This makes me better then everyone who has.
If this thread gets locked or I get infracted that means whoever did the deed bought a pokemon DLC and is therefore a dirty, sick, Nintendo shill who should not be trusted.
If you've bought a Pokemon DLC ever in your life please do not post in this thread.
If you HAVEN'T bought Pokemon DLC ever in your life please tell me what you spent that money on!
Personally I spent on drinks at the bars because those experiences will forever be better then any pokemon DLC.
If this thread gets locked or I get infracted that means whoever did the deed bought a pokemon DLC and is therefore a dirty, sick, Nintendo shill who should not be trusted.
If you've bought a Pokemon DLC ever in your life please do not post in this thread.
If you HAVEN'T bought Pokemon DLC ever in your life please tell me what you spent that money on!
Personally I spent on drinks at the bars because those experiences will forever be better then any pokemon DLC.