Greetings! As you all might know, we have recently had a survey exploring the people's thoughts on the metagame, what they want for the future and what they believe should recieve some sort of balance change. For this post, I will focus on the latter topic.
As far as Fusions that people felt deserved a nerf, we had the following, listed by how many people claimed for their nerfs:
And, similarly, the following is the list of Fusions that people thought should be buffed:
And that brings us to today's announcement: Council has prepared
a brand new Balance Patch!
97 / 57 / 94 / 111 / 99 / 62
Fortunomorphosis - When this Pokemon takes damage from an attack, it gains Laser Focus.
(Summary: -10 HP)
While Bellikiss wasn't unbreakeable by any means, any FE player could tell it is a very centralizing Pokémon that was a bit too good at what it does. This nerf should keep it good while making it easier to take down.
116 / 120 / 94 / 80 / 80 / 92
Nanorepairs - Effects of Quark Drive + Regenerator.
(Summary: -2 HP, -6 Def)
Another dominant threat in our metagame is Iron Tornado. It isn't that much of a problem though, so the nerfs it recieved are fairly minor all things considered.
98 / 94 / 110 / 98 / 72 / 96
Firewall - Quark Drive + Fire moves have 1.5x power while its Paradox boost is active.
(Summary: -2 Atk, -2 Sp Def, +2 Sp Atk, +10 Speed; ability change)
Iron Dirge used to be absolutely busted as an Unaware mon, but ever since it got nerfed it is stuck in a decline. At this point, the metagame has many other bulky Ground-type options (incluiding another bulky Unaware Ground), so we figured attempting to preserve a defensive profile with Dirge wouldn't have worked. As such, here is a much more offensively threatening version of Iron Dirge, that should hopefully give it an unique niche in the meta.
70 / 57 / 55 / 122 / 105 / 117
Rising Tension - Effects of Levitate + Cursed Body.
(Summary: -10 HP, +10 Speed)
Not much to say here, really. It wasn't a particularly good mon at tanking hits so the HP investment wasn't really doing it. 117 Speed allows it to outspeed some relevant threats such as Iron Legion, Whimsy sands and Ultra Necrotrik.
75 / 90 / 70 / 109 / 70 / 108
Choreography - After another Pokemon uses a dance move, this Pokemon uses the same move; but this effect only works once per switch-in. This Pokemon's type changes to the type of the move it is using.
(Summary: Ability change)
Meowscorio's ability was sort of a mess that hindered it more than it helped. This rework should allow it to diversiy its sets way more as it no longer locks into a single type, most notably freeing Quiver Dance.
93 / 90 / 82 / 101 / 94 / 91
Aura Shield - This Pokemon is not affected by the secondary effect of another Pokemon's attack. While this Pokemon is active, moves with secondary effects used by any Pokemon have 1.33x power.
(Summary: -5 Def, +11 Sp Atk)
Another fairly straightforward change, Yveltox was in need of a damage boost. Not much we can expand on here.
97 / 119 / 107 / 79 / 107 / 45
Weight of Life - This Pokemon's weight is doubled. Heavier than opponent, Sun active, or Booster Energy used: highest stat is 1.3x, or 1.5x if Speed.
(Summary: +8 Atk)
Bronze Bonnet is a weird case. Much like Iron Dirge, it started out as a very strong defensive profile that had to be nerfed as the time went on. Recently, people have been discovering more offensive sets for Bronze Bonnet, which have been proving very effective. As such, a boost to its Atk stat should be of help.
130 / 131 / 90 / 65 / 75 / 74
Force of Nature - Effects of Grassy Surge and Sheer Force.
(Summary: +10 HP, +10 Atk, ability change)
Tapu Titan's concept as a Grassy Terrain abuser turned out to be flawed in execution. Its typing doesn't synergize well with Arbolosion and it was pretty poor outside of terrain. With that in mind, we decided to redefine it as a Sheer Force breaker, as well as increasing its stats as it previously had no stat investments.
90 / 87 / 82 / 67/ 122 / 65
Neutralizing Gas - Effects of Neutralizing Gas.
(Summary: -8 Atk, -3 Def, -3 Sp Atk, +17 Sp Def)
Muktaria suffered from having stats that were just all-around mediocre. With this rework, it at the very least has an outstanding Sp Def profile, leading it to a more unique bulky role in the meta.
90 / 127 / 102 / 107 / 122 / 65
(Summary: New stats to accomodate for the base's changes; new type)
The mega, on another hand, suffered from having a pretty mediocre type. Changing it to Dragon/Fairy should hopefully elevate both its offensive and defensive capabilities.
