OU Iron Defense Corviknight [DONE]


formerly Suckingmoreducks
name: Iron Defense
move 1: Iron Defense
move 2: Body Press
move 3: Roost
move 4: Defog
item: Leftovers / Shed Shell
ability: Pressure
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Set Description

Iron Defense Corviknight is a stalwart physical wall that often shows up on stall teams requiring a dedicated check to physical attackers such as Kartana, Melmetal, and Rillaboom while also removing entry hazards effectively with the combination of Defog and Pressure. Maximum investment in physical bulk is preferred to let Corviknight handle the threats it is supposed to check and will allow it in some sparse scenarios to sweep with boosted Body Press. The choice between Leftovers and Shed Shell will come down to how pressured Corviknight will be to getting trapped by Magnezone. If Corviknight is the team's primary Defogger and check to the aforementioned physical attackers, it should often run Shed Shell.

Team Options
Iron Defense Corviknight is a good physical wall, but it still has to be supported by teammates that can come in and check threats that Corviknight can't handle. Unaware walls like Quagsire and Clefable pair well with Corviknight, since they will check Pokemon that Corviknight can't reasonably handle like Swords Dance Garchomp with Fire Fang, Dragon Dance Dragapult, and Swords Dance Weavile. Corviknight also pairs well with Toxapex, since Toxapex can come in and check physical attackers like Choice Band Urshifu-R and Barraskewda, which otherwise have good odds to 2HKO Corviknight. Physical tanks such as Buzzwole also support Corviknight, as they check stallbreakers such as Bisharp and Choice Band Tyranitar that can threaten to break through Corviknight. Iron Defense Corviknight is also threatened by strong special attackers like Blacephalon, Dragapult, and Volcanion, so a good partner can be found in Blissey, which can effortlessly wall these attackers, allowing Corviknight to keep up its walling capability. Corviknight has a propensity to let in Magma Storm Heatran that can threaten to trap and KO it, so specially defensive Ground-types like Hippowdon, Gastrodon, and Garchomp make good partners to it, as they can tank Heatran's attacks and force it out. These Ground-types also check Electric-types like Tapu Koko and Zapdos, which Corviknight is otherwise threatened by.

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My apologies for being late with this, here's the QC. Just tag me after implementation for another check so I can give the 1/2

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name: Iron Defense
move 1: Iron Defense
move 2: Body Press
move 3: Roost
move 4: Defog
item: Leftovers / Shed Shell
ability: Pressure
nature: Bold nature
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Set Description

Iron Defense Corviknight is a stalwart physical wall that often shows up on stall teams requiring a dedicated check to physical sweepers such as Kartana, Melmetal, and Swords Dance Rillaboom while having the ability to remove hazards well thanks to the combination of Defog and the ability Pressure (this can be shortened into how Pressure allows it to win the PP war against Stealth Rock setters that can't threaten it). Maximum investment in HP and Defense is preferred to maximize Corviknight's physical bulk into the threats it is supposed to check and will allow it in some sparse scenarios to sweep with boosted Body Press. The choice between Leftovers and Shed Shell will come down to how pressured Corviknight will be to getting trapped by Magnezone. If Corviknight is the teams' proprietary defogger and check to the aforementioned physical attackers, Corviknight should often run Shed Shell.

Team Options
Iron Defense Corviknight is a good physical wall but the walling capabilities it has still have to be remedied by teammates that can partition the burden in checking the litany of offensive threats in the SS metagame (slightly clunky, reword this to get your point across more clearly). Unaware walls like Quagsire and Clefable pair well with Corviknight since they will check things that Corviknight can't reasonably handle like Swords Dance Garchomp, Dragon Dance Dragapult, and Swords Dance Weavile. Corviknight also pairs well with Toxapex since Toxapex can come in and remove items with Knock Off making some wallbreakers like Choice Band Urshifu-Rapid Strike redundant (something like ineffective is probably more accurate here), allowing Corviknight to come in and wall them. ID Corviknight is also threatened by strong special attackers like Blacephalon, Dragapult, and Volcanion so a good partner can be found in Blissey who can effortlessly wall these attackers, allowing Corviknight to keep up its' walling capability. Corviknight has a propensity to let in Magma Storm Heatran who can threaten to trap and KO it, so specially defensive Ground types like Hippowdon, Gastrodon, and Garchomp make good partners to it as they can tank Heatran's attacks and force it out.

