Tournament Gen9 CC2v2 Double Elimination Tour

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Que no respiren, que no respiren!
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Past WCoP Champion
Results of coinflips


Clementine vs Arcanine1929 are playing today so decision is revoked
Lady Writer actually got act vs yokoisop
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Que no respiren, que no respiren!
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Past WCoP Champion
Hosted by lemonstre1 with the help of Javi and approved by A Cake Wearing A Hat


Welcome to this CC2v2 tournament in the brand new Gen9! There couldn't be a better way to start the new generation than with a Challenge Cup 2v2 tournament. In this tournament you can showcase your unmatched picking abilities and your expertise on the new mechanic: Tera!

Tournament Rules:
• Games will be played in the current generation format: Gen9 CC2v2.
• This is a "No Johns" tournament with 4 days per round.
• General tournament rules and regulations can be found here. Failure to comply with these rules will result in a loss or a coinflip.
• Best of five (Bo5) Double Elimination. There is a winner bracket and a loser bracket.
• Battles must take place on main server or smogtours.
• Replays are strictly required.
• Do not make baseless activity posts; get in contact with your opponent and report missed times / scheduling issues only.
• All scheduling attempts MUST be done publicly on Smogon walls. No other proof of communication will count for act calls regarding scheduling attempts.
JonahRamone  vs  BlazeOfVictory
Thootjuh  vs Arcanine1929
platinumCheesecake  vs  neycwang
Eeveon7  vs  Aqua Jet
Aquaa  vs  Referrals
Siuan  vs  Dorron
Xceloh  vs  Dybala jr
Goro Yagami  vs  Piapia
deftinwolf  vs  Makina
Lrogue  vs  jeffdaboss
Panty&Stockings  vs  yokoisop
RL  vs  Dragonillis
Chains of Markov  vs  Exi0022
Maybca☆〜ゝ。∂  vs  Irpachuza
Cureja  vs  Les2BG
Fluore  vs  35Q71N

Deadline for this round is Sunday May 21st 11:59 GMT +2. Good luck and remember to submit the replays!
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Interesting to find myself in a loser bracket, I did not receive any notification of a first round or a challenge to a battle.
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