National Dex Ubers Floober (gothitelle) [QC 2/2] [GP 1/1]

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John Floober Gothitelle (full legal name)

name: Trapper
move 1: Taunt
move 2: Charm
move 3: Rest
move 4: Cosmic Power / Substitute
item: Leftovers
ability: Shadow Tag
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD or 112 HP / 192 Def / 204 Spe
tera type: Water / Fairy


* Gothitelle has a unique niche in National Dex Ubers. Its ability to trap and PP stall common walls such as Ho-Oh and most variants of Zygarde and deny setup from sweepers such as Dragon Dance Ultra Necrozma can allow for unique team structures. The removal of these roadblocks greatly amplifies the offensive threat of Pokemon such as Zacian-C and Calm Mind Arceus-Fairy, making Gothitelle a great member on bulky offense teams.
* Taunt prevents phazing from from Ho-Oh and defensive Primal Groudon from denying the trap, stops recovery moves from being used, and denies attempts to status Gothitelle, which can risk its longevity. Rest grants Gothitelle a way to recover from status conditions, such as Toxic and Sacred Fire burns from Ho-Oh, and restore its HP, lessening the reliance on Leftovers recovery. Charm is Gothitelle's most reliable way of decreasing the foe's damage output, such as Ho-Oh, defensive Primal Groudon, Zygarde and Necrozma-DM.
* Cosmic Power lets Gothitelle boost its physical bulk past what Charm allows and lets it tank weaker special moves, such as Dynamax Cannon from defensive Eternatus, more effectively. Substitute grants Gothitelle a temporary immunity to status, more Leftovers healing against Charm-weakened foes, and a safeguard against potential critical hits. It also prevents Dragon Tail from Zygarde and defensive Primal Groudon from phazing Gothitelle. Substitute does only have 16 PP, which means Gothitelle can have trouble PP stalling multiple targets, such as when trapping Brave Bird Ho-Oh and Rock Tomb defensive Primal Groudon. Toxic can be run to speed up the trapping process against defensive Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh but is less consistent against more offensive teams.
* The first EV spread focuses on taking hits and being able to sponge the most damage, and it is more consistent due to being less susceptible to critical hits. The second EV spread lets Gothitelle outspeed uninvested base 90 Pokemon, including defensive Primal Groudon, Ho-Oh, and Zygarde-C, and more effectively trap them; this allows it to use Charm or Taunt against them, reducing their damage output and denying attempts to status Gothitelle or recover HP. The remaining EVs are invested to maximise physical bulk. Gothitelle can also run an alternative EV spread with Special Defense investment, a Calm nature, and Confide, which can allow it to trap Eternatus and defensive Arceus formes lacking Taunt.
* Tera Water grants Gothitelle a resistance to Fire and Steel, allowing it to trap Ho-Oh, Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM, and Overheat variants of defensive Primal Groudon more consistently. Tera Fairy allows Gothitelle to trap Pokemon running Dragon Tail such as Zygarde while retaining the ability to run Cosmic Power. Gothitelle can also run Tera types to trap specific Pokemon, such as Tera Ghost to trap Chansey or Tera Steel to trap Eternatus.
* Gothitelle is paired with strong offensive Pokemon that only need a few walls taken out to sweep, so it often only needs to take out one or two foes to enable its partners to break through the opposing team. Zacian-C appreciates Gothitelle taking down Zygarde, Ho-Oh, and Primal Groudon, Eternatus appreciates it taking down Necrozma-DM, and many setup sweepers such as Calm Mind Arceus formes appreciate Gothitelle's ability to take down Ho-Oh.
* Taunt or Charm should almost always be the first move that Gothitelle uses; Taunt should be used to block status moves, such as Ho-Oh’s Whirlwind and Toxic, or against Pokemon that commonly run stat boosting moves, such as Coil from Zygarde and Dragon Dance from Ultra Necrozma. Charm should be used to lower the Attack of Pokemon that have already boosted up, such as Coil Zygarde, or usually don’t carry any status moves such as Ultra Necrozma. It is important to use Rest after using Taunt to give the foe as few free turns as possible, and Gothitelle can use Taunt immediately after waking up.
* Scouting is crucial when using Gothitelle, as many foes that it aims to trap have ways to beat it. Gothitelle has to be wary of offensive variants of Ho-Oh and Primal Groudon, as Gothitelle is 2HKOed, and Heat Crash from Double Dance Primal Groudon can OHKO it outright. Uncommon coverage on Dragon Dance sweepers such as Ultra Necrozma's X-Scissor or Outrage after Stealth Rock and Z-Moves such as +1 Tectonic Rage from Arceus-Ground or +1 Searing Sunraze Smash from Necrozma-DM also OHKO Gothitelle.
* Since Gothitelle only runs status moves, faster Taunt from Arceus and Yveltal completely shuts it down. Substitute also shuts down Gothitelle's attempts to lower the foe's stats, though it can still use Taunt to deny setup from Pokemon such as Zygarde.
* Gothitelle is susceptible to critical hits from Pokemon it aims to trap such as defensive Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh, which can lead to inconsistency at times. Therefore, it is important to keep Gothitelle at high HP with Rest, even when the foe's moves deals little damage, to keep it out of range of critical hits.
* Hyper offense teams should be prepared for, as Gothitelle has a poor matchup into the playstyle. Common hyper offense Pokémon such as Zacian-C and Mega Salamence have too much immediate power for Gothitelle to be able to trap, so it relies on teammates such as Arceus-Dark, Yveltal, and Ditto to handle the matchup. Gothitelle, however, is able to beat Dragon Dance Ultra Necrozma. Gothitelle can also PP stall Swords Dance on Extreme Killer Arceus lacking Taunt, but this leaves it unable to trap any other Pokemon, since Swords Dance and Charm have an equal number of PP.
* Gothitelle shines when paired with strong offensive threats such as Zacian-C, Eternatus, and offensive Arceus-Fairy that appreciate Gothitelle’s capability to trap and remove specific walls such as Necrozma-DM, Zygarde lacking Substitute, and defensive Primal Groudon as well as common stall Pokemon such as Ho-Oh and Dondozo. In turn, these offensive threats overwhelm hyper offensive Pokemon Gothitelle struggles against. Gothitelle's teammates can also use Charm-weakened foes as setup opportunities, since the foe's Attack is too low to deal sufficient damage back.
* Gothitelle appreciates teammates with Toxic, such as Ho-Oh and Arceus-Dark, or Toxic Spikes from Eternatus to help speed up trapping and also allow Gothitelle to trap certain Pokemon it otherwise can't, such as foes behind a Substitute.