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name: Iron Defense
move 1: Iron Defense
move 2: Body Press
move 3: Roost
move 4: Defog
item: Leftovers / Shed Shell
ability: Pressure
nature: Bold nature
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Set Description

Iron Defense Corviknight is a stalwart physical wall that often shows up on stall teams requiring a dedicated check to physical sweepers (re-word this to physical attackers) such as Kartana, Melmetal, and Swords Dance Rillaboom (you check all variants of Rillaboom making it seem this Corv set only checks SD) while also removing hazards effectively with the combination of Defog and Pressure. Maximum investment in HP and Defense is preferred to maximize Corviknight's physical bulk into the threats it is supposed to check and will allow it in some sparse scenarios to sweep with boosted Body Press. The choice between Leftovers and Shed Shell will come down to how pressured Corviknight will be to getting trapped by Magnezone. If Corviknight is the teams' primary defogger and check to the aforementioned physical attackers Corviknight should often run Shed Shell.

Team Options
Iron Defense Corviknight is a good physical wall but the walling capabilities it has still have to be remedied by teammates that can come in and check what Corviknight can't handle. Unaware walls like Quagsire and Clefable pair well with Corviknight since they will check things that Corviknight can't reasonably handle like Swords Dance Garchomp with Fire Fang, Dragon Dance Dragapult, and Swords Dance Weavile. Corviknight also pairs well with Toxapex since Toxapex can come in and check physical attackers like Choice Band Urshifu-R and Barraskewda, who otherwise have good odds to 2HKO Corviknight. Physical sponges such as Buzzwole also support Corviknight as they check stallbreakers such as Bisharp and Choice Band Tyranitar who can threaten to break through Corviknight. ID Corviknight is also threatened by strong special attackers like Blacephalon, Dragapult, and Volcanion so a good partner can be found in Blissey, who can effortlessly wall these attackers allowing Corviknight to keep up its walling capability. Corviknight has a propensity to let in Magma Storm Heatran who can threaten to trap and KO it, so specially defensive Ground types like Hippowdon, Gastrodon, and Garchomp make good partners to it as they can tank Heatran's attacks and force it out. (mention that these first two grounds are also good check to common electric type, and corv checks offensive grasses for it)

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https://www.smogon.com/forums/members/cyberacc.185125/ (don't forget to add credits)
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QC 2/2

I want to briefly review this before sent too GP
GP Team done

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name: Iron Defense
move 1: Iron Defense
move 2: Body Press
move 3: Roost
move 4: Defog
item: Leftovers / Shed Shell
ability: Pressure
nature: Bold nature
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Set Description

Iron Defense Corviknight is a stalwart physical wall that often shows up on stall teams requiring a dedicated check to physical attackers such as Kartana, Melmetal, and Rillaboom while also removing entry hazards effectively with the combination of Defog and Pressure. Maximum investment in HP and Defense physical bulk is preferred to maximize Corviknight's physical bulk let Corviknight handle into (condensed down for brevity) the threats it is supposed to check and will allow it in some sparse scenarios to sweep with boosted Body Press. The choice between Leftovers and Shed Shell will come down to how pressured Corviknight will be to getting trapped by Magnezone. If Corviknight is the teams' team's primary defogger Defogger and check to the aforementioned physical attackers, (AC) Corviknight it should often run Shed Shell.

Team Options
Iron Defense Corviknight is a good physical wall, (AC) but the walling capabilities it has still have has (brevity) to be remedied supported by teammates that can come in and check what threats that Corviknight can't handle. Unaware walls like Quagsire and Clefable pair well with Corviknight, (AC) since (a comma should be placed before "as" and "since" if they are used similarly to "because") they will check things Pokemon that Corviknight can't reasonably handle like Swords Dance Garchomp with Fire Fang, Dragon Dance Dragapult, and Swords Dance Weavile. Corviknight also pairs well with Toxapex, (AC) since Toxapex can come in and check physical attackers like Choice Band Urshifu-R and Barraskewda, who which otherwise have good odds to 2HKO Corviknight. Physical sponges (change this to another word like "tanks" or "walls" because "sponge" is a bit vague in terms of role) such as Buzzwole also support Corviknight, (AC) as they check stallbreakers such as Bisharp and Choice Band Tyranitar who that can threaten to break through Corviknight. ID Iron Defense Corviknight is also threatened by strong special attackers like Blacephalon, Dragapult, and Volcanion, (AC) so a good partner can be found in Blissey, who which can effortlessly wall these attackers, (AC) allowing Corviknight to keep up its walling capability. Corviknight has a propensity to let in Magma Storm Heatran who that can threaten to trap and KO it, so specially defensive Ground-types (AH) like Hippowdon, Gastrodon, and Garchomp make good partners to it, (AC) as they can tank Heatran's attacks and force it out. These ground Ground-types also check Electric-types like Tapu Koko and Zapdos, (AC) which Corviknight is otherwise threatened by.

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