VGC Hatterene


* Hatterene is an offensive Trick Room setter that loves to take advantage of all the Dark- and Dragon-type Pokemon running around the metagame, such as Murkrow, Hydreigon, and Garchomp.

* Hatterene needs assistance to get started. Fake Out support from Hariyama or Mold Breaker Tinkaton can stop faster Pokemon who would otherwise threaten a KO before Trick Room. Redirectors such as Amoonguss all but ensure that Trick Room gets set up. Indeedee-F in particular facilitates Hatterene very well, as it can use Trick Room, set up Psychic Terrain to protect against priority, and redirect attacks with Follow Me.

* Additional spread damage from the likes of Torkoal, Armarouge, and Sylveon can overwhelm entire teams alongside Hatterene and close out a game. Armarouge additionally helps dissuade opposing Torkoal from utilizing Trick Room turns itself, as it can block spread moves with Wide Guard.

* Magic Bounce renders Hatterene immune to most forms of disruption such as Taunt from Murkrow or Talonflame and Spore from Amoonguss.

* Its low HP and middling physical bulk makes Hatterene vulnerable to most strong or super effective physical attacks. Strong priority moves, such as Dragonite's Extreme Speed and Kingambit's Sucker Punch, are problematic unless Hatterene has Psychic Terrain or Quick Guard support. Hatterene also struggles to get started against many common Ghost-types due to its low Speed and relative frailty. Gengar can threaten to either OHKO it with a STAB move or take away Hatterene's speed control with Imprison.

name: Trick Room Sweeper
move 1: Dazzling Gleam
move 2: Trick Room
move 3: Psychic
move 4: Protect / Mystical Fire / Tera Blast
item: Covert Cloak / Life Orb
ability: Magic Bounce
nature: Quiet
tera type: Fire / Fairy / Steel / Psychic
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
ivs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe


* Mystical Fire lets Hatterene deal decent damage to Steel-types such as Gholdengo and Kingambit, which it would otherwise fail to hit effectively.

* Covert Cloak renders Hatterene immune to the secondary effects of moves like Snarl and Fake Out, which, combined with Magic Bounce, greatly limits the ways the opponent can deal with it. Life Orb makes Hatterene a far more threatening sweeper but noticeably hinders its longevity, leaving it more vulnerable to revenge killing from powerful priority moves.

* Tera Fire lets Hatterene turn the tables on Steel-types, such as Gholdengo looking for a quick KO before it sets up Trick Room. Tera Fairy removes Hatterene's weakness to Ghost and makes Dazzling Gleam hit harder. Tera Steel gives Hatterene a slew of resistances and allows it to surprise Fairy-types like Sylveon with a super effective Tera Blast. Steel-type Tera Blast also OHKOes Garganacl, which would otherwise wall it endlessly. Tera Psychic gives Hatterene a boosted STAB option that isn't resisted by Fire-types.

* Shadow Ball is a niche option to cover common Ghost- and Psychic-types. After You allows Hatterene to support Pokemon with higher Speed during Trick Room, such as Meowscarada and Gengar. Focus Sash is an option if Hatterene doesn't run a defensive Tera type.

- Written by: [[Ghalundra, 19313]]
- Quality checked by: [[yuki, 294287]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
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* Hatterene is an offensive Trick Room setter and abuser (Never use the word "abuser" in analyses, has really negative connotations, but also cutting this cause "offensive Trick Room setter" is enough.) that loves to take advantage of all the Dark- and Dragon-type Pokemon running around the metagame (add some examples).

* Hatterene needs assistance to get started. Fake Out support from Hariyama or Mold Breaker Tinkaton can stop faster Pokemon who would otherwise threaten a KO (Examples here). Redirectors such as Amoongus all but ensure that Trick Room gets set up. Indeedee-F in particular facilitates Hatterene very well as they can use Trick Room themselves, set up Psychic Terrain to protect against priority, and redirect attacks with Follow Me.

* Additional spread damage from the likes of Torkoal, Armarouge, and Sylveon can overwhelm entire teams and close out a game. Helping Hand users are appreciated for similar reasons. Armarouge additionally helps dissuade opposing Torkoal from attempting to abuse Trick Room itself blocks opposing spread moves with Wide Guard.