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John Floober Gothitelle (full legal name)

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name: Floober Trapper
move 1: Taunt
move 2: Charm
move 3: Rest
move 4: Cosmic Power / Substitute
item: Leftovers
ability: Shadow Tag
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD or 112 HP / 192 Def / 204 Spe
tera type: Water / Fairy


* Gothitelle has a unique niche in National Dex Ubers. Its ability to trap and PP stall common walls such as Ho-Oh and most variants of Zygarde, and deny setup from sweepers such as Dragon Dance Ultra Necrozma can allow for unique team structures. The removal of these roadblocks greatly amplifies the offensive threat of Pokémon such as Zacian-C and Calm Mind Arceus-Fairy. What types of teams does Gothitelle fit on?
* Taunt prevents phazing from Roar or Whirlwind fromfrom who? denying the trap, stops recovery moves from being used, and denies attempts to status Gothitelle, which can risk its longevity. Rest grants Gothitelle a way to recover HP and status conditions, lessening the reliance on Leftovers recovery. Charm is Gothitelle's most reliable way of decreasing the foes damage output.
* Cosmic Power lets Gothitelle boost its Physical bulk past what Charm allows,rc and lets it tank weaker special moves, such as Dynamax Cannon from T-Killer Eternatus, more effectively. Substitute grants Gothitelle a temporary immunity to status, more Leftovers healing against Charm weakened opponents, and a safeguard against potential critical hits. It also prevents Dragon Tailfrom who? from phazing Gothitelle Out. Substitute does only have 16 PP, which means Gothitelle can have trouble PP stalling multiple targetswhich ones?. Toxic can be ran to speed up the trapping processagainst who, but is less consistent against more offensive teams.
* The first EV spread focuses on taking hits, being able to sponge the most damage, and is more being the most consistent,rc due to being less susceptible to critical hits. The second EV spread lets Gothitelle outspeed uninvested up to base 90 Pokémon, including defensive Primal Groudon,rc and Ho-Oh, defensive Necrozma-DM, and Zygarde Complete,these are less than base 90 allowing it to Charm orand Taunt them first, reducing their damage output and denying attempts to status or recover health. The remaining rest of the EVs are invested to maximise pPhysical bulk. Gothitelle can also run an alternative EV spread with Special Defense investment, a Calm nature and Confide which can allow it to trap defensive Eternatus and defensive Arceus formes lacking Taunt, but this is inconsistent as many Arceus run Taunt.
* Tera Water grants Gothitelle a resistance to Fire and Steel, allowing it to trap Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM, Ho-Oh, and defensive Primal Groudon more effectively, turning Sunsteel Strike from Necrozma-DM from a 2HKO into a 4HKO, and turning Heat Crash and Overheat from Groudon Primal from an OHKO into a 2HKOTalk about Overheat and how it consistently enables Gothitelle to trap every variant of Primal Groudon. Tera Fairy allows Gothitelle to trap stay in on Pokeémon running Dragon Tail, such as Dragon Dance Zygarde while,rc and trap them without getting phazed, retaining the ability to run Cosmic Power. Gothitelle can also run Tera types to trap deny specific Pokeémon, such as Tera Ghost to PP trap stall Chansey Seismic Toss or Tera Steel to resist Eternatus' STABs. Pokemon doesn't use an accent for the dex. Also SpD is mentioned trapping defensive Eternatus. After checking Tera Steel isn't trapping offensive sets and it traps defensive Etern w/o needing to tera.
* Taunt or Charm should almost always be the first move to click; Taunt should be used to block status moves, such as Ho-Oh’s Whirlwind and Toxic, or against Pokémon that commonly run stat boosting moves, such as Coil from Zygarde or Dragon Dance from Necrozma-DMIs there another example? This seems quite inconsistent as +1 Z deletes Goth w/o Tera Water. Charm should be used to lower the Attack of Pokémon that have already boosted up, such as Coil Zygarde, or usually don’t carry any status moves such as Ultra Necrozma. Rest is best used after a Taunt against stat boosting Pokémon, to prevent them from using more than one setup or status move. Please reword this sentence to include the importance of using Taunt so that Gothielle can use it again after it wakes up
* Scouting is crucial when using Gothitelle,rc as many foes that it aims to trap,rc have ways to beat it. Zygarde can run Dragon Tail to phaze Gothitelle out if Substitute or Tera Fairy is not used This doesn't punish Gothitelle. It can still use Taunt to prevent boosts and the minor damage it takes is fine. Gothitelle also has to be wary of offensive variants of Pokémon such as Ho-Oh or Primal Groudon, as Gothitelle is 2HKOed by their moves, and without Tera Water, Heat Crash from double dance Primal Groudon can OHKO outright. Uncommon coverage on Dragon Dance sweepers such as Ultra Necrozma's X-Scissor or Outrage after Stealth Rock Ultra Necrozma, and Z-Moves such as like +1 Tectonic Rage from Arceus-Ground or +1 Searing Sunraze Smash from Necrozma-DM can also outright OHKO Gothitelle.
* Since Gothitelle only runs status moves, faster Taunts from Deoxys-S and Arceus formes and YveltalGoth doesn't really do anything to Deo-S and Magic Coat exists completely shut it down, and can use it as setup fodder for hazards and stat boosts respectively. Substitute also shuts down Gothitelle's attempts to lower the foes stats, though it can still use Taunt to deny setup from common Substitute Pokeémon such as like Zygarde.
* Gothitelle is susceptible to critical hits from Pokémon it aims to trap such as defensive Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh which can lead to inconsistency at times. Therefore it is important to keep Gothitelle on high HP, even when the foes moves deals little damage. The end of this sentence is a little vague. Are you saying that Gothitelle should use rest to keep itself out of the range of crits? If so explicitely say that
* Gothitelle shines when paired with strong offensive threats such as Zacian-C, Eternatus and Offensive Arceus-Fairy that appreciate Gothitelle’s capability to trap and remove specific walls such as Necrozma-DM, Zygarde lacking Substitute, bulky Primal Groudon, and common stall Pokémon such as Ho-Oh and Dondozo. Specify how these Pokemon can handle HO Pokemon that can overwhelm Gothitelle
* Gothitelle appreciates teammates with Toxic, such as Ho-Oh or Arceus-Dark, to help speed up trapping, and also allow Gothitelle to trap certain Pokémon it otherwise can't, such as Chansey and foes behind a Substitute. Neither of these mons really deal with Chansey so mention a mon that is good into stall which does.
* Hyper offense should be prepared for as Gothitelle struggles to do much in the matchup, as Hyper Offense Pokémon have too much immediate damage output for Gothitelle to be able to deal with them, and as a result Gothitelle is either relegated to PP stalling Swords Dance Arceus formes or deathfodder. Pairing Gothitelle with teammates such as Arceus-Dark, Yveltal or Ditto can improve this matchup. This section should be rewritten to emphasize that Gothitelle has a poor matchup into Hyper Offence threats due as their damage output as their damage output leaves Gothitelle unable to trap them and it relies on teammates. A huge portion of building a good Gothitelle team is handling the HO threats that overwhelm Gothitelle while letting it handle most of the defensive meta. Given that this should be the first bullet for the teammate section.

