dis my list yo, which is still unchanged from last month (legend again today yo)
Dragon Egg is pretty good. Ideally, if I could be assed to change it I would probably use Gormok over one of the Sea Giants or Doomguards (Leeroy is scrubshit yo) and probably figure out where to fit ye ol' Skill Juggler (Knife not Flame) back in there. Probably over the Elven Archers but it's fun with Egg/IGB, pretty good in the mirror for raw board control (takes care of IGB tokens, second half of Villager/Squire, etc.), and so on. I wouldn't mind my own Crazed Alchemist either, Doomsayer is everywhere right now and it also beats the Frost Nova combo since it doesn't require swinging in.
Even without the Archer synergy Egg is still good on its own though. It's deathrattle-esque in that it protects your board from damage-based AoE, especially the one-damage variety like new asshole on the block Ravaging Ghoul, and leaves a body behind if you buff it to trade into something. On average it's not better than our departed friend Nerubian Egg, but honestly if you get more than one whelp from it from bumping 1/x dudes or getting an Argus on it the power level isn't far off. You can bump the 0/2 for free and it doesn't trade so efficiently then, but most opponents won't bother because it's slow to do and they'd rather force you to have the buffs to make use of it. There's also a ton of 1/x one-drops in the metagame right now that can't bump it in one go either; 2/1 doods are almost extinct outside of Abusive Sergeant and occasionally Fiery Bat.
The problem I have with Dragon Egg (and Archer) is that it's a ridiculous tempo sink in a deck which really needs to start racing out of the blocks because almost every other deck has either early-game minions that instantly need to be addressed (mirror match, Shaman) or lategame minions so good that you need to kill or almost kill them before they come down (Hunter, Warrior, Paladin, Renolock). Nerubian Egg's upside is a 4/4, which is huge especially since you can put the egg on board turn 2 (or coin it out turn 1) and crack it the next turn which brings out a minion above the curve while really punishing AOE with something that needs another full spell to be addressed. Dragon Egg's upside is 4/2 worth of stats, which kinda is "far off" what Nerubian Egg gives you and that's not even guaranteed, since you can't get value by POing it in the same way you can out of Nerubian Egg, plus since it's only a 2/1 people will be much more inclined to ram into the egg and deal with the dragon straightaway, just making it a Voodoo Doctor. It's good at blocking Ravaging Ghoul, I'll give you that, but Ravaging Ghoul kicks your ass anyway and even a 2/1 won't move mountains against it.
I also find the interactions with Elven Archer that you described pretty mediocre. Pinging your own Imp Gang Boss just gives you a couple of 1/1s while pinging 1 health off a pretty impactful minion that really wants to be leveraging its health to get the best trades possible, and while pinging Dragon Egg is good it's still essentially a Bilefin Tidehunter with a 0/1 Dragon Egg sitting around. I realise it's versatile and stuff like that but nothing it does is spectacular and it's an awful turn 1 play. Something like Knife Juggler has a far, far greater upside.
For the record, I cut a Dwarf, the Flame Juggler and the Alchemist (it wasn't quite cutting it) for a Sea Giant, a Gormok and a Soulfire which were all amazing and got me down to rank 84, where I am now.
Control Paladin-wise, I'm really not a fan of "junk" Deathrattles like Infested Tauren and Harvest Golem. Golem is borderline ok to play for mana, but Infested Tauren is kinda really bad unless it's coming out of N'Zoth but realistically you shouldn't be reliant on N'Zoth in control matchups (that's Justicar's job) and just getting back one or two deathrattles, specifically Tirion, will cut it against Midrange, and you rarely even summon N'Zoth against aggro. I don't actually own a Lightrag or a Cairne, but I played the deck at a friend's and went something like 12-1 or 13-1, admittedly between rank 14 and rank 9, with this list which I can't screenshot-
2x Forbidden Healing
1x Humility
2x Equality
2x Doomsayer
2x Wild Pyromancer
1x Acolyte of Pain
2x Aldor Peacekeeper
2x Truesilver Champion
2x Consecration
2x Keeper of Uldaman
1x Corrupted Healbot
1x Harrison Jones
2x Stampeding Kodo
1x Cairne Bloodhoof
1x Justicar Trueheart
1x Sylvanas Windrunner
1x Lay on Hands
1x Ragnaros, Lightlord
1x Ragnaros the Firelord
1x Tirion Fordring
1x N'Zoth, the Corruptor
Healbot is really incredibly good at controlling the midgame, Justicar is a win condition against control, Keepers... idk, I just like them - it's not bad against Aggro to buff up a 1/1 and with Truesilver you have another removal for big threats which is important. Harrison is just good at reloading a bit - you're never really in fear of fatiguing before the opponent outside of matchups like Control Warrior where you're normally just hitting Gorehowl for one. I concur with Matthew about the matchups, though - Warrior is extremely hard to lose to, and Rogue is extremely hard not to lose to. You'll also lose to the mirror match if they play junk Deathrattles, particlarly Faceless Summoner which seems to be a popular choice at rank 11, but you'll have a better matchup against other decks.