hey, sorry for the late reply. I should be free in a couple of hours, but we never agreed on any deal. Would you take my shiny Bold Mesprit for it? (same EVs, same ball, caught on my White 2). If not I can list you the tsv shinies I haveHello, your Pokémon have been transferred. Send me a message anytime you see me online and we can trade
June 7th 2016
#481 - Mesprit
ID: 36740 | OT: Vini
Ability: Levitate | Nature: Modest
IVs: 31 | 0 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Moves: Future Sight | Charm | Extrasensory | Copycat
Mesprit Level 65 UT | Non-Redis
Retail abuse (Black 2).
Capture project for locoghoul.