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**edit: Also mention how Gothitelle only needs to trap one, sometimes two mons to enable a teammate to sweep
Please tag me on here or message me on discord when the changes have been applied so I can stamp this QC1. Great Job!
John Floober Gothitelle (full legal name)

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name: Floober Trapper
move 1: Taunt
move 2: Charm
move 3: Rest
move 4: Cosmic Power / Substitute
item: Leftovers
ability: Shadow Tag
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD or 112 HP / 192 Def / 204 Spe
tera type: Water / Fairy


* Gothitelle has a unique niche in National Dex Ubers. Its ability to trap and PP stall common walls such as Ho-Oh and most variants of Zygarde, and deny setup from sweepers such as Dragon Dance Ultra Necrozma can allow for unique team structures. The removal of these roadblocks greatly amplifies the offensive threat of Pokémon such as Zacian-C and Calm Mind Arceus-Fairy. What types of teams does Gothitelle fit on?
* Taunt prevents phazing from Roar or Whirlwind fromfrom who? denying the trap, stops recovery moves from being used, and denies attempts to status Gothitelle, which can risk its longevity. Rest grants Gothitelle a way to recover HP and status conditions, lessening the reliance on Leftovers recovery. Charm is Gothitelle's most reliable way of decreasing the foes damage output.
* Cosmic Power lets Gothitelle boost its Physical bulk past what Charm allows,rc and lets it tank weaker special moves, such as Dynamax Cannon from T-Killer Eternatus, more effectively. Substitute grants Gothitelle a temporary immunity to status, more Leftovers healing against Charm weakened opponents, and a safeguard against potential critical hits. It also prevents Dragon Tailfrom who? from phazing Gothitelle Out. Substitute does only have 16 PP, which means Gothitelle can have trouble PP stalling multiple targetswhich ones?. Toxic can be ran to speed up the trapping processagainst who, but is less consistent against more offensive teams.
* The first EV spread focuses on taking hits, being able to sponge the most damage, and is more being the most consistent,rc due to being less susceptible to critical hits. The second EV spread lets Gothitelle outspeed uninvested up to base 90 Pokémon, including defensive Primal Groudon,rc and Ho-Oh, defensive Necrozma-DM, and Zygarde Complete,these are less than base 90 allowing it to Charm orand Taunt them first, reducing their damage output and denying attempts to status or recover health. The remaining rest of the EVs are invested to maximise pPhysical bulk. Gothitelle can also run an alternative EV spread with Special Defense investment, a Calm nature and Confide which can allow it to trap defensive Eternatus and defensive Arceus formes lacking Taunt, but this is inconsistent as many Arceus run Taunt.
* Tera Water grants Gothitelle a resistance to Fire and Steel, allowing it to trap Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM, Ho-Oh, and defensive Primal Groudon more effectively, turning Sunsteel Strike from Necrozma-DM from a 2HKO into a 4HKO, and turning Heat Crash and Overheat from Groudon Primal from an OHKO into a 2HKOTalk about Overheat and how it consistently enables Gothitelle to trap every variant of Primal Groudon. Tera Fairy allows Gothitelle to trap stay in on Pokeémon running Dragon Tail, such as Dragon Dance Zygarde while,rc and trap them without getting phazed, retaining the ability to run Cosmic Power. Gothitelle can also run Tera types to trap deny specific Pokeémon, such as Tera Ghost to PP trap stall Chansey Seismic Toss or Tera Steel to resist Eternatus' STABs. Pokemon doesn't use an accent for the dex. Also SpD is mentioned trapping defensive Eternatus. After checking Tera Steel isn't trapping offensive sets and it traps defensive Etern w/o needing to tera.
