day so I will be less active) but you just kinda skipped over it and continue to push me for the exact same reason.
Psy I feel like your read on me is almost entirely based on me just… not being as chronically online this D1. Which is fine, I just think it’s dumb. It was literally Mother’s Day yesterday so duh I spent the entire day with my mom without really being on as much. I pointed this out before (it was Mother’s Day so I will be less active) but you just kinda skipped over it and continue to push me for the exact same reason.
you're definitely twisting my words because I'm not pushing you for being are active and unlike caff I certainly believe you have content. its just bad content. again it's the way you interact w it h the thread
Bonus: African of European?
I don't know that! (ejected from bridge noises)
Vizh is mostly fluff with one post that's actual content. I'll ISO their weapon mafia game when I can be arsed but idrk what to make of them atm... just like weapon mafia. HH is the same but their fluff is more succinct.

AG's entrance is different to last game from memory. It's still kinda bad since it looks like faking content but they don't feel as awkward as they did last game. There's a post which is almost a POV slip where they nearly straight up confessed you were town implying they know that you're town. Some shit in brackets later barely fixed that. I'm not as confident in an AG vote as I was last game.
Psy's behavior seems comparable to last game modulo knowing that sending us into 100 pages day 1 gets voted. Psy is more quiet than last game, but I attribute that to having had the room read to him after last game (or as a product of last game).
he has yet to actually interact with the happenings of the thread beyond a surface level

theres also the matter of vizhs lack of interaction and response to my continuous pressure on him

I'm sitting here wondering why vizh knows what he needs to do to stop this yet he wont
Wasn’t interacting with the thread because I was busy.

Wasn’t interacting with you because I was busy (also because the way you post makes it impossible to know what you are actually getting at).

See above.

I’m not twisting your words, just giving my reasoning.
Hi I'm at work and today has been a coverage nightmare so I don't have much time (I'll tell you all about it when I get home and blogpost about it though) but I just want to say that #426 and #429 from Psy looks like TMI, if anyone feels diffithey should speak up.
Caff is my most confident town atm.