* Hatterene competes with the likes of Armarouge in their roll its role as a Trick Room setter and abuser with similar coverage options. Armarouge has better defensive utility, deals more spread damage with Indeedee-F thanks to Expanding Force, and has a strong single-target STAB move with Armor Cannon. Meanwhile, Hatterene matches better in general against Dark and Dragon type Pokemon due to Dazzling Gleam and its Fairy-typing. (You said this at the start. The comparison probably isn't 100% needed overall, but I'd try and word it like "Armarouge is an alternative pick that can be run instead of or alongside Hatterene thanks to exclusive access to Expanding Force and Armor Cannon. Hatterene is better at dealing with the likes of Garchomp and Hydreigon thanks to its Fairy-typing, and Magic Bounce protecting it from status moves like Amoonguss's Spore and Talonflame's Taunt." At least differentiates what it does a bit more, and gets you the Magic Bounce mention in this)

* Its low HP and middling physical bulk means that Hatterene is vulnerable to strong priory moves like Extreme Speed and Sucker Punch (from who?) unless it has Psychic Terrain or Quick Guard Support. Tera Normal Dragonite deserves special mention for shrugging off all of its attacks and threaten to KO with Extreme Speed and its choice of coverage options. (Little bit fluffy overall)

* Sets that lack Mystical Fire are completely walled by Steel-types, who either force it to terastallize or switch out. Gholdengo and Kingambit in particular put heavy pressure on Hatterene and are the main reasons to consider running Tera Fire. (Consider just making this the point for Protect vs Mystical Fire.)

* Hatterene struggles to get started against many common Ghost-types due to its low speed and relative frailty. Gengar can threaten to either OHKO with one of its STAB moves or take away Hatterene's speed control with Imprison. Ceruledge can take a Psychic and threatens it with both Bitter Blade and Shadow Sneak. Dragapult threatens Hatterene with a OHKO as a lead and can use Phantom Force before Trick Room is set up to punish, but otherwise fears Dazzling Gleam. (Think we could make this and the priority point the same bullet, and we just need to work on the lengthiness a bit)

name: Trick Room Sweeper
move 1: Dazzling Gleam
move 2: Psychic
move 3: Protect / Mystical Fire
move 4: Trick Room
item: Covert Cloak / Life Orb
ability: Magic Bounce
nature: Quiet
tera type: Fire / Fairy / Steel / Psychic
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
ivs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe


* Dazzling Gleam does heavy damage to any Pokemon who doesn't resist it and threatens to KO most Dark-types. Psychic allows Hatterene to hit Pokemon who are resistant to Dazzling Gleam and those who try to wall it by going Tera Fire. (No real need to explain these)

Mystical Fire gives Hatterene a weapon to use against Steel-types such as Gholdengo who would otherwise counter it.

* Covert Cloak renders Hatterene immune to moves like Snarl and Fake Out (No it doesn't. Really have to be precise with the wording here.) which limits the ways the opponent can deal with it once it (This "it" implies Hatterene. I think you mean Trick Room) is set up. Life Orb makes Hatterene a far more threatening sweeper but noticeably hinders their its longevity, leaving them it more vulnerable to revenge killing by powerful priority moves.

* Magic Bounce renders Hatterene immune to most forms of status and disruption (examples here of what we're blocking), only circumvented by the likes of Toedscruel and Mold Breaker Pokemon. (I am going to argue that this isn't relevant enough in the current meta to include) It also allows Hatterene to switch in on a predicted status move and punish the opponent for it. (Yeah but it's not why Magic Bounce is really crucial to why Hatterene is a pick in the first place)

* Tera Fire lets Hatterene turn the tables on Steel-types such as Gholdengo looking for a quick KO before it sets up Trick Room. Tera Fairy removes Hatterene's weakness to Ghost and makes Dazzling Gleam hit harder. Tera Steel gives Hatterene a slew of resistances and allows it to surprise Fairy-types with super effective Tera Blast. Tera Psychic gives Hatterene a boosted STAB option that isn't resisted by Fire-types.

* Shadow Ball can be used as a tech option to cover the plethora of Ghost-types running around the metagame while also allowing Hatterene to hit Psychic-types hard. Tera Blast is mostly used to surprise Fairy-type Pokemon who would normally want to switch in on Hatterene when running Tera Steel but may also shore up their coverage with other types. Calm Mind increases Hatterene's bulk and makes its spread damage far more threatening, but requires it to either give up a coverage option or have another Pokemon set up Trick Room for it. Focus Sash is an option if no one else on the team needs it they don't want to run a defensive Tera. (So for me, this is a little bit ehh. None of these were included on the set in the first place, so I'm not a massive fan of including something long about it. You explain some of the downsides nicely though, so I think if you could make it a touch more brief that would be ideal)

- Written by: [[Ghalundra, 19313]]
- Quality checked by: [[yuki, 294287]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username, user ID]]

Take your time implementing this, any questions at all, feel free to reach out to me on Discord (yuki#0003)


* Hatterene is an offensive Trick Room setter that loves to take advantage of all the Dark- and Dragon-type (Added hyphens here) Pokemon running around the metagame such as Murkrow, Hydreigon, and Garchomp.