* Taunt or Charm should almost always be the first move to click; Taunt should be used to block status moves, such as Ho-Oh’s Whirlwind and Toxic, or against Pokémon that commonly run stat boosting moves, such as Coil from Zygarde or Dragon Dance from Necrozma-DMIs there another example? This seems quite inconsistent as +1 Z deletes Goth w/o Tera Water. Charm should be used to lower the Attack of Pokémon that have already boosted up, such as Coil Zygarde, or usually don’t carry any status moves such as Ultra Necrozma. Rest is best used after a Taunt against stat boosting Pokémon, to prevent them from using more than one setup or status move. Please reword this sentence to include the importance of using Taunt so that Gothielle can use it again after it wakes up
* Scouting is crucial when using Gothitelle,rc as many foes that it aims to trap,rc have ways to beat it. Zygarde can run Dragon Tail to phaze Gothitelle out if Substitute or Tera Fairy is not used This doesn't punish Gothitelle. It can still use Taunt to prevent boosts and the minor damage it takes is fine. Gothitelle also has to be wary of offensive variants of Pokémon such as Ho-Oh or Primal Groudon, as Gothitelle is 2HKOed by their moves, and without Tera Water, Heat Crash from double dance Primal Groudon can OHKO outright. Uncommon coverage on Dragon Dance sweepers such as Ultra Necrozma's X-Scissor or Outrage after Stealth Rock Ultra Necrozma, and Z-Moves such as like +1 Tectonic Rage from Arceus-Ground or +1 Searing Sunraze Smash from Necrozma-DM can also outright OHKO Gothitelle.
* Since Gothitelle only runs status moves, faster Taunts from Deoxys-S and Arceus formes and YveltalGoth doesn't really do anything to Deo-S and Magic Coat exists completely shut it down, and can use it as setup fodder for hazards and stat boosts respectively. Substitute also shuts down Gothitelle's attempts to lower the foes stats, though it can still use Taunt to deny setup from common Substitute Pokeémon such as like Zygarde.
* Gothitelle is susceptible to critical hits from Pokémon it aims to trap such as defensive Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh which can lead to inconsistency at times. Therefore it is important to keep Gothitelle on high HP, even when the foes moves deals little damage. The end of this sentence is a little vague. Are you saying that Gothitelle should use rest to keep itself out of the range of crits? If so explicitely say that
* Gothitelle shines when paired with strong offensive threats such as Zacian-C, Eternatus and Offensive Arceus-Fairy that appreciate Gothitelle’s capability to trap and remove specific walls such as Necrozma-DM, Zygarde lacking Substitute, bulky Primal Groudon, and common stall Pokémon such as Ho-Oh and Dondozo. Specify how these Pokemon can handle HO Pokemon that can overwhelm Gothitelle
* Gothitelle appreciates teammates with Toxic, such as Ho-Oh or Arceus-Dark, to help speed up trapping, and also allow Gothitelle to trap certain Pokémon it otherwise can't, such as Chansey and foes behind a Substitute. Neither of these mons really deal with Chansey so mention a mon that is good into stall which does.
* Hyper offense should be prepared for as Gothitelle struggles to do much in the matchup, as Hyper Offense Pokémon have too much immediate damage output for Gothitelle to be able to deal with them, and as a result Gothitelle is either relegated to PP stalling Swords Dance Arceus formes or deathfodder. Pairing Gothitelle with teammates such as Arceus-Dark, Yveltal or Ditto can improve this matchup. This section should be rewritten to emphasize that Gothitelle has a poor matchup into Hyper Offence threats due as their damage output as their damage output leaves Gothitelle unable to trap them and it relies on teammates. A huge portion of building a good Gothitelle team is handling the HO threats that overwhelm Gothitelle while letting it handle most of the defensive meta. Given that this should be the first bullet for the teammate section.

