hello! Shadow the hedgehog (grape tylenol) /pos said this is the place for me if I wanna yap about my interests :3, guess im a bit too used to Flight Rising's (my beloathed, long story) forum system, smogon sure is different aha! So before I say anything else, i'm gonna throw all my interests here real quick! the fandoms that i've enjoyed the most + my current hyperfix, hoping for anyone who knows them to reach out! I have a MCB Fanteam which is the original reason why i'm here. I want to battle for the fun of it in custom battle while testing them out !
Current hyperfix: Metal Cardbot, Bluecop my beloved wife, but im watching a bit of Iron Leaguer on the side (why are 90s anime so fucking angsty?)
Interests: Tobot (all series) my usual hyperfix that i've been latched on to for years, Catch ! Teenieping (Favorites are Twinkle and Dessert.), Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, the 1996 Carmen Sandiego TV show/gameshow, transformers (fav is TFP & RBA, but also IDW from the silly comics, haven't read the comics yet) tbh any show that has sentient robots I guess? Monkart, and way more but I also enjoy little kid shows, very fun :3
Current hyperfix: Metal Cardbot, Bluecop my beloved wife, but im watching a bit of Iron Leaguer on the side (why are 90s anime so fucking angsty?)
Interests: Tobot (all series) my usual hyperfix that i've been latched on to for years, Catch ! Teenieping (Favorites are Twinkle and Dessert.), Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, the 1996 Carmen Sandiego TV show/gameshow, transformers (fav is TFP & RBA, but also IDW from the silly comics, haven't read the comics yet) tbh any show that has sentient robots I guess? Monkart, and way more but I also enjoy little kid shows, very fun :3