* Hatterene needs assistance to get started. Fake Out support from Hariyama or Mold Breaker Tinkaton can stop faster Pokemon who would otherwise threaten a KO. Redirectors such as Amoonguss all but ensure that Trick Room gets set up. Indeedee-F, in particular, (AC) facilitates Hatterene very well as they it can use its own Trick Room themselves, set up Psychic Terrain to protect against Priority priority, and redirect attacks with Follow Me.

* Additional spread damage from the likes of Torkoal, Armarouge, and Sylveon can overwhelm entire teams and close out a game. Helping Hand users are appreciated for similar reasons. (Really don't care about this point cause it just reads like "Helping Hand users help offensive Pokemon") Armarouge additionally helps dissuade opposing Torkoal from utilizing Trick Room turns itself by blocking spread moves with Wide Guard.

* Magic Bounce renders Hatterene immune to most forms of status and disruption such as Taunt or Encore (Feels very odd to mention Encore, then not mention an Encore user. Not necessarily wrong, just worth giving the example where possible.) giving it a good match up against Murkrow and Talonflame. Hatterene has a decent match up against Amoonguss due to its super effective coverage (more of a STAB) and ability to bounce Spore, but needs to be wary of eating Sludge Bomb. (Kinda feels quite wordy overall. Think something like "Magic Bounce gives Hatterene an immunity to disruptive status moves such as Talonflame and Murkrow's Taunt and Amoonguss's Spore" would get this point done pretty quickly)

* Its low HP and middling physical bulk means that Hatterene is vulnerable to most strong or super effective physical attacks. Strong priority moves in particular, such as Dragonite's Extreme Speed from Dragonite and Kingambit's Sucker Punch from Kingambit, are problematic unless Hatterene has Psychic Terrain or Quick Guard Support support. Hatterene also struggles to get started against many common Ghost-types due to its low speed and relative frailty. Gengar in can threaten to either OHKO with one of its STAB moves or take away Hatterene's speed control with Imprison.

name: Trick Room Sweeper
move 1: Dazzling Gleam
move 2: Psychic
move 3: Protect / Mystical Fire
move 4: Trick Room
item: Covert Cloak / Life Orb
ability: Magic Bounce
nature: Quiet
tera type: Fire / Fairy / Steel / Psychic
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
ivs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe


* Sets that lack Mystical Fire are completely walled by Steel-types like Gholdengo, who either forces it to terastallize or switch out. (Would make the subject of this Mystical Fire "Mystical Fire lets Hatterene deal decent damage to Steel-types such as Gholdengo and Kingambit, which it would otherwise fail to hit effectively.")

* Covert Cloak renders Hatterene immune to the secondary effects of moves like Snarl and Fake Out, which combined with Magic Bounce limits the ways the opponent can deal with it. Life Orb makes Hatterene a far more threatening sweeper but noticeably hinders its longevity, leaving it more vulnerable to revenge killing by powerful priority moves.

* Tera Fire lets Hatterene turn the tables on Steel-types such as Gholdengo looking for a quick KO before it sets up Trick Room. Tera Fairy removes Hatterene's weakness to Ghost and makes Dazzling Gleam hit harder. Tera Steel gives Hatterene a slew of resistances and allows it to surprise Fairy-types with super effective Tera Blast. Tera Psychic gives Hatterene a boosted STAB option that isn't resisted by Fire-types.