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**edit: Also mention how Gothitelle only needs to trap one, sometimes two mons to enable a teammate to sweep
QC 2/2 after this, this was really good.

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name: Trapper
move 1: Taunt
move 2: Charm
move 3: Rest
move 4: Cosmic Power / Substitute
item: Leftovers
ability: Shadow Tag
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD or 112 HP / 192 Def / 204 Spe
tera type: Water / Fairy


* Gothitelle has a unique niche in National Dex Ubers. Its ability to trap and PP stall common walls such as Ho-Oh and most variants of Zygarde, and deny setup from sweepers such as Dragon Dance Ultra Necrozma can allow for unique team structures. The removal of these roadblocks greatly amplifies the offensive threat of Pokemon such as Zacian-C and Calm Mind Arceus-Fairy, making Gothitelle a great member on bulky offense teams.
* Taunt prevents phazing from Roar or Whirlwind from Ho-Oh and defensive Primal Groudon from denying the trap, stops recovery moves from being used, and denies attempts to status Gothitelle, which can risk its longevity. Rest grants Gothitelle a way to recover HP and status conditions from who?, lessening the reliance on Leftovers recovery. Charm is Gothitelle's most reliable way of decreasing the foes damage output such as?.
* Cosmic Power lets Gothitelle boost its Physical bulk past what Charm allows and lets it tank weaker special moves, such as Dynamax Cannon from T-Killer Eternatus rename, "T-Killer" isn't an official set right now in the tier, more effectively. Substitute grants Gothitelle a temporary immunity to status, more Leftovers healing against Charm weakened opponents, and a safeguard against potential critical hits. It also prevents Dragon Tail from Zygarde and defensive Primal Groudon from phazing Gothitelle Out. Substitute does only have 16 PP, which means Gothitelle can have trouble PP stalling multiple targets, such as when trapping Brave Bird Ho-Oh and Rock Tomb defensive Primal Groudon. Toxic can be ran to speed up the trapping process against defensive Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh, but is less consistent against more offensive teams.
* The first EV spread focuses on taking hits, being able to sponge the most damage, and is more consistent due to being less susceptible to critical hits. The second EV spread lets Gothitelle outspeed uninvested base 90 Pokemon, including defensive Primal Groudon, Ho-Oh and Zygarde Complete, allowing it to Charm or Taunt them, reducing their damage output and denying attempts to status or recover health. The remaining EVs are invested to maximise physical bulk. Gothitelle can also run an alternative EV spread with Special Defense investment, a Calm nature and Confide which can allow it to trap Eternatus and defensive Arceus formes lacking Taunt.
* Tera Water grants Gothitelle a resistance to Fire and Steel, allowing it to trap Ho-Oh, Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM, and Overheat variants of defensive Primal Groudon more consistently. Tera Fairy allows Gothitelle to trap Pokemon running Dragon Tail, such as Zygarde while retaining the ability to run Cosmic Power. Gothitelle can also run Tera types to trap specific Pokemon, such as Tera Ghost to trap Chansey.
* Due to being paired with strong offensive Pokemon that only need a few walls taken out to sweep, Gothitelle often only needs to take out one or two foes to enable its partners breaking through the opposing team. Zacian-C appreciates Gothitelle taking down Zygarde, Ho-Oh and Primal Groudon, Eternatus appreciates it taking down Necrozma-DM and many setup sweepers such as Calm Mind Arceus formes appreciate Gothitelle's ability to take down Ho-Oh.
* Taunt or Charm should almost always be the first move to click; Taunt should be used to block status moves, such as Ho-Oh’s Whirlwind and Toxic, or against Pokemon that commonly run stat boosting moves, such as Coil from Zygarde or Dragon Dance from Ultra Necrozma. Charm should be used to lower the Attack of Pokemon that have already boosted up, such as Coil Zygarde, or usually don’t carry any status moves such as Ultra Necrozma. It is important to Rest after using Taunt to give the foe as few free turns as possible, so Gothitelle can use Taunt immediately after waking up.
* Scouting is crucial when using Gothitelle as many foes that it aims to trap have ways to beat it. Gothitelle has to be wary of offensive variants of Pokemon such as Ho-Oh or Primal Groudon, as Gothitelle is 2HKOed, and Heat Crash from double dance Primal Groudon can OHKO outright. Uncommon coverage on Dragon Dance sweepers such as Ultra Necrozma's X-Scissor or Outrage after Stealth Rock, and Z-Moves such as +1 Tectonic Rage from Arceus-Ground or +1 Searing Sunraze Smash from Necrozma-DM also OHKO Gothitelle.
* Since Gothitelle only runs status moves, faster Taunts from Arceus and Yveltal completely shut it down. Substitute also shuts down Gothitelle's attempts to lower the foes stats, though it can still use Taunt to deny setup from Pokemon such as Zygarde.
* Gothitelle is susceptible to critical hits from Pokemon it aims to trap such as defensive Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh which can lead to inconsistency at times. Therefore it is important to keep Gothitelle on high HP with Rest, even when the foes moves deals little damage, to keep it out of range of critical hits.
* Hyper offense should be prepared for as Gothitelle has a poor matchup into the playstyle. Common hyper offense Pokémon such as Zacian-C and Mega Salamence have too much immediate power for Gothitelle to be able to trap, having it rely on teammates such as Arceus-Dark, Yveltal or Ditto to handle the matchup. Gothitelle however is able to beat Dragon Dance Ultra Necrozma. Gothitelle can also PP stall Swords Dance on Extreme Killer Arceus lacking Taunt, but this leaves Gothitelle unable to trap any other Pokemon, since Swords Dance and Charm have an equal amount of PP.
* Gothitelle shines when paired with strong offensive threats such as Zacian-C, Eternatus and Offensive Arceus-Fairy that appreciate Gothitelle’s capability to trap and remove specific walls such as Necrozma-DM, Zygarde lacking Substitute, bulky Primal Groudon, and common stall Pokemon such as Ho-Oh and Dondozo. In turn these offensive threats overwhelm hyper offensive Pokemon Gothitelle struggles against with damage.
* Gothitelle appreciates teammates with Toxic, such as Ho-Oh or Arceus-Dark, to help speed up trapping, and also allow Gothitelle to trap certain Pokemon it otherwise can't, such as foes behind a Substitute. mention Eternatus as an ally by setting Toxic Spikes

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QC 2/2 after this, this was really good.

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name: Trapper
move 1: Taunt
move 2: Charm
move 3: Rest
move 4: Cosmic Power / Substitute
item: Leftovers
ability: Shadow Tag
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD or 112 HP / 192 Def / 204 Spe
tera type: Water / Fairy


