Tournament Lost Cave (Won by Shrug) - Closed

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is a Top Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnus
UPL Champion
dunno if im supposed to say anything but

won vs star
won vs tricking
won vs shrug
won vs cheek pouch
won vs kingmidas (-_-)
won vs user zf
won vs Rude Ralph
won vs tazz
won vs cheek pouch
won vs nineage
won vs dominatio
won vs kingler##
won vs fundies
won vs D4RR3N
won vs vubon
won vs tazzie, rufflet power
won vs brandonbeast999
won vs eternaal spirit
won vs YABO
won vs eternaal spirit (don't think it was 48 hours but w.e)
won vs fiend hound
won vs dundies
won vs slurmz
won vs majaspic22
won vs cheek pouch
won vs aconit
won vs confided
won vs kingmidas
won vs levi
won vs aconit
won vs confided

lost vs levi (-_-)
lost vs goao (rekt me)
lost vs dundies
lost vs some guy ninja whoever melon beat right after
lost vs levi hax again (-_-)
lost vs star
lost vs Rude Ralph (-_-)
lost vs confided
lost vs fatttyy, rufflet failed me.
lost vs alice kazumi (-_-)
lost vs fleggumfl
lost vs shrug
lost vs merritt (-_-)
lost vs dio_go
lost vs alice kazumi
lost vs slurmz, if only i could use 3 rufflets then maybe i'd have some success
lost vs kingmidas, my poor rufflet :(
lost vs vubon, why won't it hit it's gd attacks yknow?
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Madoka the reigning leader representing his dope ass cave. He's like the elite four player that you face last ! Peep me xreincarnationx


Hey, it's me!
is a Battle Simulator Admin Alumnusis a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
Just as a note, since this is an on-going event that you can start at any time, you don't have to post 'in'.

doomsday doink

v̶̱̅i̵̢̕l̶̦̈́ļ̵͗a̷̙̓g̸͈͝ę̵̎ ̵̱̌g̷̭͆û̷̦a̵̰͛ȓ̶̜d̸
is a Tutor Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
Reiterating what Quote said previously, posting "in" is unecessary

Please stop lol
I won vs melon

I didn't save the replay I hope he did lol
haxed out mambo
demolished by heysup
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is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past SPL Championis a Past SCL Champion
LCPL Champion
ive found lost cave:

"oh fk dude that t3 para rlly cost me the game" "yeah man i couldnt come back from the miss on the resisted unSTABed coverage move, fk mons"

it's this giant salt mine.

★madoka: what
★madoka: that
★madoka: 1/16 roll
★madoka: ok
★Fiend Hound: I'm sorry i didn't get to acro you
★Fiend Hound: so that roll mattered
★Fiend Hound: !
★madoka: me too
★madoka: it was literally
★madoka: 2 paras though
★madoka: that was hardly hax

top banter here boys and girls.

madoka: oh
madoka: sure
madoka: i'll probs lose since
madoka: im on a getting haxed tilt

got some preemptive salt here. left as is in lc chat until the strikeback:

%Fiend Hound:looks like that ended

also, salt mines are very warm, so no one needs to wear a scarf:

@mambo: double scarf
@mambo: lol
@mambo: "gg"
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