* Shadow Ball can be used as a tech option to cover common Ghost- and Psychic-types. Steel Tera Blast can surprise Fairy-type Pokemon who would normally want to switch in on it. (This implies Fairies switch in on Hatterene pretty frequently... for what reason? Feel like the point isn't bad but it needs a little work) Calm Mind (I feel like I've never actually seen this) increases Hatterene's bulk and makes its spread damage far more threatening, but requires it to either give up a coverage option or have another Pokemon set up Trick Room for it. Focus Sash is an option if Hatterene doesn't want to run a defensive Tera. (Feel like I'd love to see a mention of After You in here, maybe instead of Calm Mind. Hatterene not being able to click Expanding Force or G-Max Smite anymore kinda shifts it role from solely offensive to semi-support from my experience. Worth at least a mention because it makes semi-room ideas more potent when Hatterene can effectively make your fast Pokemon good in TR)

- Written by: [[Ghalundra, 19313]]
- Quality checked by: [[yuki, 294287]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username, user ID]]

Same as last time, let me know if you need any assistance
Sorry it took me a second to get back on this, just fix the spelling on Meowscarada at the end and I'm pretty happy
QC 1/1
Add/Fix Remove Comment
(AC): Add Comma

* Hatterene is an offensive Trick Room setter that loves to take advantage of all the Dark- and Dragon-type Pokemon running around the metagame, (AC) such as Murkrow, Hydreigon, and Garchomp.

* Hatterene needs assistance to get started. Fake Out support from Hariyama or Mold Breaker Tinkaton can stop faster Pokemon who that would otherwise threaten a KO before Trick Room. Redirectors such as Amoonguss all but ensure that Trick Room gets set up. Indeedee-F in particular facilitates Hatterene very well, (AC) as it can use Trick Room, set up Psychic Terrain to protect against priority, and redirect attacks with Follow Me.

* Additional spread damage from the likes of Torkoal, Armarouge, and Sylveon can overwhelm entire teams alongside Hatterene (I imagine? optional, though) and close out a game. Armarouge additionally helps dissuade opposing Torkoal from utilizing Trick Room turns itself by blocking itself, as it can block spread moves with Wide Guard.

* Magic Bounce renders Hatterene immune to most forms of disruption, (AC) such as Taunt from Murkrow or Talonflame and Spore from Amoonguss.

* Its low HP and middling physical bulk means that Hatterene is make Hatterene vulnerable to most strong or super effective physical attacks. Strong priority moves, such as Dragonite's Extreme Speed and Kingambit's Sucker Punch, are problematic unless Hatterene has Psychic Terrain or Quick Guard support. Hatterene also struggles to get started against many common Ghost-types due to its low speed Speed and relative frailty. Gengar can threaten to either OHKO with one of its STAB moves it with a STAB move or take away Hatterene's speed control with Imprison.

name: Trick Room Sweeper
move 1: Dazzling Gleam
move 2: Psychic
move 3: Protect / Mystical Fire / Tera Blast (I imagine? it should probably be here because I imagine it's necessary alongside a listed tera type... unless it's optional with tera steel, in which case you should specify that + specify where you would run tera blast in set comments)
move 4: Trick Room
item: Covert Cloak / Life Orb
ability: Magic Bounce
nature: Quiet
tera type: Fire / Fairy / Steel / Psychic
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
ivs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe


* Mystical Fire lets Hatterene deal decent damage to Steel-types such as Gholdengo and Kingambit, which it would otherwise fail to hit effectively.

* Covert Cloak renders Hatterene immune to the secondary effects of moves like Snarl and Fake Out, which, (AC) combined with Magic Bounce, greatly limits the ways the opponent can deal with it. Life Orb makes Hatterene a far more threatening sweeper but noticeably hinders its longevity, leaving it more vulnerable to revenge killing by from powerful priority moves.

* Tera Fire lets Hatterene turn the tables on Steel-types, (AC) such as Gholdengo, (AC) (ignore this second comma if it would change the meaning of the sentence in a bad way) looking for a quick KO before it sets up Trick Room. Tera Fairy removes Hatterene's weakness to Ghost and makes Dazzling Gleam hit harder. Tera Steel gives Hatterene a slew of resistances and allows it to surprise Fairy-types like Sylveon with a super effective Tera Blast. Steel-type Tera Blast also OHKOes Garganacl, which would otherwise wall it endlessly. Tera Psychic gives Hatterene a boosted STAB option that isn't resisted by Fire-types.

* Shadow Ball can be used as a tech is a niche option to cover common Ghost- and Psychic-types. Steel Tera Blast OHKOs Garganacl who would otherwise wall it endlessly and also helps against Fairy-types like Sylveon. After You allows Hatterene to support Pokemon with higher speed Speed during Trick Room, (AC) such as Meowscarada and Gengar. Focus Sash is an option if Hatterene doesn't want to run a defensive Tera type.

- Written by: [[Ghalundra, 19313]]
- Quality checked by: [[yuki, 294287]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
GP Team done

edit, minor addition: tr seems important enough that it should probably be ordered second in moveslot order
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