* Gothitelle has a unique niche in National Dex Ubers. Its ability to trap and PP stall common walls such as Ho-Oh and most variants of Zygarde, and deny setup from sweepers such as Dragon Dance Ultra Necrozma can allow for unique team structures. The removal of these roadblocks greatly amplifies the offensive threat of Pokemon such as Zacian-C and Calm Mind Arceus-Fairy, making Gothitelle a great member on bulky offense teams.
* Taunt prevents phazing from Roar or Whirlwind from Ho-Oh and defensive Primal Groudon from denying the trap, stops recovery moves from being used, and denies attempts to status Gothitelle, which can risk its longevity. Rest grants Gothitelle a way to recover HP and status conditions from who?, lessening the reliance on Leftovers recovery. Charm is Gothitelle's most reliable way of decreasing the foes damage output such as?.
* Cosmic Power lets Gothitelle boost its Physical bulk past what Charm allows and lets it tank weaker special moves, such as Dynamax Cannon from T-Killer Eternatus rename, "T-Killer" isn't an official set right now in the tier, more effectively. Substitute grants Gothitelle a temporary immunity to status, more Leftovers healing against Charm weakened opponents, and a safeguard against potential critical hits. It also prevents Dragon Tail from Zygarde and defensive Primal Groudon from phazing Gothitelle Out. Substitute does only have 16 PP, which means Gothitelle can have trouble PP stalling multiple targets, such as when trapping Brave Bird Ho-Oh and Rock Tomb defensive Primal Groudon. Toxic can be ran to speed up the trapping process against defensive Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh, but is less consistent against more offensive teams.
* The first EV spread focuses on taking hits, being able to sponge the most damage, and is more consistent due to being less susceptible to critical hits. The second EV spread lets Gothitelle outspeed uninvested base 90 Pokemon, including defensive Primal Groudon, Ho-Oh and Zygarde Complete, allowing it to Charm or Taunt them, reducing their damage output and denying attempts to status or recover health. The remaining EVs are invested to maximise physical bulk. Gothitelle can also run an alternative EV spread with Special Defense investment, a Calm nature and Confide which can allow it to trap Eternatus and defensive Arceus formes lacking Taunt.
* Tera Water grants Gothitelle a resistance to Fire and Steel, allowing it to trap Ho-Oh, Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM, and Overheat variants of defensive Primal Groudon more consistently. Tera Fairy allows Gothitelle to trap Pokemon running Dragon Tail, such as Zygarde while retaining the ability to run Cosmic Power. Gothitelle can also run Tera types to trap specific Pokemon, such as Tera Ghost to trap Chansey.
* Due to being paired with strong offensive Pokemon that only need a few walls taken out to sweep, Gothitelle often only needs to take out one or two foes to enable its partners breaking through the opposing team. Zacian-C appreciates Gothitelle taking down Zygarde, Ho-Oh and Primal Groudon, Eternatus appreciates it taking down Necrozma-DM and many setup sweepers such as Calm Mind Arceus formes appreciate Gothitelle's ability to take down Ho-Oh.
* Taunt or Charm should almost always be the first move to click; Taunt should be used to block status moves, such as Ho-Oh’s Whirlwind and Toxic, or against Pokemon that commonly run stat boosting moves, such as Coil from Zygarde or Dragon Dance from Ultra Necrozma. Charm should be used to lower the Attack of Pokemon that have already boosted up, such as Coil Zygarde, or usually don’t carry any status moves such as Ultra Necrozma. It is important to Rest after using Taunt to give the foe as few free turns as possible, so Gothitelle can use Taunt immediately after waking up.
* Scouting is crucial when using Gothitelle as many foes that it aims to trap have ways to beat it. Gothitelle has to be wary of offensive variants of Pokemon such as Ho-Oh or Primal Groudon, as Gothitelle is 2HKOed, and Heat Crash from double dance Primal Groudon can OHKO outright. Uncommon coverage on Dragon Dance sweepers such as Ultra Necrozma's X-Scissor or Outrage after Stealth Rock, and Z-Moves such as +1 Tectonic Rage from Arceus-Ground or +1 Searing Sunraze Smash from Necrozma-DM also OHKO Gothitelle.
* Since Gothitelle only runs status moves, faster Taunts from Arceus and Yveltal completely shut it down. Substitute also shuts down Gothitelle's attempts to lower the foes stats, though it can still use Taunt to deny setup from Pokemon such as Zygarde.
* Gothitelle is susceptible to critical hits from Pokemon it aims to trap such as defensive Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh which can lead to inconsistency at times. Therefore it is important to keep Gothitelle on high HP with Rest, even when the foes moves deals little damage, to keep it out of range of critical hits.
* Hyper offense should be prepared for as Gothitelle has a poor matchup into the playstyle. Common hyper offense Pokémon such as Zacian-C and Mega Salamence have too much immediate power for Gothitelle to be able to trap, having it rely on teammates such as Arceus-Dark, Yveltal or Ditto to handle the matchup. Gothitelle however is able to beat Dragon Dance Ultra Necrozma. Gothitelle can also PP stall Swords Dance on Extreme Killer Arceus lacking Taunt, but this leaves Gothitelle unable to trap any other Pokemon, since Swords Dance and Charm have an equal amount of PP.
* Gothitelle shines when paired with strong offensive threats such as Zacian-C, Eternatus and Offensive Arceus-Fairy that appreciate Gothitelle’s capability to trap and remove specific walls such as Necrozma-DM, Zygarde lacking Substitute, bulky Primal Groudon, and common stall Pokemon such as Ho-Oh and Dondozo. In turn these offensive threats overwhelm hyper offensive Pokemon Gothitelle struggles against with damage.
* Gothitelle appreciates teammates with Toxic, such as Ho-Oh or Arceus-Dark, to help speed up trapping, and also allow Gothitelle to trap certain Pokemon it otherwise can't, such as foes behind a Substitute. mention Eternatus as an ally by setting Toxic Spikes

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1/1 GP Team done
name: Trapper
move 1: Taunt
move 2: Charm
move 3: Rest
move 4: Cosmic Power / Substitute
item: Leftovers
ability: Shadow Tag
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD or 112 HP / 192 Def / 204 Spe
tera type: Water / Fairy

