Gl to both teams.
Man, what a ride it has been. Last year's RCB was one of the best team environments that I've ever been a part of, so losing in g3 of finals tb was a really bitter pill to swallow. Fast forward to a year later, and I wasnt sure whether I'd even be a part of HPL given irl commitments not allowing me to pour as much time I'd like into my team as a manager / r1 pick - but couldnt help myself towards the end of signups seeing that piyush had a early round pick.
The draft :
Throughout our discussions for the draft plan, both piyush and I had the mutual agreement that in case I got picked up by sundaes or yippie, I'd just go along with whatever draft they had in mind and not mention anything of what we've discussed. After having the foreigner limit being cut down to 3 this year, we wanted to prioritize getting good Hindi slots earlier in the auction, because of the compartively wider availability of good foreign slots. Some of our og's like Elfuseon and stravench didnt want to signup this year and mentioned that they'd rather just support the team, so that was another factor that we took into account while making our picks.
Post draft, and I felt that we learned from our mistakes last year and ticked off all the right boxes. We had the perfect mix of strong players, team chemistry and building support. Piyush and the others can probably recall the number of times I said "we are winning" all throughout the tour, even when times were tough. Some may call it cocky confidence, but deep down I always knew that this was a winning team.
Feels pretty fucking good to win and have your conviction validated.
Shoutouts :
Elfuseon : One of our day 1's, been with us throughout this journey. I know how bad you felt after last year, so this win goes out to you too. Having you for LC support made our job easy, and it showed when it mattered the most. We also ended up becoming better friends over the course of this tour, and I hope it stays that way. Congrats on finally getting into SCL, and keep rocking as you always do.
stravench : Another one of our franchise mainstays, was sad that you werent signing up this time, but glad to have teamed with you again in some capacity. Its pretty cool that you hold last year's HPL that close to your heart, because Im sure everyone on the team feels the same way. Thanks for being the second pair of eyes for Litt this year, and for doing the grunt work of grabbing scouts / giving input all throughout. Good luck for 1v1wc, looking forward to teaming with you again :)
pichus : Didi we've been friends for a couple of years now, and Im pretty happy to team and win this tour with you. We knew we wanted to get a good ubers pick up front, and placed heavy importance on being able to gel well with the rest of the team. You were quite awesome to have, I will say the cliche "you are better than what your record suggests", but I believe its true, you put in the prep every week and your L's were decided by 1 or 2 bad turns. You also turned up when it mattered the most. Sorry for having you to bear the RCB R2 curse, and thanks for clutching big time. for pichus.
Groza : Again a good friend that ive been wanting to team with for quite some time, glad that you revived and we finally got to do it in this fashion. Your ingame skills are something both me and piyush rate quite highly, and you def have what it takes to make it big if you keep at it. Letting nerves get to you in finals is understandable, make sure you learn from these experiences and remember that we're playing this game for fun. Hope you kill it both in tours and irl
Raj 00 :
Piyu said it best
I know how bad last year's loss stung for a lot of us, particularly for you, so crossing the line with you feels p damn good. Enjoy the dubskis my friend, I understand that we threw you into unfamilar territory when you werent well versed with SV, sorry for that lol, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat ;)
Heres to many more!
clean : From pre-game pep talks, to team support, youve been my right hand man for quite some time now, so you were a priority pick pre-draft, and it ended up paying off big time. You were ol' reliable in multiple slots prep wise, great for the team enviornment at gassing everyone up and smoked your own slot in must win weeks. Id like to believe that your crazy win vs clem set the tone for the rest of the playoffs haha. You know how much I treasure you as a friend, gl in SCL and everywhere else broski
LittEleven : I swear im not saying the same shit on purpose, but wow its awesome to team with an old friend finally. I remember wishing you for the future when u quit in early 2021 and was happy when I saw your name again this year in pl. The hindi 1v1 pool was one of the better ones, given there were atleast 8 people good enough to be starters, but we both knew that we wanted you from the start. Ended up waiting on you till round 7 because all the other managers got their 1v1'rs in rounds 4/5 - but you were still an integral part of our draft plan. And man, you really ended up smoking everyone. Made our life easy going into every week having an autowin slot :) Keep staying goated, good luck with everything !!
Mimikyu Stardust : Oh how far we come from wanting to bring stunfisk to a wcop game (it would have won though I agree). Piyush and I wanted to get a OU starter with one of our foreign slots, and you took upon that role superbly. I dont know how you confidently load offense week after week, the mental strength you need to just count on yourself like that is insane. Its absolutely criminal that you didnt get into SCL, but keep at it goat, youre super duper cool and have what it takes, im sure of it
devin : When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. I dont think theres anything better to describe you this season, from reading my pm 15 mins before signup deadline, to mickeying around and casually getting dubs, to closing out endgames in the playoffs. You were a great team presence all throughout, and a big part of why we won. Glad we had this mini PT core in our team as well. Your signup was still one of the funniest things ive seen. Gws and lets win more in the future bro
avarice : Piyush pushed for you; we've had our scuffles in the past but im glad we got you because it ended up working out super well. You played your games well, unfort that there was quite some rng involved in a few of them. Your support for our other slots was not unnoticed, I didnt do justice to your uu prep help but am super thankful for it ( I should have done better for finals I agree). Theres a reason why you win a lot of these subforum tours, and its evident after teaming with you this time. Lets play again in the future :)
Cat food and : The GodSlayer. Similar to what I said about Raj, glad we won this time after the heartbreak last year. Didnt require your services too much time around luckily, but your funny moments are unparalleled to anything else. Your shoutout message in PI was very very sweet.
Dearest Deerling : I know that it was intimidating to team with so many other people, most of which were loud personalities, for your very first team tour. Thank you for pitching in wherever you could, enjoy this victory and continue to grow as a player
myjava : Mr HPL himself. Thanks for joining us week 6 and for helping us with OU teamchoices throughout playoffs. Ended up working out very well.
silver grace : Thanks for joining us in finals, by the end of the tour it was hard to believe that you werent part of our team from the start. You ended up helping quite a bit in refining our mono team, and it ended up fetching a favourable mu so thanks for that. I mean it when I say that youre improving rapidly, so keep at it buddy !!
Yippie Ashbala : Thanks for joining in playoffs and for all the support you offered. Sorry in particular to yippie if the trolling felt excessive at times, but it was all in good faith. You both have improved a lot after taking up the managerial role, give me autographs asap so I have bragging rights in the future when you become stars, both irl and in mons.
Special thanks to Icemaster Farce Of The Death tier Frozoid byulharang entrocefalo for helping out in the finals. for pichus.
Hikaru Maxwell You were the spiritual Rajat Patidar this season, with those killer ichigo drawings. Would have definitely been on the team if we had another pick, youre a great presence that I'd love to team with in the future
TDR and all the raptors : Few will realise how close we are, and what it meant to face each other in the finals. I personally grew close to yall throughout the tour, and it was awesome battling it out at the end. It was important to our catharsis as RCB to have beaten SRH in the finals, but you guys really put up a tough fight, wew. s/o to TDR for becoming a bestie and fuck you RaJ.Shoot for being the RCB Slayer and owning me like that (much love).
Piyush25 few words can describe the bond we share. Along with raj, youre my best friend on this site, and finally, FINALLY winning a tour with you feels so damn good. Its really tough to articulate it, but im pretty sure you know. youre the best
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im sorry if some of this feels over the top, but I really did pour a lot of my heart into this franchise over the last 2 years, and im glad that this was my first win as manager. ESCN, now and forever