Tynamo Dynamos (6) v. Zigzagoon Platoon (2)
bleahey v. Corckscrew - this is a hope predict
Elfuseon v. Éric - unimpressed by both
Starsama v. Quinn - Starsamas looked good and Quinn has not so far
tazz v. Stecolomaxx -
SM: Voltix v.
Fc - highlight mu
ORAS: Thiago Nunes v.
Akaru Kokuyo - someones gotta take the tazz team curse
LpZ v. dawn to the dusk - LpZ good
Nails v. HSOWA - Nails is probably a locked bold in DPP LC for the rest of time
Tazz malds enough that I'm convinced the Tynamos will be more motivated than the Zigzagoons who look defeated
Skitty Committee (5) v. Swooping Rufflets (3)
SV1: ghost v.
kythr - Ghost is luckier and loads imo better teams while still being good, but Kythr is very hard to bold against and they've looked good
SV2: Mada v.
Laroxyl - Laroxyl is good, I kinda feel meh about both of their brings from what I remember though
JuanSG v. aleaniled - biased because they played well vs me and won, both seem to have had very solid tours so far though
Collette v. Mister
Magnus - Mister Magnus has support but Collette is very hard to beat if the metagame allows for any offensive play
Simbo v. Luigi - idk much, both have looked fine and both have solid support
ORAS: Nultiprise v.
gorex - Goatrex
LilyAC v. Envy1 - highlight mu, LilyAC is top tier in pretty much any LC oldgen I think
Nineveh v. Fantos - Diamond Pearl Platinum Little Cup Gaming
Skitty Committee good pretty much, Rufflets are too and so will compete
Gangsta Darumakas (6) v. Remoraiders (2)
daunt vs v. LeJames Chonk - both teams sv have looked mediocre but I think Darumakas might actually win games in it
Eniigma v. Wail Wailord - read above
babyboyblues v. reggg - read above
CMDoge v. MOHAMEDALL - CMDoge is favored
SM: Seraphz v.
trace - low key highlight mu, Trace is consistent though generally
gali v. Drifting - Drifting flop
BW: Hurtadoo v.
ninjadog - maybe the only good slot on the remoraiders rn
SEA v. Kipkluif - SEA good
Darumakas are unimpressive but its over for the Remoraiders unless a miracle happens