* Gothitelle has a unique niche in National Dex Ubers. Its ability to trap and PP stall common walls such as Ho-Oh and most variants of Zygarde, (RC) and deny setup from sweepers such as Dragon Dance Ultra Necrozma can allow for unique team structures. The removal of these roadblocks greatly amplifies the offensive threat of Pokemon such as Zacian-C and Calm Mind Arceus-Fairy, making Gothitelle a great member on bulky offense teams.
* Taunt prevents phazing from Roar or Whirlwind from Ho-Oh and defensive Primal Groudon from denying the trap, stops recovery moves from being used, and denies attempts to status Gothitelle, which can risk its longevity. Rest grants Gothitelle a way to recover from status conditions, such as Toxic and Sacred Fire burns from Ho-Oh, and restore its HP, lessening the reliance on Leftovers recovery. Charm is Gothitelle's most reliable way of decreasing the foes foe's damage output, such as Ho-Oh, defensive Primal Groudon, Zygarde and Necrozma-DM.
* Cosmic Power lets Gothitelle boost itsphysical bulk past what Charm allows and lets it tank weaker special moves, such as Dynamax Cannon from defensive Eternatus, more effectively. Substitute grants Gothitelle a temporary immunity to status, more Leftovers healing against Charm-weakened opponents foes, and a safeguard against potential critical hits. It also prevents Dragon Tail from Zygarde and defensive Primal Groudon from phazing Gothitelle Out. Substitute does only have 16 PP, which means Gothitelle can have trouble PP stalling multiple targets, such as when trapping Brave Bird Ho-Oh and Rock Tomb defensive Primal Groudon. Toxic can be ran run to speed up the trapping process against defensive Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh, (RC) but is less consistent against more offensive teams.
* The first EV spread focuses on taking hits, (RC) and being able to sponge the most damage, and it is more consistent due to being less susceptible to critical hits. The second EV spread lets Gothitelle outspeed uninvested base 90 Pokemon, including defensive Primal Groudon, Ho-Oh, (AC) and Zygarde Complete-C, and more effectively trap them, allowing; this allows it to use Charm or Taunt against them, reducing their damage output and denying attempts to status Gohitelle or recover health HP. The remaining EVs are invested to maximise physical bulk. Gothitelle can also run an alternative EV spread with Special Defense investment, a Calm nature, (AC) and Confide, (AC) which can allow it to trap Eternatus and defensive Arceus formes lacking Taunt.
* Tera Water grants Gothitelle a resistance to Fire and Steel, allowing it to trap Ho-Oh, Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM, and Overheat variants of defensive Primal Groudon more consistently. Tera Fairy allows Gothitelle to trap Pokemon running Dragon Tail, (RC) such as Zygarde while retaining the ability to run Cosmic Power. Gothitelle can also run Tera types to trap specific Pokemon, such as Tera Ghost to trap Chansey, (RC) or Tera Steel to trap Eternatus.
* Due to beingGothitelle is paired with strong offensive Pokemon that only need a few walls taken out to sweep, Gothitelle so it often only needs to take out one or two foes to enable its partners breaking to break through the opposing team. (makes it clearer what it's paired with because that's new information) Zacian-C appreciates Gothitelle taking down Zygarde, Ho-Oh, (AC) and Primal Groudon, Eternatus appreciates it taking down Necrozma-DM, (AC) and many setup sweepers such as Calm Mind Arceus formes appreciate Gothitelle's ability to take down Ho-Oh.
* Taunt or Charm should almost always be the first move to click that Gothitelle uses; Taunt should be used to block status moves, such as Ho-Oh’s Whirlwind and Toxic, or against Pokemon that commonly run stat boosting moves, such as Coil from Zygarde or and Dragon Dance from Ultra Necrozma. Charm should be used to lower the Attack of Pokemon that have already boosted up, such as Coil Zygarde, or usually don’t carry any status moves such as Ultra Necrozma. (you've used these same examples in the same order for two sentences in a row) It is important to use Rest after using Taunt to give the foe as few free turns as possible, so and Gothitelle can use Taunt immediately after waking up.
* Scouting is crucial when using Gothitelle, (AC) as many foes that it aims to trap have ways to beat it. Gothitelle has to be wary of offensive variants of Pokemon such as Ho-Oh or and Primal Groudon, as Gothitelle is 2HKOed, and Heat Crash from Double Dance Primal Groudon can OHKO it outright. Uncommon coverage on Dragon Dance sweepers such as Ultra Necrozma's X-Scissor or Outrage after Stealth Rock, (RC) and Z-Moves such as +1 Tectonic Rage from Arceus-Ground or +1 Searing Sunraze Smash from Necrozma-DM also OHKO Gothitelle.
* Since Gothitelle only runs status moves, faster Taunts Taunt from Arceus and Yveltal completely shut shuts it down. Substitute also shuts down Gothitelle's attempts to lower the foes foe's stats, though it can still use Taunt to deny setup from Pokemon such as Zygarde.
* Gothitelle is susceptible to critical hits from Pokemon it aims to trap such as defensive Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh, (AC) which can lead to inconsistency at times. Therefore, (AC) it is important to keep Gothitelle on at high HP with Rest, even when the foes foe's moves deals little damage, to keep it out of range of critical hits.
* Hyper offense teams should be prepared for, (AC) as Gothitelle has a poor matchup into the playstyle. Common hyper offense Pokémon such as Zacian-C and Mega Salamence have too much immediate power for Gothitelle to be able to trap, having so it rely relies on teammates such as Arceus-Dark, Yveltal, and or Ditto to handle the matchup. Gothitelle, (AC) however, (AC) is able to beat Dragon Dance Ultra Necrozma. Gothitelle can also PP stall Swords Dance on Extreme Killer Arceus lacking Taunt, but this leaves Gothitelle it unable to trap any other Pokemon, since Swords Dance and Charm have an equal amount number of PP.
* Gothitelle shines when paired with strong offensive threats such as Zacian-C, Eternatus, (AC) andoffensive Arceus-Fairy that appreciate Gothitelle’s capability to trap and remove specific walls such as Necrozma-DM, Zygarde lacking Substitute, and defensive Primal Groudon, and as well as common stall Pokemon such as Ho-Oh and Dondozo. In turn, (AC) these offensive threats overwhelm hyper offensive Pokemon Gothitelle struggles against with damage. (that part isn't clear at all and doesn't seem needed) Gothitelle's teammates can also use a Charm-weakened foes as setup opportunities, since the foes foe'sAttack is too low to deal sufficient damage back.
* Gothitelle appreciates teammates with Toxic, such as Ho-Oh or and Arceus-Dark, or Toxic Spikes from Eternatus, (RC) to help speed up trapping, (RC) and also allow Gothitelle to trap certain Pokemon it otherwise can't, such as foes behind a Substitute.

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1/1 GP Team done
name: Trapper
move 1: Taunt
move 2: Charm
move 3: Rest
move 4: Cosmic Power / Substitute
item: Leftovers
ability: Shadow Tag
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD or 112 HP / 192 Def / 204 Spe
tera type: Water / Fairy