95 / 108 / 105 / 67 / 77 / 109
Stone Wheel - Effects of Technician and Rock Head.
(Summary: -8 Atk, +8 Speed, ability change)
Relish has been a long time mediocre choice. Needless to say, Swift Swim was doing nothing for it in a metagame without rain, and Sturdy didn't really turn out to be as good as expected, so we decided to free Rock Head + Head Smash while also giving it a small adjustment in Atk to compensate, while also putting it in a more favorable speed tier. Relishadow's main issue is the lack of a way to boost its Atk, having to rely on STAB's power alone. Rock Blast also cornered it into running Loaded Dice which often removed the option for a boosting item. Head Smash should get around that.
79 / 130 / 129 / 45 / 80 / 70
Mad Cow - Effects of Emegency Exit + Intimidate + Lowers opponent's Attack when Emergency Exit activates.
(Summary: -5 Sp Def, +5 Atk, +4 Def, ability change)
Golisoros strus with being a bulky Water type with no recovery in a metagame where Garpyuku reigns and Scream Cormorant is on the rise. We decided to lean it more into its pivot role, now getting a much easier time switching in thanks to Intimidate while also grabbing some good mommentum by lowering the opponent's Attack if Emergency Exit activates.
179 / 101 / 67 / 109 / 67 / 61
All-Devouring - Effects of Beast Boost.
(Summary: -2 Atk, -6 Def, -6 Sp Def, +6 Sp Atk, +8 Speed)
Another straightforward change, Guguzzparce's stats have been more optimized. Probably the best statline we can realistically give it.
81 / 62 / 84 / 130 / 119 / 81
Burning Petals - This side's Fire-Types cannot have their stats lowered or be inflicted by status effects by other Pokémon and are immune to Fire moves. If hit by any of those, activates Flash Fire.
(Summary: -16 Sp Def, +12 Sp Atk, +6 Speed, ability change)
Similar to Golisoros, Florgerouge suffers from there being better options in the meta that perform a similar defensive role to what it is trying to do. We figured it would have been redundant to invest in it as a defensive Fairy, so we shifted its stats into being more of a breaker. Its ability remains mostly the same, but now if its stats were to be dropped by an opponent or if it was to be statused by an opponent, it will proc Flash Fire.
79 / 107 / 93 / 83 / 97 / 79
Opening Act - This Pokemon's Status moves have priority raised by 1, but Dark types are immune. Sunny Day active, Booster Energy used or priority move used: highest stat is 1.3x, or 1.5x if Speed.
(Summary: +8 Def, ability change)
Many people asked for us to increase Slither King's bulk, and that is done here. Not onlydid it get a direct stat boost, but its ability also has a new effect in where it'll gain a Paradox boost for a turn if it uses a priority move, letting you increase your bulk by 30% while using status moves (or First Impression)
90 / 105 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 60
Pondweed - Immune to Grass and Water moves, +1 Attack if hit by a move of those types.
(Summary: Ability change, now Sap Sipper + Torrent)
Another struggling defensive Water, Goopert always had a good statline and a pretty decent movepool, but a fairly mediocre ability. It is now able to check a few more Pokémon thanks to its immunities, but notably can also prevent opposing Flip Turns while also having Flip Turn itself. This allows Goopert to be a pretty effective mon at grabbing mommentum.
97 / 109 / 155 / 75 / 82 / 55
Sand Wrath - Effects of Sand Stream and Sheer Force.
(Summary: -20 Sp Def, +10 HP, +10 Speed)
Stats have been optimized so that it has better overall bulk while also outspeeding Bellikiss more easily.
97 / 139 / 195 / 75 / 102 / 65
Sand Stream - Effects of Sand Stream.
97 / 149 / 185 / 75 / 112 / 55
Sand Force - Effects of Sand Force.
(Summary: New stats to accomodate for the base's changes)
Stats simply have adjusted to match the base form's new stats.
Gets freed.
In the survey, we were also directly asked to free megas, with Mega Sol Valiant specifically being mentioned a fair bit. As such, Mega Sol Valiant is now legal in FESV.
Nothing for now. While these Pokemon were respectively voted in for a nerf and a buff, council believes they should see a bit more playtesting before we take any action. Don't be mistaken, we
will keep an eye on them and they will eventually recieve changes as we see fit. We just want to see how the metagame adapts to them so that they may be changed accordingly.
We will now enter a short discussion phase for people to reflect upon these changes. After this, the final slate will begin.
Use the template below to discuss all the new changes
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