Media Holds out my interests to you guys.

hello! Shadow the hedgehog (grape tylenol) /pos said this is the place for me if I wanna yap about my interests :3, guess im a bit too used to Flight Rising's (my beloathed, long story) forum system, smogon sure is different aha! So before I say anything else, i'm gonna throw all my interests here real quick! the fandoms that i've enjoyed the most + my current hyperfix, hoping for anyone who knows them to reach out! I have a MCB Fanteam which is the original reason why i'm here. I want to battle for the fun of it in custom battle while testing them out !

Current hyperfix: Metal Cardbot, Bluecop my beloved wife, but im watching a bit of Iron Leaguer on the side (why are 90s anime so fucking angsty?)
Interests: Tobot (all series) my usual hyperfix that i've been latched on to for years, Catch ! Teenieping (Favorites are Twinkle and Dessert.), Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, the 1996 Carmen Sandiego TV show/gameshow, transformers (fav is TFP & RBA, but also IDW from the silly comics, haven't read the comics yet) tbh any show that has sentient robots I guess? Monkart, and way more but I also enjoy little kid shows, very fun :3
I got way too into type-moon recently. Wound up reading pretty much everything there is except prisma-illya (never) and fate/strange fake (which i might read if i get too tired of waiting for the new adaptation to come out which is only in 2-3 weeks anyways) and then some other stuff on the side. For context of how much that is, here is every single thing i've read and watched from this franchise:

Kara no Kyoukai (Watched ufotable adaptation, hit part 5 of the LN)
Tsukihime (Read VN, haven't read the remake)
Fate/Stay Night (Read VN, Watched all the ufotable adaptations, have not watched the studio deen adaptation)
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia (Read VN)
Fate/Zero (Watched ufotable adaptation, haven't read original LN)
Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files (Watched adaptation, fully caught up)
Melty Blood (Played all the story modes)
Melty Blood Act Cadenza (Same as above)
Melty Blood Actress Again (Doesn't have a story mode, play the game anyways because it's fun and free)
Carnival Phantasm (Watched. Really fun actually, although it is dependent on knowing stuff from FSN and tsuki)
Today's Menu with the Emiya Family (Watched, haven't read, but definitely will because I like watching them be able to catch a break)

The next thing i'm going to do is dig around for a TL of Hana no Miyako because the idea of a female shiki (on top of the 7 other shikis+dino shiki) is really interesting to me for no specific reason.

Before anyone asks, i will not play FGO because I am broke