* Gothitelle has a unique niche in National Dex Ubers. Its ability to trap and PP stall common walls such as Ho-Oh and most variants of Zygarde, (RC) and deny setup from sweepers such as Dragon Dance Ultra Necrozma can allow for unique team structures. The removal of these roadblocks greatly amplifies the offensive threat of Pokemon such as Zacian-C and Calm Mind Arceus-Fairy, making Gothitelle a great member on bulky offense teams.
* Taunt prevents phazing from Roar or Whirlwind from Ho-Oh and defensive Primal Groudon from denying the trap, stops recovery moves from being used, and denies attempts to status Gothitelle, which can risk its longevity. Rest grants Gothitelle a way to recover from status conditions, such as Toxic and Sacred Fire burns from Ho-Oh, and restore its HP, lessening the reliance on Leftovers recovery. Charm is Gothitelle's most reliable way of decreasing the foes foe's damage output, such as Ho-Oh, defensive Primal Groudon, Zygarde and Necrozma-DM.
* Cosmic Power lets Gothitelle boost itsphysical bulk past what Charm allows and lets it tank weaker special moves, such as Dynamax Cannon from defensive Eternatus, more effectively. Substitute grants Gothitelle a temporary immunity to status, more Leftovers healing against Charm-weakened opponents foes, and a safeguard against potential critical hits. It also prevents Dragon Tail from Zygarde and defensive Primal Groudon from phazing Gothitelle Out. Substitute does only have 16 PP, which means Gothitelle can have trouble PP stalling multiple targets, such as when trapping Brave Bird Ho-Oh and Rock Tomb defensive Primal Groudon. Toxic can be ran run to speed up the trapping process against defensive Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh, (RC) but is less consistent against more offensive teams.
* The first EV spread focuses on taking hits, (RC) and being able to sponge the most damage, and it is more consistent due to being less susceptible to critical hits. The second EV spread lets Gothitelle outspeed uninvested base 90 Pokemon, including defensive Primal Groudon, Ho-Oh, (AC) and Zygarde Complete-C, and more effectively trap them, allowing; this allows it to use Charm or Taunt against them, reducing their damage output and denying attempts to status Gohitelle or recover health HP. The remaining EVs are invested to maximise physical bulk. Gothitelle can also run an alternative EV spread with Special Defense investment, a Calm nature, (AC) and Confide, (AC) which can allow it to trap Eternatus and defensive Arceus formes lacking Taunt.
* Tera Water grants Gothitelle a resistance to Fire and Steel, allowing it to trap Ho-Oh, Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM, and Overheat variants of defensive Primal Groudon more consistently. Tera Fairy allows Gothitelle to trap Pokemon running Dragon Tail, (RC) such as Zygarde while retaining the ability to run Cosmic Power. Gothitelle can also run Tera types to trap specific Pokemon, such as Tera Ghost to trap Chansey, (RC) or Tera Steel to trap Eternatus.
* Due to beingGothitelle is paired with strong offensive Pokemon that only need a few walls taken out to sweep, Gothitelle so it often only needs to take out one or two foes to enable its partners breaking to break through the opposing team. (makes it clearer what it's paired with because that's new information) Zacian-C appreciates Gothitelle taking down Zygarde, Ho-Oh, (AC) and Primal Groudon, Eternatus appreciates it taking down Necrozma-DM, (AC) and many setup sweepers such as Calm Mind Arceus formes appreciate Gothitelle's ability to take down Ho-Oh.
* Taunt or Charm should almost always be the first move to click that Gothitelle uses; Taunt should be used to block status moves, such as Ho-Oh’s Whirlwind and Toxic, or against Pokemon that commonly run stat boosting moves, such as Coil from Zygarde or and Dragon Dance from Ultra Necrozma. Charm should be used to lower the Attack of Pokemon that have already boosted up, such as Coil Zygarde, or usually don’t carry any status moves such as Ultra Necrozma. (you've used these same examples in the same order for two sentences in a row) It is important to use Rest after using Taunt to give the foe as few free turns as possible, so and Gothitelle can use Taunt immediately after waking up.
* Scouting is crucial when using Gothitelle, (AC) as many foes that it aims to trap have ways to beat it. Gothitelle has to be wary of offensive variants of Pokemon such as Ho-Oh or and Primal Groudon, as Gothitelle is 2HKOed, and Heat Crash from Double Dance Primal Groudon can OHKO it outright. Uncommon coverage on Dragon Dance sweepers such as Ultra Necrozma's X-Scissor or Outrage after Stealth Rock, (RC) and Z-Moves such as +1 Tectonic Rage from Arceus-Ground or +1 Searing Sunraze Smash from Necrozma-DM also OHKO Gothitelle.
* Since Gothitelle only runs status moves, faster Taunts Taunt from Arceus and Yveltal completely shut shuts it down. Substitute also shuts down Gothitelle's attempts to lower the foes foe's stats, though it can still use Taunt to deny setup from Pokemon such as Zygarde.
* Gothitelle is susceptible to critical hits from Pokemon it aims to trap such as defensive Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh, (AC) which can lead to inconsistency at times. Therefore, (AC) it is important to keep Gothitelle on at high HP with Rest, even when the foes foe's moves deals little damage, to keep it out of range of critical hits.
* Hyper offense teams should be prepared for, (AC) as Gothitelle has a poor matchup into the playstyle. Common hyper offense Pokémon such as Zacian-C and Mega Salamence have too much immediate power for Gothitelle to be able to trap, having so it rely relies on teammates such as Arceus-Dark, Yveltal, and or Ditto to handle the matchup. Gothitelle, (AC) however, (AC) is able to beat Dragon Dance Ultra Necrozma. Gothitelle can also PP stall Swords Dance on Extreme Killer Arceus lacking Taunt, but this leaves Gothitelle it unable to trap any other Pokemon, since Swords Dance and Charm have an equal amount number of PP.
* Gothitelle shines when paired with strong offensive threats such as Zacian-C, Eternatus, (AC) andoffensive Arceus-Fairy that appreciate Gothitelle’s capability to trap and remove specific walls such as Necrozma-DM, Zygarde lacking Substitute, and defensive Primal Groudon, and as well as common stall Pokemon such as Ho-Oh and Dondozo. In turn, (AC) these offensive threats overwhelm hyper offensive Pokemon Gothitelle struggles against with damage. (that part isn't clear at all and doesn't seem needed) Gothitelle's teammates can also use a Charm-weakened foes as setup opportunities, since the foes foe'sAttack is too low to deal sufficient damage back.
* Gothitelle appreciates teammates with Toxic, such as Ho-Oh or and Arceus-Dark, or Toxic Spikes from Eternatus, (RC) to help speed up trapping, (RC) and also allow Gothitelle to trap certain Pokemon it otherwise can't, such as foes behind a Substitute.

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